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  1. 9

    '01 ACR Photos!

    :2tu: Awesome!!!
  2. 9

    What A Day For A Drive!

    It was a beautiful day for a drive. Had to take a short drive also before I spent a some time cleaning it!
  3. 9

    Gas Mileage

    :2tu: I agree 100%
  4. 9

    Can someone post pics of there autoform side exhaust

    What brand of exhaust tips are these?
  5. 9

    Gen II Exhaust

    Looking for a complete gen II exhaust from where it attaches to the manifolds back. Thanks, Craig
  6. 9

    1996 GTS Reduced to $30,000 11,880 Miles

    Exactly what I was thinking. Wish I had a spot for it in my garage.
  7. 9

    Looks like a good find.

    The hood emblems definitely look to low. I just looked in the manual for '93 and it shows the top of the emblem should be 8.2" from the bottom edge of the hood. I don't think but also don't know for sure if '92 had them lower.
  8. 9

    New door system for Gen V Viper.

    How do you open the door when the battery is dead?
  9. 9

    Mopar Nats 2010- Pictures & Videos!

    Actually this is Panther Pink. Plum Crazy is purple. Both are cool colors on a Challenger or Cuda, though. Thanks for all the pictures. I was there on Saturday but did not get to see everything in your pictures.
  10. 9

    Black cars, black cars look better in the shade

    That picture makes me want a black SRT10. But, I am not sure I would like the maintenance that comes with keeping a black car look that good.
  11. 9

    Gen1 straight pipe question

    I couldn't agree with this more. I had just a set of 5" diameter Magnaflow mufflers with no cats and Edelbrock Headers. The car was so loud that even when it was extremely nice out and I wanted to drive it, I wouldn't. Just because I could not take how loud the exhaust was. It was only this...
  12. 9

    Eldelbrook Headers for a 2000 GTS

    The Edelbrocks will work on a Gen I. The ones in that auction do not have the flex pipe section that would connect to the cats. Here is a link to summit showing all the pieces. Edelbrock 66062 - Edelbrock TES Tubular Exhaust System Headers - Overview -
  13. 9

    GTS meets SRT - new shoes for the GenII (PICS)

    Very Nice! :1up: Makes me want a GTS even more.
  14. 9

    Gen I Keyless Entry Module

    No it was not to expensive. Got it for $85 total. It does not come with new remotes. I beleieve in the manual it states that you can only program two. I kept looking on ebay, but was not able to come across one. I might dig into the old one and see if I can figure out what is wrong with it.
  15. 9

    Gen I Keyless Entry Module

    FInally just decided to get a new one from the local dodge dealer. Fixed the problem.
  16. 9

    9-11 Let's Roll Cruise

    When do you need to know by? I have been considering attending. Thanks.
  17. 9

    Gen I Keyless Entry Module

    I am looking for the keyless entry module for my '93. The part number is 4759220. I am hoping this is whats bad. I have a hard time either setting the alarm and when it does get set, its even harder to get it off. I got a new key fob, but that didn't work. Thanks, Craig
  18. 9

    finally- a viper powered super car

    They developed a "Special Engine" for the car by making a carbon fiber cover for around the intake. The intake and valve covers (minus the logo) looks strikingly similiar to a Vipers.
  19. 9

    FYI, I have Lots of items that I will be listing

    Let me know what that would cost shipped to 15144 then? I assume its from the cats back? Craig
  20. 9

    FYI, I have Lots of items that I will be listing

    How much for the exhaust? Thanks, Craig
  21. 9

    The Very First Viper?

    I sure am glad they didn't go over budget and have to build the Pacifica version with only a V8
  22. 9

    Jegs is a rip off

    I agree, Summit is much better the Jegs. Though there have been a few times I ordered from Jegs only because the price of the items were less then Summit even with the $9 handling fee. But my first choice is always Summit.
  23. 9

    Red GTS sighting in Byron, GA

    It seems there are a lot of those in Georgia. I am working at the Hatch Nuclear Plant between Vidalia and Baxley and every town I have been at around here seems to fit that description. I was hoping to see some Vipers while I was down here and the only one I have seen was yours I think. It was...

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