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  1. ViperGTS

    So how do you do it, let one go?

    At least it was YOUR OWN decision to let the car go ... :smirk:
  2. ViperGTS

    LeMans 24 Hour Auto June 2011

    CU there :2tu: :D :drive:
  3. ViperGTS

    I cant stand waiting... When are they releasing Gen V pic?

  4. ViperGTS

    Cream-puff goes Pop

    Have fun rebuilding your b(.)(.)sted cream-puff - I will :drive: in the meantime :D
  5. ViperGTS

    The Wizard has left the building!

    enjoy the trip :beer:
  6. ViperGTS

    Another New PS2 ... Old Dot Post

    never mix different tires (new [old] thread and old one) on one axle.:drive:
  7. ViperGTS

    1,000 Horsepower Monster OMG WTF Happened ?

    good thread on the tires - they will show up soon as perfect tires! R.I.P. - side impact like this at the driver side breaks any neck :crazy2: After such a crash NOTHING around the suspension is good on that car, but :eater: quote: ...ALL THE SUSPENSION IS GOOD SHOCKS CONTROL ARMS RIMS TIRES...
  8. ViperGTS

    Cream-puff goes Pop

    The title is misleading. :rolleyes: It's not the cream-puff going "pop" - it's your "pushing the limits" that went down the gutter. The Viper engines are terrible reliable - under normal operation - plenty of +100.000 miles cars out there :drive:
  9. ViperGTS

    Does anyone know this Dealer

    watch out for the tires - check the date and dont believe that they have good thread (but are 10 years old only :rolleyes:)
  10. ViperGTS

    Driving in the Rain

    It will not melt down and it's not made from sugar - hope you have good (!) tires though :drive:reminds me of VOI-7: Dr.B.: "it's not a sissy car!"
  11. ViperGTS

    Who are the youngest people here to own a viper

    I felt like 101 when I bought my first GTS ten years ago...every other year of owning and driving the Viper(s) made me 10 years younger - so, I am 1 right now!
  12. ViperGTS

    Another New PS2 ... Old Dot Post

    >>>ne would have to assume they were stored correctly<<< That's the key - if you trust them - o.k. - I wont because 3 years is a very very long time and who knows where the tires have been stored for such a long time. Not at the high price of the tires!
  13. ViperGTS

    Check This Viper 2002 Rt Out

    I asked the seller about tires and they are the original ones and "perfect"...:crazy2:
  14. ViperGTS

    New PS2 but old DOT ?

    >>>This is similar to the way they stock the milk in the supermarket.<<< That's exactly what I was thinking reading the previous posts - just with Joghurt! :D It does not make sense to sell tires by random, but every excuse will be used if handy :lmao:
  15. ViperGTS

    New PS2 but old DOT ?

    >>> There is no hidden agenda to sneak older rubber out first.<<< :dunno: Tire vendors should sell the oldest (hopefully not too old) tires first - otherwise the oldest tires get even older in the warehouse...:lmao:
  16. ViperGTS

    Let's start the talking... where and what VOI 12!

    Like the FL idea ... remember? 1997 ...snake, rumble & roll ... :2tu:
  17. ViperGTS

    US GT Wittmer Wins Gilles Podiums!

    :2tu: :2tu: :2tu: not that I know of any other CEO racing "his own products" :drive:
  18. ViperGTS

    New PS2 but old DOT ?

    >>>That said, DOT CODES are not on most European Market tires.<<< not true :rolleyes: And, this is from another tire seller :rolleyes: >>>Quote: According to the RMA (Rubber Manufacturers Assoc.) a tires age will change the rubber hardness over time and that change is...
  19. ViperGTS

    New PS2 but old DOT ?

    I saw 5.5 year old "new" tires (run flats, by the way) on a SRT10 Viper - sold by the (s)dealership who crashed my RT/10 and telling everybody (when I recognized it and pointed it out to the owner of the Viper) that the tires have been stored well and are LIKE NEW...:crazy2: P.S.: tire dealers...
  20. ViperGTS

    Check This Viper 2002 Rt Out

    that car was also for 45k on e-bay and has very old (but perfect, according to the seller :rolleyes:) tires too Dodge : Viper - eBay (item 300522904841 end time Feb-26-11 07:15:49 PST)
  21. ViperGTS

    New PS2 but old DOT ?

    >>>Finally: If you truly profess to want to prolong your tire life, fill them with Nitrogen. Less oxidation from the inside. Other benefits, too.<<< That's a fairy tale - check how much nitrogen is in the "air" and you will understand that the little difference will not make any difference...
  22. ViperGTS

    Viper on "Ultimate Factories" Thursday, Feb. 17

    >>>the guy with the red shirt, glasses and black cap that got interviewed in front of the group of Vipers on day 3 of our roadtrip.<<< Steve(911) is famous now!
  23. ViperGTS

    Ride Difference between GTS and Roadster with Hard Top

    nothing better than a roadster at +150 mph....darling, did you say anything :dunno: uh, you lost your scarf :omg: must be the little wind :drive:
  24. ViperGTS

    Preview of next generation Viper

  25. ViperGTS

    Check This Viper 2002 Rt Out

    LOL - I am with plum - a shame that "people" screw the car!

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