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    ccw track wheels and tires

    Anyone have pics with the 18" CCW's? Do the 18's use the same center pieces as the 17's, only with bigger outside pieces?
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    Self measuring 0-60 device

    There are several different products in the G-Tech lineup. Amazingly, very accurate. Quarter-mile times also accurate within a few tenths... The original G-Tech is a little harder to calibrate, and is only $30 now. The new ones do a lot more (like record lap's, etc.), and can be downloaded...
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    Just removed Cats, Check engine light now

    I would have never believed it either, but it happened to my car. I cleared the code with an OBDII scanner, and the problem never came back. Weird. I'm assuming you mean buy a scanner and clear the code? I'm not sure sims would do anything on a 96/97 GTS, as I thought the rear O2 sensors...
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    Interesting Cargo (Shelby GR-1) PICs

    Looks very similar to Aston Martin's...
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    ANNOUNCEMENT - New Carolinas Regional Officers

    Congrats Randy and Debbie! I still need to come over and grab my generator that we used at the last autox :) Hope it's not taking up too much room in your garage!
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    Autolifters 4 post lift, any good ? Hows the pricing ?

    No offense J Dell, but that lift shook quite a bit while we were working on it :) ! Oh, and as a sidenote to Camfab's post... don't ALL lifts require you to raise the car a little before you can unlock it?
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    Autolifters 4 post lift, any good ? Hows the pricing ?

    WOW!!!! That didn't happen when I demo'd the unit :( Sorry to hear it happened to you, but thanks for sharing that story. Do other lifts come with the "dead man" switch? What exactly is that? Something that stops the motor if it feels too much resistance or something? I still think the...
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    Autolifters 4 post lift, any good ? Hows the pricing ?

    I've seen several 4 post lifts in person (I was in the market for one), and none beat the autolifter in terms of rigidity. I like how the Autolifter uses a several-inch-long collar to secure itself to the four posts. The other lifts shake a little too much for me. Sure, they say you can bolt...
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    96 GTS Rear O2

    I've bought them for $1.50 at Muffler shops...
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    How important is ABS to you? Worth the extra $ for an 01-02?

    I said the same thing, until I got ABS. I've only had it kick in a couple of times, but that's enough for me :) ! Let's not forget the better brake bias you get with an ABS car (due to larger rear pistons), too.

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