I think if they used the car as collateral but no lein on title it is free and clear.And i don't think they can go after the buyer of new car.(if he traded in for another what we they do)What they could do is a judgement against him for the money difference.EX if he still owes 10,000 in debit...
The front shocks are adjustable and the rear springs were cut to lower it. I take it I'll need new springs to raise it? Any suggestions?
doesn't the cut springs bother you??
would this not make car handle very poorly.
I would start by replacing the springs by finding someones low milage...
I already tried that...no chance of that happening. I asked for an extra 4 feet by the pad for turnaround. The husband said yes - the wife said no.
Take the husband for a ride!!
Send his wife shopping !!
love the back up plan
run the wife over with the lawn mower and take the husband out...
A-make sure top is down or up completely :2tu:
B-Get directly behind center of deck lid ;)
C-sing out loud the wiggles song"chuga chuga big red car" :D
D-dance around and clap hands together while singing :o
are they talking about the rear defroster??
i thought that they only would get damaged when you took tint off or scratched and broke circut. :confused:
how does the car look with top up and windows up does it look like the rear is done since it so little?
See if this helps
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