Search results

  1. Heysie

    Side Exhaust

    I've got the Roe exhaust and it's LOUD, but I like it for short trips. For longer trips I use earplugs (you can hear your stereo better with the earplugs in).
  2. Heysie

    Viper holiday to Spain (pics)

    Thanks guys..(en jij ook Yves) The attention the car attracts in the south of Europe is way different than in Holland. Even motorcyclist wave you goodbye. At gas stations there will even be some traffic and when I was pulling through a McDrive, all the personnel was looking at the window. People...
  3. Heysie

    Viper holiday to Spain (pics)

    This year I went to my brother, who lives in Spain, with the Viper. I did rather go with my Supermoto (KTM 660 SMC), but my girlfriend was afraid of me driving as an idiot and falling in a canyon. Now I'm back and can say that it was a great trip. I had planned the route to Spain by mostly by...
  4. Heysie


    The Caterham Superlight R500 (streetcar) does 0-100 in 7.26 and 100-0 in 3.99. Total 11.25 seconds. This is 0.19 seconds faster than the McLaren F1 Streetcar.
  5. Heysie

    How important speed and power was to you when you bought a Viper?

    The car I wanted had to be quick, lots of power, great looks, exclusive, easy to maintain and open....
  6. Heysie

    Take the bolts for the jack and spare tire away?

    When I did bought the car, there wasn't a spare tire. So I took a dremmel and cut the bolts away.
  7. Heysie

    cracks in brake disk dangerous??

    Hi, I've notice some minor cracks in my front brake disk, they are about 0.5 inch long and running from inside to outside. Is this dangerous and must I replace the rotors? Thanks
  8. Heysie

    Why so much difference in S/C prices???

    my car is almost bone stock......and even I have sometimes troubles....
  9. Heysie

    Re: Barbera Dodge and Re: Clunk from rear of car

    @ Magicboy, Did it seem to you that the rattle did came from the back of your seats/ fuel tank??
  10. Heysie

    Dodge Viper RT/10 in Prowler Metallic Orange

    It's for sale in Germany
  11. Heysie

    Looking for a flat hardtop, (not double bubble), for my '94

    Re: Looking for a flat hardtop, (not double bubble), for my \'94 I've one. I don't know the manufacturer. But the windows are very noisy.
  12. Heysie

    Changing EBC green to yellow, must scuff rotors?

    Thanks, I've scuffed the rotors and going to bed in the pads now.
  13. Heysie

    Changing EBC green to yellow, must scuff rotors?

    I'm going for a track day next week and running now with EBC greens. So I want to change the fronts with EBC yellows. Do I need to scuff the rotors? Thanks
  14. Heysie

    HELP! Where can I get O-ring for powersteeringpump?reservoir

    Thanks. Maybe a weird question, but does somebody know the exact size of the O-ring (mine is to much deformed to measure) Thanks in advance.
  15. Heysie

    HELP! Where can I get O-ring for powersteeringpump?reservoir

    My powersteering pump is leaking fluid. I've found out that the seal between pump and reservoir is deformed. Here in The Netherlands I've to buy a complet new reservoir for the seal only! I've already asked Partsrack, but unfortunately..
  16. Heysie

    Are Vipers too big to drive in Europe.

    No,they are not to big. A vette in the Netherlands is a car witch is related to a pimp car (so are the most (big) American cars). The only problem here are the speed bumps for the Viper. Sometimes the max speed for those bumps is 2 MPH...
  17. Heysie

    Vipers on Ebay

    About 200,000 dollars. But don't forget we have to pay a lot of tax in Europe :mad:
  18. Heysie

    Ever Get The Feeling Your Being Watched

    When I bought mine, the previous owner had done it too.... Now I have a sticker on the facia with the exact color en dimensions as the original plate. Still forbidden in the Netherlands tough, but not pulled over till now.
  19. Heysie

    I'm curious about our over sea Viper owners.

    Re: I\'m curious about our over sea Viper owners. If it was some months ago it could have been me...
  20. Heysie

    I'm curious about our over sea Viper owners.

    Re: I\'m curious about our over sea Viper owners. Well, here in Holland are 6 million cars. I see every day 3 Porsches, in one month about 3 Ferrari's and maybe once a year a Lamborghini. (All driving in the street , not on shows). The past 9 years I've only seen 3 Vipers. So you can imagine...
  21. Heysie

    Help!!!! Viper won't start.

    Re: Help!!!! Viper won\'t start. Could also be your starter. Put your car in reverse, make contact with your keys, use your clutch with your right foot and push your car back with your left foot. Let the clutch comes up. After the car stops (because of the compression) try to start again. Hope...
  22. Heysie

    Rear calipers are ugly! What can you do?

    Anybody use these here, and how are they working?
  23. Heysie

    Oil Filters and Spark Plugs...

    Oh great, I live in the Netherlands and just paid 4.25 euro (is about $ 4.50) for the Champion plug each.... Everything for the Viper is here extremely expensive... But he there are only 30 Vipers here (and 10,000 Porsches), so that is what you pay for exclusivity.
  24. Heysie

    EBC Green Stopping power

    I don't know if the pads that were on my Viper were stock, but there was totally no pedal feel. Very hard pedal. If the brakes did lock, I could not feel the point of not locking the brakes (so it was locking and by decreasing the pedal pressure, there was to little stopping power). The pads...
  25. Heysie

    Clatter/rattle from fuel tank

    (sorry for the spelling I'm from the Netherlands) Hi, I drive a 94 RT/10, and when I drive on a road with a rough surface I hear a annoying clatter/rattle from the back off the car( behind the passenger seat). I've checked under the car and can't see if there's something loose. So it seems to...