Yea your car would blow mine out of the water I really would like to eventually own one exactly like yours. Yes by my logic you would take my man hood if we were to race because you would pass me and dissapear haha your car is very nice.
top speed
It's not that I'm hooked on top speed i just like going really fast and watching people like corvette owners watch me dissapear. I was racing a guy who thought his ls1 corvette was godly so we took it to the highway and from. 20 mph roll I never saw him again I was gone but I was...
My vipers performance is perfect....yet when it gets around 160 it seems it stays around there and it seems like there is no more kick to get it to 190 mph top speed ... Anyone have any idea what I could do maybe a tune up just to keep it in good condition or is 160 top speed?? Just wondering...
Hi everyone, I just bought my first ever viper its a 2003 srt-10 convertible red with silver stripes will upload pictures eventually. My first question is any tips and advice on general mantience or uprgrades i should do to my viper to keep it running perfect forever and to keep it in mint...
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