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    bigger tires= less 1/4 timez?

    I would assume the reverse would be true?
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    what replaced my Viper

    Looks Great Enjoy the Ride!
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    Whoa...interesting near crash...

    It has been a while, however, I had a gentleman that had pulled up next to me while we were traveling southbound on Academy Rd. He must have drifted a bit from me because as we entered the intersection I heard the crash. Looking into my rear view mirror, it was obvious that he wasn't paying...
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    Hello from a Viper Newbie

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CarDude: Well, I told my wife that I would not drive the Viper like I drove the S2K up Loveland Pass . I was drafting (or tailgating) Paul at about 80 and all I can remember my wife saying was, "...your...
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    Locked out

    Hope you got it started up Jack. I forgot about the key hole in the glove box that Jerry mentioned. That should get you pulled into the garage. It was great chatting with you and your friend today. Take care of that ankle!
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    Hello from a Viper Newbie

    Welcome CarDude!, I believe we've met before on a drive I took with the s2000 club over Loveland past last year I still own a rarely driven Red 2001 S2k (for sale). Enjoy the ride!
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    Barrett Jackson Auction on now... Speed Vision

    I caught the end of the first day last night. Looks like a blast
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    Locked out, Batteries Dead (HELP)

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mopar4ever: If any of you guys are stupid enough to let your battery go dead with the keys IN the car (with the doors locked) your Dodge dealer can make a new key from your VIN #. Then you can go in through...
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    Key and key fob

    Hi grayman, I recently picked up the remote from my local Dodge dealer for approximately $55. I picked up the key on eBay for $20. (with the viper head logo, etc) Hope this helps!, -Don
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    Programming the remote fab?

    Thanks Vipermad & Marv S, I really didn't feel like spending time at the service center. I'll try it in the morning. Thanks! -Don
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    Programming the remote fab?

    I recently picked up another "fab" for my 2001 RT and was wondering if there was an simply way to program it? Is this something I need to take it into Dodge or can I do this on my own? Have a great week! -Don
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    Help me advise a friend on Gen I vs. Gen II

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Makara: I tell the more gullable people that it's for the ejector seat and yes, a few people believe me.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> rotf
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    Window sticker

    It looks really clean FLX! Definitely keep it
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    Email when a new reply

    I looked around to see if this was already done, so please excuse me if this is already possible. How hard would it be to enable a sort of subscription method to the thread so that if a user wanted to, he/she could select to receive an email when a topic that they have posted to is replied to...
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    Ticket for No Front Plate

    Although CO requires a front plate, I have never been ticketed or even questioned about the front plate. (knock on wood) I've had several conversations with chance encounters with the police and not once has anyone mentioned anything about the front plate
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    Low profile jacks - where?

    Sears recently added a low-profile jack for $219.99 to their catalog (3 3/4 in.). It is currently an order 'only' item and not in stores. ITEM# 9-50238 (2 1/2 Ton Low-Profile Jack) NOTE: did not list the item, but our local Sears does. I was told it could take up to 90 days to...