Search results

  1. H

    Richmond, VA “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” Sep. 10

    John, great! If we can get a few more we'll take home the trophy for sure. Thanks.
  2. H

    Richmond, VA “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” Sep. 10

    John, I believe Matt Jackson from Fredericksburg is planning to attend. Perhaps you can meet him as you come through Fredericksburg.
  3. H

    Richmond, VA “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” Sep. 10

    Below are some pictures from the Horsepower Challenge in September 2005 at the "Christmas in September" event at the Children's Hospital in Richmond, VA. Ron Hickey, President VA/MD VCA, is awarding the trophy to Charles Hawkins, President Corvette Club of VA for winning the Horsepower...
  4. H

    Richmond, VA “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” Sep. 10

    The event times have expanded a bit. You may arrive anytime between 12:00 and 1:30 PM. They have also pushed back the award ceremony to 4:00 PM. It’s going to be great if we can get 20 Vipers to the event. If you’ll look real close at the pictures in the link below you’ll see the lone...
  5. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    That's the same Food Lion. Wish you could have made it. We're doing a charity event for our veterans on September 10 at the Veterans Hospital in Richmond. See the thread on the board for more details on it. We’re doing a “Horsepower Challenge” with the Corvette Club of Virginia to see which...
  6. H

    Richmond, VA “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” Sep. 10

    Brian, we're going to allow a 15% drive train loss for those with a dyno slip. I talked with the president of the Corvette Club of VA the other day and I don't think he's going to bring his 1,000 HP Corvette after all. That one would be equal to three C5 Vets or two SRT-10's. I sure wish we...
  7. H

    Richmond, VA “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” Sep. 10

    Brian, hope you can get your check engine light issue resolved before September 10th. Do you have a dyno slip? If so, be sure to bring it. Every bit of horsepower will help. Last year we lost the Horsepower Challenge to the Corvette Club of Virginia by only half a Viper. They are a small...
  8. H

    Richmond, VA “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” Sep. 10

    Toiletries are not provided to our veterans while they are in the hospital by the Veterans Administration. The Corvette Club of Virginia found out that some of our veterans don’t have enough money to purchase toiletries. The Corvette Club has requested that everyone that participates make a...
  9. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    Here are some photos of the cruise: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
  10. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    I have not figured out how to post pictures. I've tried a few test post of pictures all to no avail. I've tried to post them on a different server and link to them. I cannot find a link to add them to my photo gallery on this server.
  11. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    We had a good cruise and lunch today. We had seven Vipers on the cruise and eight for the lunch. A special thanks goes to Wes Wolf for letting us see his collection of cars. Arguably the lowest valued one being his beautiful blue Ford GT with white stripes. It’s some collection when a Ford...
  12. H


    Mike, how much Damplifier Pro did it take to do both sides of the bulkhead?
  13. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    The weather in Richmond is going to be great. Hope you can come.
  14. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    Matt, Will you be able to get the Ford GT from your area to cruise with us on August 19? The one that came to your event was the first one I had seen on the road.
  15. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    Matt, we love to get our Viper out. Any excuse will do. I’m probably the only Viper owner who has used his Viper as a pickup truck. One day I used it to haul 70 pound retaining wall blocks. I needed a few more blocks to finish a wall that I was building. I couldn’t get very many in the...
  16. H

    Where should I start with trying to cool the cabin?

    I’m bone stock with 23K on the car and normally drive top down with the air conditioner off. I don’t find excess heat to be problem unless I’m stopped in traffic for a long time or it’s really hot and humid outside. Because of my big feet, I drive bare footed. The dead petal gets a bit warm...
  17. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    We did a dry run on the cruise route today. We’ve planned a 30 mile cruise that will take about 45 minutes. Most of it is 45 mph backroads with lots of 25 and 30 mph curves. The “snake road” section of the cruise is a 2 mile stretch of road that follows a creek bed. It has 15 mph curves...
  18. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    The Horsepower Challenge will be at the Veterans Hospital event on September 10. The challenge is between the Corvette Club of Virginia and the Viper Club of America. There will be LOTS of Corvettes (100+) at the event however only the horsepower from the ones that are in the Corvette Club of...
  19. H

    Fredericksburg Virginia Cruise and Car Show

    Matt, I'm planning on attending again this year. Is this a rain or shine event? Howard
  20. H

    Richmond, VA “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” Sep. 10

    Agenda for “Horsepower Challenge – Corvette vs. Viper,” September 10: 1. 1:30 PM meet at McGuire Veterans Hospital, 1201 Broad Rock, Blvd., Richmond, VA 2. 3:30 PM event ends and trophy awarded by losing club to the winning club Notes: 1. Rain or shine. Let’s not loose the trophy...
  21. H

    Richmond, VA cruise and lunch, August 19

    Agenda for lunch and cruise, August 19: 1. 11:30 AM meet at McDonalds at I-295 (exit 15b) and Rt. 10 West (13131 Kingston Ave. Chester, VA) (804) 530-3453 2. 11:45 AM complete radio check, hand out maps, safety briefing and depart McDonalds and cruise to Ledo’s Pizza at 7052 Courthouse...
  22. H

    Correct clutch fluid?

    DOT 4 it is. Thanks.
  23. H

    Correct clutch fluid?

    What is the correct fluid for the clutch master cylinder? The cap on the reservoir of my 2003 SRT-10 says to use only DOT 3, my owner manual doesn’t list the type of fluid and the service manual on pages 6-6 and 6-7 says to use only DOT 4 or you "will cause the system to malfunction."...
  24. H

    VA/MD Crab Feast Cruise – Saturday June 3rd – Neigboring Regions welcome!

    What is the address of the meeting places for the caravans and the departure times?
  25. H

    I enabled the daytime running lights

    I had mine turned on. My insurance company (i.e., USAA) gives a discount for having them on.