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  1. R

    Post your forcast

    Seven (7) degrees here in Amherst, NH this morning.
  2. R

    Hey guys, I'm new saying hi and have an oil question...

    Our '94 RT/10 was purchased new and has always had Mobil 1 10w30. 51,000 miles and has never leaked a drop.
  3. R

    TatorToga May 15/16 - Event, Dinner & Hotel info!

    Sharon and I went last year and hade a great time. Lots of cool cars of all types at the show and in the museum.
  4. R

    1994 Hard Top

    After living with the canvas folding top and zipper windows that came with the car for about 6 years, We bought a Mopar top and sliding Mopar windows and had them permanently installed. The set up we have can't be easily removed. The pad above the "roll bar" had to be removed and sealer was...
  5. R

    anyone going to VOI 11?

    My wife and I will be driving our '94 RT10 from New Hampshire. 2380 miles one-way per Mapquest.
  6. R

    TatorToga May 16/17 - Event, Dinner & Hotel info!

    Sharon and I will be there. Just made hotel reservations. Will the snow be gone by then? Rod.
  7. R

    June 7th Wine Tasting and BBQ

    Jeff, Thanks for the info. Sharon and I will see you there. Add two more to the head count. Rod.
  8. R

    June 7th Wine Tasting and BBQ

    Sharon and I can't make the wine tasting and the BBQ is iffy. I have to be in North Hampton, NH at 3:30 pm. What time is the BBQ? We'd like to make it.
  9. R

    Who's going to the Spring opener

    Sharon and I hope to be there. The snow is almost gone from our house. Rod.
  10. R

    Gen 1 Original Owners ?

    I ordered a Viper in 1992 and took delivery of my '94 in December of 1993. It has been to Detriot (VOI1), Florida, St. Louis, Dallas, Nashville, and Indianapolis. It has 32,000 miles and the original head gaskets. People still ask me if it's new.
  11. R

    Common Courtesy!!!!

    It sounds to me as if he is being out bid for parts by one of our dealers who then turns around, marks the parts up and re-sells them for up to 300% what the dealer bought them for on e-bay. A case of enthusiast vs professional e-bay user.
  12. R

    Part #, $, etc. for center cap removal tool?

    My car came with the tool included in the vinyl pouch with the owners manual.
  13. R

    When was the first time you found out it wasn't a Viper,........

    Re: When was the first time you found out it wasn\'t a Viper,........ We've owned our '94 RT10 since new. Bought it at Contemporary Chrysler Plymouth Dodge in Milford, NH. They have been great. Only the Viper Tech, John Bissett, touches it. He installed air cond after the Orlando VOI and did...
  14. R

    Viper as a weight loss device

    Our '94 RT10 isn't that bad. It also runs at 190 as the temp. We used to get cooked while running down the road. After a trip from New Hampshire to Florida, we had air conditioning installed. Running with the air on and Mopar hardtop and Mopar accessory plexi windows has solved our problem...
  15. R

    How Many Gen-1 Original Head Gaskets??

    Our '94 has 25,000 miles, no problems. It has been inspected for signs of leaks each of the last three years at annual inspection and service by the Viper tech at Contemporary Dodge Chrysler (John Bisset).
  16. R

    Front License Plate

    New Hampshire requires a front plate. It is only enforced selectively. I have run a '57 Corvette without one since 1988 and never been stopped. I got a warning a couple of years ago on our '94 Viper.
  17. R

    Need feedback from guys with both Vipers and Corvettes!!

    '94 RT10 will scrape if not careful. '57 vette has plenty of room.
  18. R

    The VCA needs your feedback

    I was born into a Mopar family. I learned to drive in a 1961 Valiant. My grandfather owned a 1951 New Yorker powered by the first Hemi which I also got to drive as a kid. All my new car purchases have been Dodges starting 30 years ago with a 1970 cargo van that we still own. We also...
  19. R

    Currently Active Topics

    On the old board I used to always go first to the Currently Active Topics. At least that's what I think it was called. When you guys get all caught up and are wondering what to do to next, maybe you could see if it's possible to recreate that feature. Thanks in advance and hello to Don Boston.
  20. R

    Viper Owners going to Corvette 50th

    How many of you out there with dual citizenship (Viper Nation and Corvette Country) are going to the 50th Birthday party for the Corvette? As the owner of a Gen 1 Viper and a C1 Corvette ('57) who went to VOI7 at Opryland in Nashville, I thought it would be fun to compare the two events.
  21. R

    .....But will it take ABUSE?

    My '94 has been used as a touring car. Never really abused. Been on the track a few times, but driven pretty easily there too. With 23,000 miles covered it still has the original plugs, tires and brakes. Oil and filter changed every spring. That's been it.
  22. R

    More about VOI7

    If you'd been to one of the Viper Owners Invitationals you'd know the answers to your questions. Also, if you had ever organized an event for 10 people or more you'd know why you need a commitment and payment in advance. It's not as easy as just showing up and having a good time. The people...
  23. R

    E Mial virus

    I received the same email. Since I had just restored my computer after WINkglo 32 virus, I deleted the email.
  24. R

    Hardtop Storage

    Mopar makes one. I bought the hardtop and windows and got talked into the storage rack. I sold it last year. This has been on the board before. Last time someone was looking for the Mopar part number. I think John B. at Parts Rack or Chuck Tator, Viper Wizzard, can help you.
  25. R

    Holy (GW's), VOI 7 would be huge money!!!

    Re: Holy (GW\'s), VOI 7 would be huge money!!! Put the top on your car, drive it and have fun. Without shipping it's $2000 and worth every penny. We've driven to four invitationals. We've always had fun and seen things we will always remember.

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