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  1. 01ACR/VIPER

    So this idiot got schooled today

    Your phone is not working?:dunno:..I`ll try again.:phone::2tu:
  2. 01ACR/VIPER

    So this idiot got schooled today

    Just wait until the person who ownes the viper finds out he stole the pic.:eater:
  3. 01ACR/VIPER

    Got my mats today

    Do they make them with the notch for the rear glass of the gts?
  4. 01ACR/VIPER

    Tinted Tails...

    And fronts
  5. 01ACR/VIPER

    Another "interesting" paint job: it's better than a dolphin or snake!

    This ones SWEEEEEEEET.:omg: Dodge : Viper : eBay Motors (item 260574774788 end time Mar-31-10 10:44:36 PDT)
  6. 01ACR/VIPER

    Almost new owner!

    Welcome to the club Robert.:headbang:
  7. 01ACR/VIPER

    Is this bad?

    The thing sticking out adjusts your pedals.:2tu:
  8. 01ACR/VIPER

    Yellow for the official color of VOI 11?

    I am not bias Robert but I think you are on to something spectacular here.:headbang::headbang:
  9. 01ACR/VIPER

    Viper from 1000 miles

    toyota pickmeups?...vroooommmmvrooommm
  10. 01ACR/VIPER

    Man Cave starts (pics)

    You have WAAAAAYYYY to much money.....Give me some.:dunno::D
  11. 01ACR/VIPER

    Viper Specialty $399 SCT tune review

    The SCT is TOTALLY customizable as well,with the software. I can`t make big words eether.:rolleyes:
  12. 01ACR/VIPER

    Cars and Cafe' - Orlando

    The last time I was there,I was in front of the litte gazzebo and there was a orange lp670 sv under it and a purple diablo and a few baby lambos behind me.
  13. 01ACR/VIPER

    Cars and Cafe' - Orlando

    No Lambos?
  14. 01ACR/VIPER

    New Member

    Welcome,nice color choice for sure.:2tu:
  15. 01ACR/VIPER

    VIPAIR™ Dyno Results on 99 RT 16 RWHP!!

    So,whats this VIPAIR thing everyone is talking about?:dunno::bdh::bdh::bdh:
  16. 01ACR/VIPER

    Cars and Cafe' - Orlando

    I was going to come but damn this nasty weather.:mad:
  17. 01ACR/VIPER

    Decision made!!

    I guess an 01 YELLOWACR is ok.:dunno::D
  18. 01ACR/VIPER

    The Grand Destruction of the Yellow Nation

    OMG..... Did we lose him?:lmao:
  19. 01ACR/VIPER

    What other "Toys" do you have?

  20. 01ACR/VIPER

    Help needed in gas cap disassembly

    I used polished stainless socket head bolts to reassemble mine.
  21. 01ACR/VIPER

    Pictures from the Toronto Auto Show

    Robert,you should have told them to bring in the yellow and black ACR.:dunno::D
  22. 01ACR/VIPER

    ACR arrives from Bernie/BJ Motors

    Very nice,Congrats to you.:2tu:
  23. 01ACR/VIPER

    Some nasty poster sent to me.

    I hate yellow.:lmao: