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  1. H

    Richmond, VA Indoor Karting Event, Mar 21, 09

    What ideas do you have to determine the “Fastest Car Club?” For example, we could take the fastest five laps (or some other number of laps) from both clubs and the sum of the lowest times is the winner. Each race is eight minutes and a transponder tracks the time for every lap. Each person will...
  2. H

    Richmond, VA Indoor Karting Event, Mar 21, 09

    Indoor Karting Event at G-Force Kart Track Saturday, March 21, 2009 @ 11:30 A.M. The VA/MD VCA and the Corvette Club of Richmond will have a joint indoor kart event at G-Force Kart Track in Richmond. It’s located across the street from the Richmond International Raceway. Each...
  3. H

    Richmond, VA-Polar Bear Run, Jan 31, 09

    Lee, Here's mine. It's a Master Deluxe (trim level) two door sedan. It gets as much attention on the street as my Viper.
  4. H

    Richmond, VA-Polar Bear Run, Jan 31, 09

    John, No that's not mine, I believe that's a 30 Ford. Sorry you guys had ice and road salt. We've dodged the bullet on the nasty stuff in Richmond. Howard
  5. H

    Richmond, VA-Polar Bear Run, Jan 31, 09

    We had a great Polar Bear Run. There were about 40 cars and 80 participants. We cruised from Chester, VA to Ladysmith, VA. We stopped at the Virginia Bazaar in Ladysmith to shop and then cruised to the Flying J to eat. It was a bit to cold to put the top down so everyone had their tops up. Below...
  6. H

    Richmond, VA-Polar Bear Run, Jan 31, 09

    The weather looks good for the Polar Bear Run. However, it may be a bit too cold to make the run top down. Below is the weather forecast for Saturday: “Sunshine. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the upper 20s.” The meeting place for the run is the East Coast gas station, 13200 Kingston Ave...
  7. H

    Richmond, VA-Polar Bear Run, Jan 31, 09

    Chip, As of a few days ago there were 50 who had signed up so there should still be openings. It's normally closed at 100. Hope you can come. Howard
  8. H

    Richmond, VA-Polar Bear Run, Jan 31, 09

    Mike, I'll be driving the Viper with the top down if the weather is at least 50 degrees. It often fills up about 2 weeks before the event so it's best to sign up and let Fred know if you cannot make it.
  9. H

    Richmond, VA-Polar Bear Run, Jan 31, 09

    Mark your calendar for the “Polar Bear Run” on January 31, 2009. The run normally includes a cruise to see a couple of local car collections and it ends at a restaurant for lunch. Normally there are 100+ participants. The cars on the run include street rods, antiques, customs, muscle cars...
  10. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 20, 08

    Thanks to all who attended. We had a great event for the Children’s Miracle Network. They were still totaling the donations when I left so I don’t know the total amount that was donated. We had 17 Vipers with a total of 10,532 HP. The Corvette Club of Richmond had 48 Corvettes with a total of...
  11. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 20, 08

    Sorry but I don't have the dyno sheets from last year. Perhaps John has a copy.
  12. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 20, 08

    Tips for the judged portion of the Horsepower Challenge: You will get an extra 5 points for a fire extinguisher. You can earn extra points for a display to go along with your car (e.g., display board, model Viper, magazine articles, etc.). This is a rain or shine event and you will not be...
  13. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 20, 08

    Dan, Below is some additional information about the event. Location: Children's Hospital of Richmond, 2924 Brook Rd., Richmond, VA23220 Agenda: - Viper Club of America vs. Corvette Club of Richmond "Horsepower Challenge" to see which club can get the most horsepower to the event (bring...
  14. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 20, 08

    Mike, actually I was thinking about the blue one on the left (i.e., "King of the Hill"). All I need to do is get a twin turbo installed.
  15. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 20, 08

    Below are some photos of the tropies for the Horsepower Challenge. They range in height from 34 inches to 30 inches. The top trophy is the "King of the Hill" on the left. The other three tropies are for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Viper in the judged part of the event.
  16. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 20, 08

    Dan, I went to a local cruise-in Friday night and the Corvette Club of Richmond showed up in force. They have a good club with lots of activities and an interest in charity events. They must have had 50 Corvettes there. My Viper was all alone among the Corvettes. I was promoting the...
  17. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 20, 08

    We’re going to have a “Horsepower Challenge” again this year in Richmond, VA. The event will be part of the “Christmas in September” event at the Children’s Hospital, 2904 Brook Road, Richmond, VA on September 20, 2008. This is a charity event for the Children’s Miracle Network. Last year’s...
  18. H

    VA/MD Pig Roast & Barbecue

    Thank you Greg and Flora for hosting this event. This was a first class event! Matt and Mike, thanks for organizing the cruises to the event. JonB, thanks for the door prizes. You've got to make one of our events.
  19. H

    Virginia Cruise and Pig Roast, August 2nd

    I'm planning on attending. Howard
  20. H

    4th of July in Central VA

    Mike, I just found out that this event is for 1988 and older cars and they cannot make an exception for the Vipers. I will take my 39 Chevy instead of my Viper. Let me know if you'd like to ride with me to the event. You could leave your daily driver at the Hardee's in Hopewell.
  21. H

    4th of July in Central VA

    Mike, my other car club, Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruizers, is not going to have the cruise-in in Hopewell on July 4th because of the fireworks display that will be going on at Fort Lee. Instead we’re going to cruise down to the Yorktown Celebration. The Oldies But Goodies is a “Viper...
  22. H

    New Member in Central VA

    I've sent you a PM about getting together to cruise to the Hopewell cruise-in on May 23. Howard
  23. H

    New Member in Central VA

    Welcome to the VCA. I live off of Hull Street Road in Chesterfield County. I’m also in the Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruziers. We have a cruise-in every Friday in the Crossing Shopping Center in Hopewell. We go most Friday nights. We bring the Viper most Fridays but sometimes drive our 1939...
  24. H

    Petition to eliminate front tags in Virginia

    The VA/MD VCA is a member of the Car Club Council of Central Virginia. I talked with the president of the council last night and he said he’s working on legislation that would permit antique cars to have only one plate. He’s looking for a legislator to sponsor the bill. The goal is to open up...
  25. H

    Petition to eliminate front tags in Virginia

    Dan, I sent your question to the petition author and it came back undelivered. Howard

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