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  1. C

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Bob; I think you misread what I was driving at. From my understanding and again I have no inside info beyond the mass e-mails I have seen for this other club. My point is all the things you mention are big company, big club business which "yes" the VCA offers. How many of those things are...
  2. C

    Let's try to help SRT save/sell the GEN V.

    As stated prior, same vent location blew out on mule here in cross wind of Rockies on I-70 during High Altitude testing. I suspect it was the same issue. Could have been the same prototype hood for that fact. Either way not good publiciity. If it was screwed in metal screens from the underside...
  3. C

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Bob; Despite the "get paid" for every minute and then some mentality of your profession, this may be hard to understand. Every company in the world that has ever started up from scratch had to start from somewhere. That is usually out of vision, love, passion or principle to do so and not...
  4. C

    Awesome Watch!

    Other than it needs to show 206 mph and not 0 on the face. Looks nice otherwise.
  5. C

    This ought to sell a few more Vipers

    Doubt you will see a Z07 anywhere under $100k even before dealer adder mark-up. Ain't gonna happen!
  6. C

    Please, stop bashing the gen v

    You have to look at this in the right light. At least everyone seems to have stopped complaining about the front end and hoods. Ha! Ha! THAT was the big complaint upon launch and consumed the internet-waves for the longest time. The reality is each Viper is special in it's own way. The new GEN...
  7. C

    Viper production slowed by one third due to sluggish sales

    Sorry Paul, but your post could NOT be further off and given the events of everything going on here lately, you have very clear political intentions in your response. I can tell you when SRT came to Colorado for High altitude testing, they wanted to see the Viper owners an talk to them. For the...
  8. C

    Viper production slowed by one third due to sluggish sales

    Definitely not sticking up for Bob, BUT I can not hit return when posting response or thread text and have it allow me to make paragraphs. I have to type in Word or something else and copy and paste here if I want paragraphs on this website. Been that way for about a year and ONLY on this site...
  9. C

    Viper production slowed by one third due to sluggish sales

    It is pretty simple! Car is really a Dodge and no one is going to pay that kind of money ($125K to $160K) for a Dodge. What got me off the fence on the new 2006 Viper GEN III Coupe when I bought it in November of 2006 was I wanted a new one before they stopped production (no 2007 remember), but...
  10. C

    Its worth saving, help john help you

    Don't see this as any other website or groups fault outside of the club. All issues are internal and must be dealt with internally. All that other site did was provide a conduit for freedom of speech. Yes they like to stir it up and thus it fits their MOO. The VCA has not denied these...
  11. C

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    I wouldn't say my posts are progress of the club's reboot. If you go back to my very first posts on this all when it blew up for the VCA, I detailed exact what had to be done, step by step in a professional manner as I had intimate experience with something similar when I was part of the clean...
  12. C

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    ViperJohn; Absolutely you and the new BOD have a very unenviable job or turning the ship in the right direction. Any and all efforts to do so are very much appreciated. I wanted to pass along a few more comments to the responses: Unfortunately with a 60 hr week job (lately) and our new little...
  13. C

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    I believe the solution to move forth and regain trust from members is very, very simple. Members are willing to tolerate the time it takes to make the conveyed VCA changes to the bylaws, elections, forum de-censorship levels, etc. HOWEVER there are three (3) things that must happen immediately...
  14. C

    HPR track days in September

    Open track day coming up, correct?
  15. C

    Apology to Ralph Gilles

    In the interest of full disclosure, if there was another version of the apology letter sent to Ralph, it would be appropriate to let the members see it. Isn't keeping this stuff from the members how a lot of this got started?
  16. C

    No More Key in Drivers Door

    Or bend a wire hanger and slide in from hatch to pull the mechanical inside door handle.
  17. C

    The hits just keep coming! Porsche 918 lapped "The Ring" IN 6:57

  18. C

    MCVO Separates from National VCA

    English Bob, not Lawyer-ese. :) Can the VCA members hold a majority vote in regards to the leadership positions at the VCA in a crisis such as this? My take on the bylaw changes they rammed in a few years ago was this is no longer possible and thus the bylaw changes were very deliberate in...
  19. C

    Look for a 1996 RT/10 Factory Hard Top

    Yep, had to remove the sports pad to mount the factory GEN I top, just as others had recommended. Because the factory top sits so low, it is the only way to actually mount it on there. Was 4 bolts total plus unscrewing the two soft top clamp pegs and the pad came off in about 2 minutes tops. Not...
  20. C

    Looking for CARB-Approved GEN I Edelbrock Headers?

    Thanks Kand3G, got it and responded. Appreciate the help!
  21. C

    Looking for CARB-Approved GEN I Edelbrock Headers?

    Okay, have had great luck so far with VCA members helping me collect: 1. GEN II ACR BBS Rims with correct caps 2. GEN I Factory Hard Top in Black 3. GEN I Vipermania Hard Plexiglass Side Windows 4. GEN I Factory Leather Interior Cover 5. GEN I/II RT Factory Cockpit Cover 6. GEN I/II RT Factory...
  22. C

    Look for a 1996 RT/10 Factory Hard Top

    Okay so the update (finally); Thank you so much DTVTECH for the help with the awesome GEN I Factory Hard Top in black, none the less. I guess we answered the question of what top fits a 1996 RT/10 as it is definitely a GEN I top. It is in absolutely mint condition. Headliner is like brand...
  23. C

    Where does the VCA go from here (Positive Thread)!!!

    It would seem there has been a lot of discussion on the issues with the VCA the last week or so and what has taken place in the past. Enough said, I believe! The word; maybe not all of it has been expressed, but enough to invoke required significant change. With all that has transpired, in the...
  24. C

    Need Suggestions for New Radiator

    That is nice! Is that a Griffin?
  25. C

    Small mod

    Yep, lower gears is more torque down low and less on top end, which is why the tires tend to spin more down low in the lower gears with a lower gear change. 3.55 are great gears. Had them in my Gen III Coupe and will be adding them to my 96' RT over the winter. What the car should have come with...

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