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  1. B

    Photo shoot with K2M Photography

    The carbon edition Z06 looks good too..
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    GTS Viper built for Super Stock Drag Racing (NHRA)

    What was the trap speeds? Thanks,and a nice build..
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    Let's start the talking... where and what VOI 12!

    A VOI at Laguna Seca Race way, Monterey Peninsula would be great.. Where the 1.33 lap time record occured too..:D
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    "Calling Gen 4 ACR Owners" for a prevention precaution tip. SRT Engineers?

    Good thread, as I just bought a 2010 ACR. Thank you..
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    Of course I'm ready to buy insurance a week after Grundy is sold...

    I see some low cost, but what amount do you guys have for coverage on " bodily injury,property damage, or uninsured motorist bodily injury" etc??
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    New ACR

    Thank's buddy!:)
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    New ACR

    Thank's guys..:)
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    New ACR

    Thank you very much!
  9. B

    Did they ever post the ACR-X Ring video?

    Linky? Sucks browsing on the I-Phone..
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    Did they ever post the ACR-X Ring video?

    ?? Thank's....:D
  11. B

    New ACR

    Lol man. I like to drive them both..
  12. B

    New ACR

    Never used 5th gear in my modded GTS, or even in my EVO X at Laguna Seca. I have a Donato prepped T56 tranny in the GTS. It has the shorter ratio 5th and 6th gears too. The new ACR does shift a bit smoother,and a little more precise. It's hard to say though because I also really dig the Donato...
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    New ACR

    What joo talking about? I'm in Central Cali. That makes me neutral brah..:D
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    New ACR

    Yes 19s........
  15. B

    New ACR

    Thank's fellows. Here's a couple of pics of my B&W. She's defitnetly a keeper..
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    New ACR

    :rolaugh: Yeah the Z06 got the boot..
  17. B

    New ACR

    Just arrived the other day.:D It's a 2010, I think this color combo is 1 of 1? Anyhow can't wait to track it.. A few more shots after a good wash,and a quick shine..
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    Where's the video of the '10 Nurburgring run???

    Yeah where is that darn video..:rolleyes:
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    Vipers looking for revenge at The Ring Today!!!

    Man when is the video going to come out? :)
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    12 year old GTS-R still on the pace, photos!

    Awesome pics. The best Viper period...
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    viper in romania

    The hood gap is annoying..
  22. B

    Solid white ACRs

    Are the solid white ACRs still available? Thanks..
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    Changed CCW's to black

    Hey Simms It looks better now. Good move bro..
  24. B

    Gen V Viper in Viper magazine

    That's good to know. I also hope they don't incorporate that low profile (side windows) "gangster" chop look..