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  1. Heysie

    Vibration "changed" with new motor mounts

    When using the "94 RT/10 for road racing on the circuit, I had a lot of problems shifting from 4th to 5th gear. So Í installed the 3 Woodhouse motormounts. Last saterday I had a trackday, but somethimes I still had problems with shiftig to 5th gear. Thera are also more vibrations in the car...
  2. Heysie

    Post Up Pics of Your Custom Painted Gen1's and Gen2's

    Still waiting for the 18" OZ wheels.
  3. Heysie

    Even aliens like Vipers :)

    Haha, i've uploaded that. The subtitles are Dutch:D
  4. Heysie

    Post your pic of your Gen 1 Vipers

    They all look the same under their skin....:omg:
  5. Heysie

    Post your pic of your Gen 1 Vipers

    Not all the videos are still on youtube. Some are.
  6. Heysie

    Post your pic of your Gen 1 Vipers

    Over 10 years already.
  7. Heysie

    Post your pic of your Gen 1 Vipers

    My car changed some colors over the years. From factory. Added some stripes... And now in Plasti Dip white.
  8. Heysie

    Short review Heysteria Run 2011

    Will there be a Heysteria Run next year?
  9. Heysie

    Speedo in KM/H

    Yes, euro version have KM/H! See you om sunday...
  10. Heysie

    Old Dutch safety commercial (video).

    This is an old TV commercial from mid 90's.
  11. Heysie

    93 lowering springs

    4 springs.
  12. Heysie

    93 lowering springs

    I've got a set for sale. > Eibach verlagingsveren Viper RT/10 '92-'95 - Auto-onderdelen - Dodge onderdelen
  13. Heysie

    Washed the Viper! Photo's

    Ahhh, the Vriesendijk Viper finally sold:drive: Lowering is looking so much beter, w/o assaulting it's orginality. So lucky for you, I've got Eibach Gen1 lowering springs for sale.;) Can also help installing them.
  14. Heysie

    Next-Gen Dodge Viper could get Ferrari-derived V10

    It's Viper RT/10 and SRT-10. The V10 for a Viper is a boxer 6 for a Porsche 911.
  15. Heysie

    Viper and marriage

    Best of luck with your marriage. A friend of my is going to use my Viper as the car to go marriage. To bad for him that I don't take of the
  16. Heysie

    Gen1 takes first place at Time Attack.

    I've got Belanger headers and Roe's side exhaust ( 3" Borla mufflers and High flow cats). With teh hardtop on, I use earplugs.
  17. Heysie

    Gen1 takes first place at Time Attack.

    Last sunday I had my last Dutch Time Atack with the Viper. Because of the poor weather only 15 cars showed up in the Pro Street Class. Luckely there was a little sunshine in the finals and I went for my fastest lap. It was not my best time ever on this circuit (+ 1.8 seconds), but enough to win...
  18. Heysie

    Viper VS Nissian GTR at the Track.

    Nice vid. I also see a lot off progress in your driving style, compared to the Viper VS C6 Z06 at HPT video.
  19. Heysie

    The end of an era on the N'ring.

    Nürburgring GmbH bought the Ringtaxi part from Zakspeed. This is information from a Ring marshall.
  20. Heysie

    The end of an era on the N'ring.

    The Zakspeed Viper GTS will no longer be used as a taxi on the Nurburgring. The Viperjet will be replaced by an Aston Martin.:bonker: Luckely I can drive my own Viper there.
  21. Heysie

    Another random internet photo

    Someone on a Dutch board posted that image to pull my leg. I've responded with this one (it's his BMW in the picture).
  22. Heysie

    Pictures of Racing RT/10's?
  23. Heysie

    Need: Black 93-95 RT10, Stock Look,, PAID MOVIE ROLE

    Hmm, wouldn't Eddie had a red one with white stripers.;)
  24. Heysie

    ACR 7.22 at the Ring.

    It's not only the strong headwind, the long straight has a 6% slope.
  25. Heysie

    Were off the Top Gear track

    Which date will you be at the Ring?

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