Search results

  1. 9

    Cost of hood liner?

    Not yet. I found this thread last week and ordered a hood pad. Picked it up today. So there must still be a few available.
  2. 9

    Gen-1 Guys- LOOK HERE!!!

    I am interested as well, but what about the rest of the gaskets needed to change the heads? I have never seen them available anywhere except for dodge. Is there any aftermarkert ones available?
  3. 9

    How to make Gen 1 sound better

    Which diameter Magnaflow mufflers did you use? I used the 4" outside diameter ones and its alittle loud. I am thinking of switching to either the 5" or 6" but have not decided yet. Thanks.
  4. 9

    Anyone got a Gen 1 head gasket set?

    Are the heads stock or is there any work done to them?
  5. 9

    Edelbrock Headers?

    I noticed in the pic you do not have any heat shields on them. Is there not alot of heat under hood and on the plug wires then? Though I never really could see how much heat the shields would contain and block from the wires anyway, as it has to just escape around them. Just wondered your...
  6. 9

    can mounting be a problem?

    Wow, that is outrageous. I stopped today to get four pilots mounted at a local tire shope and they wanted $160 for the four. The lady that runs the place I stopped at said they are 18" tires so they would have to use their special machine and if you buy something special you pay. I turned...
  7. 9

    Italian Vipers

    I spent 6 months in Italy around Venice, Trieste and Florence from June '05 to June '06. In that time I only saw two Vipers and that was when I went to a small town of Udine, northeast of Venice. There was a Dodge, Jeep and Chrysler dealer we stopped at. One was an '03 with 3000kM and the...
  8. 9

    Gen I springs

    No, its not to low for me. I like it how low the car is. But in PA the roads, speed bumps, driveways and entrances to places are not so forgiving on the sidepipes. As it sits now there is only about 2.5-3" from the ground to the lowest part on the side pipe. I have only hit the passenger side...
  9. 9

    Gen I springs

    Once I decide what I end up doing I will let you know.
  10. 9

    Gen I springs

    I am looking for a set of Gen I springs. The car has what I believe to be a set of Eibachs on a set of adjustable shocks. It's a little low and I want to try stock springs and play with the height. So if anyone can let me know if they have a set for sale for something reasonable. Thanks, Craig
  11. 9

    Where can I run amp wiring from the trunk?

    Great...thanks for the info. One other question. You also mentioned you were going to replace the stock amps. I have also thought about this but still have not determined how to mount them to the wall in the trunk where the factory ones are. Was curious if you already had an idea how you...
  12. 9

    Where can I run amp wiring from the trunk?

    I noticed in your pic you have the JL's in there. Are they the 6W0's? I looked at them but thought they were to deep. Can you let me know as I want to replace mine as well and they were my first choice. Thanks, Craig
  13. 9

    anyone have a stock gen 2 alpine head unit

    I assume you mean in addition to the factory amps? Thanks.
  14. 9

    anyone have a stock gen 2 alpine head unit

    Is the a direct plug in for a gen I with the tape deck? I would like to change mine out as well but would like to know if a harness would be needed too. Thanks, Craig
  15. 9

    Anyone have a Roe Racing side exhaust on their car?

    I am interested in this as well. I just bought a '93 and am interested in an aftermarket exhaust as well. But I am afraid of it being to loud. If you ever put that on or find someone in the Pittsburgh area I would like to hear it. Craig
  16. 9

    Pics of my '93 RT/10

    Re: Pics of my \'93 RT/10 Thanks for the information. I had been looking around and the cheapest I had found was $90. Might have to get a set now.
  17. 9

    Pics of my '93 RT/10

    Re: Pics of my \'93 RT/10 Yeah, that was a very nice car. I was going to go out and look at it and then the salesman I was dealing with told me it was sold. Very clean looking. If you find out what is included in the Venom 500 package let me know. I would be interesting in doing some of...
  18. 9

    Pics of my '93 RT/10

    Re: Pics of my \'93 RT/10 Thanks. The '94 you have, is that the yellow one that Premier had with the Venom 500 package on it? It is tough driving with it lowered. I have been very careful so far and plan trying to all the time. I am just afraid of any roadkill!
  19. 9

    Pics of my '93 RT/10

    Pics of my \'93 RT/10 Just wanted to post some pics of my '93 that I picked up about 2 weeks ago. I do not know how to post pics in the message so there is a link below to a few. I love the car. Only mods are it has been lowered with Eibachs and a set of fully adjustable shocks and a short...
  20. 9

    FS: OEM 18" wheels+tires... $1200 (Philly pickup only)

    Re: FS: OEM 18 can you send me some pictures of them? [email protected]
  21. 9

    2002 ACR Coupe Raffle.....

    Ok, thanks guys. I figured I wouldnt be able to get a ticket. Oh well maybe next year.

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