Search results

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    My Viper finally arrived.....

    put in 9 and check dip stick . i would recommend 15W-50 or 10W-60 oilfor your climate .I have 5W-40 in mine . Will try 10W-60 next fill .
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    My Viper finally arrived.....

    Yes much better with stripes .:2tu:
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    My Paxton Viper runs a 12.1 at 121 a mile high. What will a gen 4 run?

    I honestly dont know how you can handle these things with Twins , my stock (only corsa Catback) 09 ACR goes sideways at 4k + rpms in 1st and second gears on most surfaces !!
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    My Viper finally arrived.....

    congrats . nice car . I also bought mine from USA and shipped it to Cairo/Egypt and will probably ship it to duabi next month ( i have a house there also) . Anyway if you need any help with anything let me know . Sherif
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    WILDASP hows the car

    wow , nice . enjoy it in good health . i love these gen4 ACRs.
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    New interior for ACR

    Any more pics ?
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    Why did youbuy a Viper ??

    the power , the looks :)
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    New interior for ACR

    wow :omg: 14.5k :omg:
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    WTB: 09 ACR cover

    i got two from Jon b @ PartsRack , very good quality and they fit my 09 ACR fine , One even comes with an ACR logo . very nice . I recommend the black one .
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    Headlight Fogging Up

    happened once on my 09 ACR ....
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    Looking For A New Headlight Assembly

    Have you tried JonB or Mark @ Woodhouse ?
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    Any Great Deals on OEM '08 Tires????

    jonB ....his prices and service are good .
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    Ssg/acr With Drivers Stripe Or Dual Stripes

    leave it as it is . SSG with black center band .
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    Satin White TT SRT ?

    wow ! nice :2tu:
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    Satin White TT SRT ?

    wow ! nice :2tu:
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    Stability Control and my 2009 SRT crash

    Sorry for your new car , but thank God you're ok.
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    newbie.... bought 08 acr Need Ipod help

    me too , but mine is an 09
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    It Liiiiiives !!!! SSG/ACR At Caap 9/11/09

    Enjoy it in good health , very nice looking ACR :2tu:
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    What other "Toys" do you have?

    nice dog :2tu:
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    Need wheel ideas

    nice wheel
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    SRT10 Rear exit exhaust

    +1 :confused: