Search results

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    Vipers bought in USof A going to Canada

    It can be done. I've seen it.
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    Vipers bought in USof A going to Canada

    Whatever. If the thing completly blows up, it could be a big deal, but even if you have to shell out for a new engine, or trans,or w.h.y., you'll still be ahead. Bottom line is that these cars are dead reliable. Saving 25 to 30K on the purchase makes up for a heckufalot of trips to the stealership.
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    1997 B\W sold on Ebay- Good Price

    Bottom line: eBay is not the measuring stick. Period. You simply have NO WAY of comparing car-to-car. What looks "good" in the pics doesn't allways turn out so nice in person. That car has a poor history that a carfax will never reveal, either. I knew that car was of Canadian origin from the...
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    Any updates on 08 delivery?

    I thought it would be something worth waiting for. Maybe 600 hp isn't enough for some folk.:confused:
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    998 Question

    Do you, or are you planning on, putting your car on the track. If not, I would consider not bothering. I think the real issue is with stress cracking on the front frame horns when tracked with slicks. (I'll be corrected shortly, so stand by.)
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    Went look at a GTS today and would like input from owners...

    Doesn't sound all that unusual to me. Hood gaps are common. Get it up on a hoist to have a look at the frame,suspension etc. You can tell alot about how these cars are taken care of from a good look under them. The car shook and was loud, that's pretty normal, too. The '97s have a cam that's a...
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    Dodge dealer said 2500 more Viper thats it

    Maybe you should spend more time reading forums than working on the Viper!:rolleyes:
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    Dodge dealer said 2500 more Viper thats it

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling! But, just to be safe. Those who've ordered '08s should probably double up and get two.
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    Asps in Jasper

    Yes, it is still Viper time! If only just. We were out in it last night for dinner at a friends place. Perfect weather for it, no wind (no dust!) warm and clear. Returned home just after midnight, so no traffic to get in the way, either...Should have been out today, too, but I felt the need to...
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    Edmunds '08 Viper vs. Z06 Article

    Nice article. Straight talk, good numbers. Nice to see a mag on 'our side' for a change.
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    Where are the other 27 Sapphire ACRs?

    Uh, oh. Does this mean it's on and I didn't know?! lol! I guess that I should start thinking about planning it for next year. If there's any interest, that is...:D
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    Hope I can sleep tonight

    Congrats, Jim. So, do you have it at home, or had to leave it there? Not sure from your post. If you do have it at home, let me know if you're out and about on Sunday (weather looks OK), we'll meet up. I've got the in-laws here, but I'll make the time to see your new baby!
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    Changing ones own oil?

    "Hmmm...don't think they are wide enough? A bit wider and I can see these would be level and useful...thanx Dave! ~juli" 14" isn't wide enough?
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    Viper wins British GT Championship

    Thanks for posting, and good pics, Neil. It's good to see Vipers winning somewhere, anywhere!!
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    Underground Racing Crushes Street Tire Record

    So, that's a 6spd, not an auto? Heard it shift into 4th. Wonder if it's stock ratio in the rear then. Anyone know?
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    How much extra power by removing cats?

    Would be more detrimental to low end torque than hp, which you'll not notice in the seat of the pants. Probably gaining only a few hp on the top, but the difference in sound will make up for any precieved loss in power. -car runs cooler (at least in cabin temps/side sill temps) -sounds better...
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    seat repair ?

    Check your PMs.
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    Steering wheel/interior restore... need help from GA members

    Could someone PM me if/when this gets off the ground. I'd be interested in getting some stuff re-covered. Thanks.
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    spark plugs.....getting these things out?

    ...and perhaps most importantly, put some anti-sieze on the new plugs' threads.
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    Fuel Pressure Fix without buying whole module

    -self deleted- If I can't say anything nice...