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  1. D

    OBD II Code Readers

    I've borrowed a "mac" one from the local car shop over the years. I wouldn't know the difference between this one and any others. Is there any difference between them?
  2. D

    1997 Blue/ White Heffner Supercharged GTS FOR SALE

    Please buy the 911tt. I'd hate to be put through reading a post like this again....
  3. D

    How to reset Check Engine Light??

    Get an ODB2 Scanner to reset. You can probably borrow one from an Autozone at no cost.
  4. D

    Status update on my SRT/10 coupe

    As far as I know, mine is still in "I" status. Take lots of pics for the rest of us when you get it!
  5. D

    HELP !! Problem with hood paint on 2000RT/10 ** 56K Warning **

    Get it re-painted by someone that knows how to paint.
  6. D

    Fat and Balding........

    I wave at many vette's on the road if I'm paying attention. The majority of them wave back or give a thumbs up.
  7. D

    Looking for some stock rotors

    Have 4 stock rotors off at 01 that had between 5-7k miles put on them before I put slotted/drilled on if anyone is interested. PM me.
  8. D

    Could it be true?....SRT Coupe vs C6 ZO6 performance test

    Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed... Go back to sleep
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    (Pictures) Colorado Viper owners: Dyno Day on 17-Sep-2005

    Sapphire blue although it looks black in the picture and thanks Gerald! (HRE 547's)
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    (Pictures) Colorado Viper owners: Dyno Day on 17-Sep-2005

    I beleive steamroller had copies of the dyno sheets mailed to him. I'm sure he'll be able to post them shortly.
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    (Pictures) Colorado Viper owners: Dyno Day on 17-Sep-2005

    I wasn't able to stay around for all the vehicles, but here are some of the pictures Steamroller took on my camera. Full size versions are under my gallery. I think there were 3 more cars in line to get dyno'd so someone else will probably post those pictures :smirk:
  12. D

    B&M or Hurst?

    Went with the Hurst, but have no experience with the other. To each his own, but I'm happy. Get whichever one you want as I don't believe there is a clear better choice here.
  13. D

    Yeah, well.... it grew on me..... Thanks Bill Pemberton at Woodhouse!

    Grats Gerald! Bill P. was very helpful in my search for a Gen III. Class Act!
  14. D

    FE GTS Web Site....Check out this link

    nm, it came up after a few minutes.
  15. D

    FE GTS Web Site....Check out this link

    Site doesn't appear to be up? Anyone else able to bring it up?
  16. D

    Colo. Viper Owners- Small Town Show Still Needs Viper Venom

    Bit too far north for me unfortunately.
  17. D


    BS, I've had both and am currently running the EBC Greens on my 01. The day I changed them I could feel that they had less stopping power. The lower brake dust is a plus, but I sure felt like I was stopping on a dime with the OEM's.
  18. D

    Colorado Viper owners: Dyno Day on 17-Sep-2005

    I can chip in on food or bring some as well. Trying to figure out how to fit a grill into the car might be tough though.
  19. D

    06 Coupe Blue & White or Blue and Silver?

    Who's going to leave the stock wheels on the car?
  20. D

    06 Coupe Blue & White or Blue and Silver?

    From the many calls I've made the above information is correct. The Blue/White are limited to 200. If I'm not mistaken, the First Edition Blue/White are the only cars that will have a bone "white" stripe. All other cars will be some other combination of a silver stripe, etc. It's all...
  21. D

    06 Coupe Blue & White or Blue and Silver?

    This kinda defeats the purpose. Got everything corrected. I received a new vin# from another Dodge Dealership for my Blue/White Coupe First Edition Group.
  22. D

    06 Coupe Blue & White or Blue and Silver?

    Tator explained to me that anyone that ordered a Blue and White one and didn't get the "draw" ends up with a Blue and Silver one. If anyone knows of a Blue and White one or one that they ordered and don't want now, send me a PM!
  23. D

    06 Coupe Blue & White or Blue and Silver?

    I left a message on Bill P.'s voice mail. I'm going to call Tator as well and see if I can get some feedback. It is frustrating when people say they can do something and can't deliver... Thanks for the quick feedback!

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