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  1. C

    SRT retakes Laguna Seca record with 2014 SRT Viper TA!!!

    Way to go boys! Still think MT screwed it up the first time (GM also still sent a hot car) and Randy drove like a granny but whatever, the record rests again with the good guys. Still work to do as all they did was add the different rotors and add the areo CF stuff as well as sort the car...
  2. C

    Viper Soul Survivor Premieres on SPEED March 15

    Re: Viper Sole Survivor Premieres on SPEED March 15 Awesome vid and well worth the 60 mins.
  3. C

    Track testing for Motor Trend again. Kinda secret. All the new Vipers. Rock on.

    Funny how there are those that feel the future Z07 and ZR1 are going to be vastly superior to the outgoing generation. GEN V has a lot of growing and dialing in still to do to best the outgoing GEN IV ACR. Why would Chevy all of a sudden be so vastly different on their end? All these car...
  4. C

    Track testing for Motor Trend again. Kinda secret. All the new Vipers. Rock on.

    Pretty sad when Viper owners have to go to an LX forum to get answers to Viper questions from SRT. VCA future is starting to look questionable too, since still no word on previous Viper owners ability to re-join, etc.. (absolute last time I am even going to ask) For 3 of the 6 years I was with...
  5. C

    Shame on GM? For you Vette lovers!

    I am sure there is a bit of this going on wth every vehicle manufacturer company today, but all you Vette (GM) lovers on here lately, do you really want to support GM when they do this to the degree shown: Yes new Vette like all before...
  6. C

    Interior Design - Conception to Creation

    How much you wanna bet the first color pic in that thread ends up in the SRT Baracuda? It even looks like the old car interior but with a modern flare. Cool!
  7. C

    New member's/non-owner's/prospective buyer's take on the Gen V

    Point is GTS as spec'd and conceived is for those that want to daily drive their snake AND track it when they want. That is the point of the GTS as it is a true Grand Touring Sport (GTS). ACR, Track Day Special, Drag King Machine and all the other varients are going to be more single minded and...
  8. C

    Why I Hate Everything Gen V

    Enthusiast ONLY by definition of VCA. Haters are everywhere. Even VCA members hate on other GENs. Place use to be fun and mutual respectful but lately something has really changed and it is much more than just a new GEN. Not look good boys and girls. Lots if growing up to do.
  9. C

    Track testing for Motor Trend again. Kinda secret. All the new Vipers. Rock on.

    No, I knew that. What I meant to say is we should just be calling them trophys here rather than by the Italian pronunciation. And to say, most people here don't realize there is life outside of the US is a little smug. Then again the comment comes from Hollywood which is it's own world anyway.
  10. C

    Order cancelled

    Yep RIV needs to be cleaned out as well, change the name to RIP. Some of the stupidest new import law revisions I have ever seen in the past 12 months. All money grab and no common sense.
  11. C

    Track testing for Motor Trend again. Kinda secret. All the new Vipers. Rock on.

    Not a Pirelli fan but maybe these new tires should be renamed "Trophys" if they pull the GEN V through.
  12. C

    Order cancelled

    Most of the problem is "insert manufacturer here" Canada. Ford has found a way around this and would be nice if Chrysler would too, however it is those eastern Canadian Car Czar mofia types in government that make up these stupid rules in the name of getting money for nothing. There is a reason...
  13. C

    ACR in Motor Trend

    Headers on a newer Viper will not pass Emissions, nor will high flow cats. Neither will get the cats hot enough to really work and clean up exhaust. Unfortunately I found this out hard and expensive way. BTW new 2012 EPA regs changed whole game. Why do you think new Viper is still not...
  14. C

    Delivery Date?

    George; Do you finally have one on order? Thanks Rick
  15. C

    ACR in Motor Trend

    Here in Denver, the majority of car guys of all makes are true car guys too. At the C&C type of events, you get a lot of very high end car owners talking and admiring cars of all years, makes and models. Yes, if a Ferrari owner wants to buy a Ferrari, they buy it because it is a Ferrari. Same...
  16. C

    The HORROR of the 3rd rule.

    Maybe I am and maybe I am not. :rolleyes: Don't tell my wife or she may apply that logic on me. Ha! Ha!
  17. C

    The HORROR of the 3rd rule.

    Sounds like you need to set some rules yourself Bruce. Like if it has too many miles on it and doesn't let you do what you want anymore, you can trade it in for a newer model. (think about it) :D
  18. C

    ACR in Motor Trend

    I Been There; There was a GEN II ACR with the big was the 1998 (limited to 100) GT2. That car still sells well because of what it is and the limited factor, however the rear wing did not have the effect on the car's desireability as the GEN IV ACR wing does. Personally, I am not a...
  19. C

    Chevy ups the Ante.

    Viper at least pulled from historical designs (no longer used) and heavily on its own history. New Vette pulls from everything current on every other car in the market, other than the hood which from the top is slightly old Corvette Stingray looking. There is a big difference. This new Vette...
  20. C

    Chevy ups the Ante.

    Recent performance numbers (magazines) were quashed by a overly hot ZR1 that was track prepped. Don't be fooled by the Motor Trend BS and others. The ZR1 was not a run of the mill ZR1 Chevy sent so time to grow up fellows. End of story, period, finished on that. Now the other aspect is the...
  21. C

    VCA SRT Press Release

    Randall, I just checked in and will call you tomorrow. Thanks! I don't mean to be a pest on ths issue and we have two Bichon puppies at home already. Outside my insane work schedule, most of our good friends are in the VCA, especially the local CO chapter, hence our desire to still be a part of...
  22. C

    VCA SRT Press Release

    Sorry, but you can't "stay for the people" if in between Vipers or a previous owner without a current car. Membership is currently an elitist option. I am tired of asking about ability to support the club and members being a previous owner and member for past 6 years. Every thread I bring up...
  23. C

    2013 Toronto International Auto Show

    There is always 2014s. This 2013 run seems to be a cluster f@#$. Doesn't make sense to have die hards more than willing to shell out top coin for the totally loaded overpriced new Gen and get turned away. I just don't understand the logic here. I mean right now SRT is so cash flow negative...
  24. C

    Where is the update on ex-VCA Members potential ability to join?

    So I brought up the suggestion that the VCA consider option for ex-VCA members and ex-Viper owners to still join VCA. I started a thread to discuss, it was moved to members section and then I was denied ability to even see it as my membership ran out shortly afterwards. Provided a good bye as...
  25. C

    430 Dealers trained to Sell/Service '13 Viper

    I realize my comments in Colorado are negative but the experience cost me a lot of time and money on a new vehicle. Glad there is a highest technical level requirement. My point is I doubt a bunch of them here could pass an ethics and integrity test. If someone buys from one of these and they...

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