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  1. F

    Question - RT/10, GTS or ACR

    Lastly, anyone know a good Viper tech in the Phila Pa area? Thanks Viper Wizard AMERICAN MADE CARS & TRUCKS [No Imports!] TATOR'S DODGE 914-763-3136
  2. F

    No SRT at Baltimore autoshow

    Friday or Saturday is fine
  3. F

    No SRT at Baltimore autoshow

    I will go let me know what day. :2tu:
  4. F

    No SRT at Baltimore autoshow

    anybody know when the new york show is or has it already been there. -------------------- ___________________________________________________________ NEW YORKS DATES AND SITE
  5. F

    No SRT at Baltimore autoshow I DO AGREE
  6. F


    another vote for the srt :D SRT10 :2tu:
  7. F

    What is this? pics...

    Ejector seat this was a option correct along with the drain tube in headlight for passanger pee hehehehehe
  8. F

    photoshop help

    Could someone take a red srt and photshop in the wheels off the new coupe thanks in advance :2tu:
  9. F

    Viper SRT-10 Stripes -- Please Help

    i do not know how to take pic and move it (copy&paste) What wheels are they on the srt/10(black&silver)
  10. F

    motortrend auto show

    It is ify????????? to be very honest dodge sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never been so disapointed before. Dodge had no vipers what so ever no srt or pick-ups had no concepts nothing???????? Easier to tell you neon ,3 pick ups (no power wagon) 3 magnums minivans...
  11. F

    motortrend auto show

    only one viper :2tu: What a car :2tu:
  12. F

    I know, I know, it's not on topic, but....

    Re: I know, I know, it\'s not on topic, but.... DON'T BUY PEPSI IN THE NEW CAN! :2tu:
  13. F

    motortrend auto show

    Baltimore Md Motortrend Auto Show feb10-feb13 anyone going??
  14. F

    My Car's for Sale =(

    Re: My Car\'s for Sale =( Gene you have pm
  15. F

    I think this is an awesome deal...

    hey guys don't be so sad!!!!!! It will be up on cars direct in a week for alot less......
  16. F


    GO THRU THE WEB SITE THERE ARE TONS OF THEM CARS DIRECT has changed there name to scams direct 8.3L v12...
  17. F

    funny OR...
  18. F

    funny i think the guy misspelled his name
  19. F


    meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep...
  20. F

    I TOLD you I was going to get one!

    Congratulations! :2tu: NOW go out and clean your car!!!!!!!!! :mad: then post some pics and send tony a pic for your avatar then change your title.... :mad: or :eek: Go drive it some more...... :2tu: :D :headbang: ;)
  21. F

    What's with the Dirty Looks?

    Re: What\'s with the Dirty Looks? I like it when they point and say why didn't you get one of those.Or they stop him in mid sentence and point at it. Or the best one is when you park it some where and the women coments about it to the husband and he responds i thought you didn't like cars.
  22. F

    A good exhaust system for a 93 viper.

    If you do anything under the sills, you can might as well cut the system out completely. Replace it with 3" system, not much of a price difference and breathes better. I have 3" with no cats and Dynomax bullet's. Very loud... -------------------- 1993 RT/10 NX Express, 607HP, 768TQ 11.6 on...
  23. F

    My snake seems to be purging anti-freeze... (?)

    95 viper-sounds like you went thru this before. had a jeep do this once tried everything to stop it.When it would do it i just told everyone it was just marking its territory. :D Finally gave up i tried everything took it to garage said it was air bound :o i would follow 95 vipers advice...