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  1. ViperGTS

    Ride Difference between GTS and Roadster with Hard Top

    I used the hardtop on my RT/10 once. Bringing the car home. One thing to mention - the hardtop tends to produce some "noise" when driving. Rubbing on top of the sports bar. Annoying.
  2. ViperGTS

    Who has driven around in their boxers?

    Whenever I ride almost naked I prefer to wear at least high heels - feels more comfortable and pointing to the pedals is way easier too :drive:
  3. ViperGTS

    Who wears driving shoes?

    No. Not any more. I ordered a set of high heels for the upcoming driving season...:drive::D I've heard that driving is much easier when you can point to the pedals :rolaugh:
  4. ViperGTS

    Wrecked Viper website

    >>>good tread patterns!<<< does mean nothing. I've seen +10 year old tires on Vipers with perfect looking tread - but rock hard.
  5. ViperGTS

    Let's start the talking... where and what VOI 12!

    >>>Too many people without passports and gets too complicated for most of the members when you start getting into currency changes, cell roaming charges, etc<<< Sounds like traveling is a challenge to some people :rolleyes: :dunno: :lmao: Isn't the drive (journey) to and from a VOI half the...
  6. ViperGTS

    Wow, hood vent's

    I see a dolphin on the hood ... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I could cry.
  7. ViperGTS

    Let's start the talking... where and what VOI 12!

    19 months to go, or 570 days, or 13,680.00 hrs, or 820,800.00 minutes, or 49,248,000.00 seconds!
  8. ViperGTS

    Center console / drink holder

    When I bought my 02 FE GTS there was a cup holder (heavy) on the inside of the lid of the little compartment between the seats - that "part" had to go immediately! Useless weight :D and who needs a cupholder in a Viper :dunno: You asked...:cool:
  9. ViperGTS

    Wrecked Viper website

    I would say +50%...after watching and living the Viper experience for more than a decade...:crazy2:
  10. ViperGTS

    Viper on "Ultimate Factories" Thursday, Feb. 17

    please upload them mirrored - the vids get blocked ...
  11. ViperGTS

    Found some snakes in the country. (Cobra and a Viper) Pics

    nothing...nada...invisible pictures! cool!
  12. ViperGTS

    Burned a Bald spot on tires - Need Help!

    Do not mix different tires! All 4 corners need to be replaced, if the rear ones are several years old :drive:or not PS2's
  13. ViperGTS

    No longer a snake owner..

    As long as you don't have to steer abrupt (avoid an obstacle etc.) might get away with the limited grip at freezing temps.
  14. ViperGTS

    Winter start #%@&!!

    read and/or search the forum and you will - probably :confused: - learn that the battery needs a trickle charger ...:rolleyes: BTW, what is a 350 CLK Merc? Kind of a space ship? :lmao:from Mercury, I bet! :D
  15. ViperGTS

    No longer a snake owner..

    OLD TIRES(*) and an emergency situation (and/or too much steering or too much throttle or too much bracking ...) and the **** happens (again)! Glad you made it out of the wrack without injuries! :2tu: (*) I was discussing another Viper to buy the last few days from a reputable seller on here...
  16. ViperGTS

    Viper on "Ultimate Factories" Thursday, Feb. 17

    Please send me a p. message in case you have a "k"opy to ... :D
  17. ViperGTS

    Viper Art

    I 've some Jay Koka's - > Jay Koka Studio Automotive Fine Art Prints and Posters
  18. ViperGTS

    2006 Coupe Dead Battery help

    Mr. :newbie: ...not knowing where the battery is in your car = :rolleyes: ... not winterizing :dunno: ... and, not hooking up a battery tender for weeks :omg: :poke::deal:................result = dead (battery)! BY THE WAY...:needpics: and read some basic stuff about Vipers here -> :search:
  19. ViperGTS

    Recent Viper crash in Miami on Route 1

    >>>it is the driver's responsibility to maintain control of a vehicle at all times under all conditions.<<< That is the point. Wonder if we will ever learn what went wrong...and why neither the Viper driver nor the Prius driver tried to avoid the frontal collision? There should have been plenty...
  20. ViperGTS

    Recent Viper crash in Miami on Route 1

    I need high heels - just for testing :lmao: Where do I get them - size 10 :confused:
  21. ViperGTS

    Recent Viper crash in Miami on Route 1

    >>>IM NOT A LAWYER EITHER,BUT IS THERE A LAW STATEING YOUR NOT ALLOWDED TO WEAR HIGH HEELS IN A VIPER:confused: :dunno:<<< Yes, it is called common sense. Law of physics too. In an emergency situation a driver can easily slip out of flip-flops or cant press the pedals right with high heels...
  22. ViperGTS

    Hit by a dog!!!

    hood and side sill = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  23. ViperGTS

    Recent Viper crash in Miami on Route 1

    IF the Prius and the Viper went 40 mph only (!=?) the impact was like 80 mph against a "concrete wall". Go figure. Even seat belts cant help elderly people here ... ;)

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