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  1. P

    96 GTS inside door release stopped working

    Searched but didn't find any answers. Inside drivers door latch quit working today on my first spring drive. Outside latch works, locks work, Took door apart and tested the micro switch on the release handle and it seems to work, at least passing current. Backed it into the garage and parked...
  2. P

    Tire opinion

    Howling success!! Very noisy
  3. P

    Anyone selling or thinking about selling their Roe supercharger?

    Bill White, OH VCA secretary, just took his off. [email protected]
  4. P

    PICS - Vipers Invade Mopar Nationals

    The sun heats up the tires on one side so air pressure increases unevenly. So you cover them up to keep them air pressure equal on both sides. Come out and race and we'll teach you this stuff.
  5. P

    Mopar Nationals Viper Invasion Aug 13-15th

    Here is how I see the purse pay out. $500 Winner $250 RU $150 Low ET Overall $100 Low ET on OEM street tires
  6. P

    Mopar Nationals Viper Invasion Aug 13-15th

    Here is how I see the purse pay out for drag racing. $500 Winner $250 RU $150 Low ET Overall $100 Low ET on OEM street tires
  7. P

    Mopar Nationals Viper Invasion Aug 13-15th

    Love to see some 8 sec passes. Lee Saunders was there last year and ran in the 7s. Indexes are based on half second. We'll make an index for any performance level. You want an 8.50 index, that is what we'll handicap you at. You'll spot your competition the difference from your index to...
  8. P

    Mopar Nationals Viper Invasion Aug 13-15th

    We'll run the drag racing on an index format as in the past. Indexes will be 10.00, 10,50, 11.00, 11.50 , 12.00 etc. We'll have an index for any performance level. Full tree. We'll have special awards for overall low ET and fastest car on OEM street tires (make sure you verify with me that...
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    ET was with 3.55s on ET Streets
  10. P


    I broke an output shaft in the rear and had to put my 307s back in the car. The car feels like a neon compared to the 3.55s. Every gear is much more useable with 3.55s. As for it's not worth it for the seat of the pants feel? Isn't that why you buy a car like this? The more thrust the...
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    Pilot sport cups

    The Kumho XS are on back order in the 335 17 size everywhere I've checked.
  12. P

    Last weekend...Street legal/driven Gen 2 Twin Turbo 7.47 @ 199.46

    Good for Lee! one who actually races the car after making some HP.
  13. P

    Im looking for a B&W 96/97 GTS >>

    OK mine's $55K. Remember how the Cobra guys did it in the 80s?
  14. P

    Anyone selling a set of 17"CCW Classics?

    Sent you a PM. I have 2 fronts 17x12.
  15. P

    VCA Ohio Party March 13-14,2010

    Great guests, auction items and good people. I keep hearing nothing is scheduled close to home for the KY, IN members? Here it is, come on down Indy, Louisville. Fort Wayne, Toledo and join the party!!!
  16. P

    Auction Items - VCA Ohio Party March 13th

    Now lets get everyone signed up to attend. This gona be a great party!!!
  17. P

    Auction Items - VCA Ohio Party March 13th

    Good stuff!!! Come out and support the club in March. Weather could be good enough to drive to the event.
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    FANGS VCA Ohio Newsletter

    Looks Good!! Come to the March "Holiday Party"
  19. P

    Specmo speedo calibrator Question

    Thanks Jon, tech says that gives me the 0.0397 if I solder the link back up that you cut . You'd think you turn it off and it goes to Zero. They want me to cut the wires to get back to stock.
  20. P

    Specmo speedo calibrator Question

    I've got a 12 yr old Specmo RB 2120 in my GTS to calibrate the speedo for my 3.55 gears. I had to put the 3.07s back in while I refresh the 3.55 diff. Without removing the calibrator how do you get it to get the right speedo reading for the stock 3.07s? I called their tech line and they say...
  21. P

    Halfshaft straps and bolts

    Thanks for the Zone Event Support!! We'll send you some pics of the banners we made.
  22. P

    Halfshaft straps and bolts

    Thanks guys!!
  23. P

    What's involved in changing to a 3:33 gear?

    Specmo?? used to make a converter. I have one on my car but bought it 10 years ago. I think they are in MI and used to be on the vendors list. You need to have have the speedo right or the ECM thinks you are driving at a different speed which effects engine management.
  24. P

    Halfshaft straps and bolts

    Are there any sources for these on line? I need to replace everything on the halfshafts and driveshaft on my Gen 2. Dealer doesn't have the right stuff and wants a fortune!!:mad:

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