Search results

  1. A

    What Wheel Offsets work best?

    Alex they'll supply the proper offsets. They've done a TON of Vipers
  2. A

    Want 19 & 20 or All 20" Wheels

    I also have a friend with 19/19 CCW wheels with brand new Invos. Never even been on the car. Great price!
  3. A

    Want 19 & 20 or All 20" Wheels

    PM 98Intrigue. He has a nice set of black HREs
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    WTB--Gen 4 Wheels

    Email sent
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    Who's done Gen 3 Magnaflow cat back ?

    ALOT deeper, which will make it sound quieter. It's gonna drone, but an acceptable amount if you have factory cats.
  6. A

    NEW Gen IV Mopar Venom Controller For Sale

    SOLD! Thanks for all the interest
  7. A

    NEW Gen IV Mopar Venom Controller For Sale

    Bought to install in my own "new to me" Viper, and turns out it already has one installed! Never installed or programmed...a virgin controller if you will, ready to be VIN locked to your car. Part # P5155255AB Fits 2008-2010 Coupe or Convertible $850 obo
  8. A

    For Sale: Performance upgrades: Belangers Headers/Cats and MOPAR PCM, 2 piece rotors

    Re: For Sale: Performance upgrades: Belangers Headers/Cats and MOPAR PCM, 2 piece rot Please email me about rotors [email protected]
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    I'm interested in the lid for a custom project. Lemme know if its available.
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    Car just came back from AC Performance....

    Really, really nice man. Glad you got it all sorted for summer
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    Paxton GENIII Misfire????

    Do you have cats? If so, OEM or high flow?
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    Video of my car

    Looks great man. It came together nicely!
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    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    Antenna module and spanner wrench both sold. Anyone need a replacement shock in stock in case one blows out?
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    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    Marvin your license frames didn't go out yesterday so I'll include the spanner wrench for you
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    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    2 items didn't get sent out yesterday cause they ran out of the smaller box...lemme see if yours is one of them. If so, I'll throw it in with your other stuff. If not, I'll need a couple bucks for shipping
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    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    Forgot about this spanner wrench!
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    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    Thanks man. This forum has been good to me so I don't mind helping out. That antenna module for example...I remember distinctly that I paid $80 plus shipping from a vendor. But by the time I got it, I found out I had misdiagnosed the problem and didn't need it! Oh well...hope it helps someone...
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    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    $25 shipped will be fine.
  19. A

    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    I'm waiting a response from another member that PMed about both. If he passes, I'll send you a PM.
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    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    I've gotten everything sorted and my wife is sending items out today. Everyone was close enough that I'd think they'd have things by Friday, or Monday at the absolute latest. Thanks again!
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    Garage sale w/ Pictures now!

    They were actually made by our local VCA region a few years back...I put them on a shelf and completely forgot about them. Never even put them on my DD :(

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