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  1. A

    Here a Porsche, there a Porsche

    I am not a porsche fanboy , but let me tell you this , no car on the market today gives you the combination of the power , quality ,handling , style and comfort like the Porsche 911 TTS . And i recall reading an article that some german magazine slapped on a set of GT3 tires and the TTS was in...
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    Here a Porsche, there a Porsche

    I own a 2009 ACR and a 2014 Porsche 911 Turbo S , I love both as both are very capable and different ! but if i had to choose one car only - sorry it has to be the Porsche !
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    Got my carbon fiber TA style spoiler installed! PICS!!

    guys beware of this guy vipair , he is a c***k and will take your money .pls search first he took mine and lots of others on this forum
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    Car Cover for GEN IV ACR

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    Viper GTS vs 991 Turbo-S

    I love my 2014 TTS , i best car i ever owned IMHO.
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    CAlling Vipair...or Steve Prescott

    Well , you are very luck sir ! I was not that lucky and am out 1000 USD ! ;-((
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    NEW TA SPoiler for SRT10 Convertibles - In the making!

    Well , i was stolen by a dam crook thats for sure ! I hope you get your facts straight first !
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    NEW TA SPoiler for SRT10 Convertibles - In the making!

    Greg , Just a clarification , i did reply to Steve several times and he kept evading me . I replied with the wanted data for weeks but he didnt get back to me , i gave him the correct bank data and he transferred only 150$ not the full 1040 $ . Asking on bank swift code (which i dont know) on a...
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    Just an update after almost 6 months from when this ordeal started i am out 900 USD from my hard earned money I have no panels i even requested him to send me the ''so called'' damaged panels which he didnt Guys this guy is a scam and will take your money , some of us where lucky and...
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    NEW TA SPoiler for SRT10 Convertibles - In the making!

    I hope they are better quality than the terrible panels you sent me for my 2009 ACR and do not want to refund me the money for 5 months !
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    Steve , where is my refund ?????????
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    OK , lets see where how will this end . Sherif
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    I just sent you MY bank details again , its 20 Feb 14 .
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    Steve , I am not willing to start a pissing match on this , all i want it my hard earned money . (1040 USD)
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    Well , whatever , i am still waiting on the form to fill out for the refund . And as usual i didnt get it .
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    This guy is probably not going to pay me back my money , but i will cost ten times the money he stole from me by letting everyone know the truth about him and his shady business practices . guys beware . Not only does he make a crappy product but he steals your money afterwards !!
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    I had ordered in late October while visiting the USA (Houston,TX) some carbon panels for my 09 ACR and Steve promised it will be on time at my hotel before i leave ! of course the package didnt make it and after tons of emails and pms on the forum i got a package at my home in Cairo containing 2...
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    Steve , where is my refund ??

    Its been over 3 months !! :mad::mad::mad: ????
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    Limp mode after jumping the battery

    it will go away , but i would connect a tender to recharge
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    Twin Turbo kit for your Gen V

    Interested in a Gen 4 package too !

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