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  1. D

    Low Pressure Tire Light, What does it effect?

    I had a flat tire in my rear left. To clarify, when the chime goes off, it will lower the volume on your radio so that you hear the chime. You can turn it back up, but it will lower it every time you start the vehicle. Even after I had the tire replaced, it took a few miles before the car...
  2. D

    3" Corsa Track Exhaust for Gen III

    Re: 3 I never installed it, but I got to hear it on another Viper. It didn't have the deep rumble that I prefer as it has a much higher tone. Personal Preference :) My 95 has a Borla system and it simply shakes my house as I pull into the driveway. It isn't what I would consider overly...
  3. D

    06 Coupe or Noble M400??

    Noble looks ok. At first glance I thought it was a Ferrari. It sure is small though (and light)! TINY rear engine, but an affordable price.
  4. D

    3" Corsa Track Exhaust for Gen III

    3\" Corsa Track Exhaust for Gen III I originally bought this exhaust to be installed on my 06 Viper. Since then, I had the chance to hear it on another viper and changed my mind. The exhaust is still new in the box. I have posted the information in the classifieds...
  5. D

    3" Corsa Track Exhaust - Original post was deleted?

    Re: 3 Thanks for the reply Jay. I completely understand now why it was deleted and will post the Corsa Exhaust in the classified area. Kind Regards, -Don
  6. D

    Post about Corsa Track Exhaust

    To whom it may concern, I made a post about my Corsa Track Exhaust this morning and the post was deleted. I re-added it today, but did not understand why the first one was deleted. Let me know if I am breaking the rules somehow. Summary: I bought the Corsa Track Exhaust for my 06 Viper and...
  7. D

    3" Corsa Track Exhaust - Original post was deleted?

    3\" Corsa Track Exhaust - Original post was deleted? NOTE: I posted this morning and for some reason a mod deleted my post? Please let me know if this is breaking any rules as I am VCA member. MOD: If you need to delete this post for some reason, please PM me with the reason so I don't...
  8. D

    Random Cats

    Anyone tried the High-Flows from Roe Racing? I bought the Corsa Track 3", but haven't purchased cats yet. The ones for Roe Racing were $240-$260 if memory serves me correctly.
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    just ordered hurst shifter, how easy is it to intall?

    Not difficult, but may take you an hour if you take your time. It comes with directions that are "good enough".
  10. D

    Golf clubs?

    Haven't tried putting them in the trunk, but they fit fine in the passenger seat ;)
  11. D

    Corsa Exhaust

    I'm ordering the same exhaust. Question: It would appear the #14174 is the 3" and perhaps the #14176 is the 2.5"? Any recommendations on High Flow Cats to go with the 3" #14174. I wouldn't be replacing the headers yet.
  12. D

    multiple vipers

    One of each generation.
  13. D


    The service and professionalism you are going to receive from the three above mentioned dealers is well worth missing out on the small price savings you might receive elsewhere. Personally, I have nothing but great things to say about my experiences with John Gastman and Roanoke Dodge. Best...
  14. D

    700 HP Gen IV Viper?

    I wouldn't make blanket statements you'll "potentially" have to eat later ;) No idea what's to come, but I would expect changes in the future to the Viper platform if DC wishes to re-establish their "King of the Hill" status. You don't think they want to give it up that easy do you?
  15. D

    FE SRTC #185 LOWERED (REAL PICS; Dial-Up, grab a Snickers)...

    Looks great Austin! Lowering the Coupes sure does enhance the overall look. The stock ride height just doesn't look as appealing.
  16. D


    .... and you expect him to break it down somehow? Your generalization of income brackets being the determination of what vehicle a person drives is a pretty general statement.
  17. D

    someone purchase my '04 SRT Ram

    Re: someone purchase my \'04 SRT Ram Glad to hear you working your way back to a Viper again ;) Did you ever receive your printout of the dyno results?
  18. D

    How to do a Perfect launch on srt10???? any pro's out there?

    Re: How to do a Perfect launch on srt10???? any pro\'s out there? ~10-15' = 10 - 15 feet
  19. D

    why cant the vca website be as fast as my srt????

    I'd be happy to lend a helping hand or advice if it is desired. I would need to know requirements and current limitations. Feel free to PM me Vipermad. Owning a Data Center has it's perks.
  20. D

    FE Coupe - KZ Status for 5 weeks - When will it be Shipped?

    Sorry to hear it hasn't been delivered yet :( I wish you the best in tracking it down. Perhaps someone on the site can chime in to help you gather more information.
  21. D

    Joined the DARK side!

    Grats on the new car!
  22. D

    1st remote Fe viper

    If you don't mind shooting one my way Floorino4. I'll pm you address and contact information. Please shoot me back an email to let me know how much to cover on shipping as well :) You going to make one little girl really happy!
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    24" up the hood and all the front facia. It turns up the fenders. Did the whole side up to the bottom of the door (Not sure how well this will hold up with the heat though) and behind the rear reals.
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    My '06 just got here today, thanks Bill Pemberton!!

    Re: My \'06 just got here today, thanks Bill Pemberton!! Looks great, Grats!
  25. D

    Extended warranty

    As long as your power train is covered, the additional bumper to bumper is not worth the $$ IMHO. You have the expensive stuff covered :)

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