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  1. C

    My vote for the next ACR

    Doubt they could leave the outlet in place...isn't that asking for a leg burn?
  2. C

    Let's try to help SRT save/sell the GEN V.

    Didn't say there was anything wrong with the degree programs, but the ratio of MBAs vs. Engineers was way off. Not going to comment on Beth, because I don't know enough to lay everything at her feet, but there's been a lot of mistakes in the Gen V launch in a lot of areas and not only marketing...
  3. C

    Gen 5 Carbon Fiber Accesories Status

    You Gen V guys have it easy... remember this?
  4. C

    VCA back to the same old routine

    If there was clarity and openness like this only a few months earlier I think the exodus would have been averted.
  5. C

    Old Men Seem to Own Vipers, Why???

    Lots of young guys grew up thinking American cars are junk (80s-90s)...also, there is a bunch of people who think a pushrod engine is old tech. Most of the guys who are older remember when import cars were rust buckets and underpowered, and have no problem looking at the Viper.
  6. C

    What can SRT engineers do to improve future Gen Vipers?

    It would be interesting (for SRT) to discover the average income of new Viper buyers throughout the years. This graph alone would be reason enough for the Viper to market towards the top 1 percent. However, combine that with this and you can see why you'd want to move the Viper upscale. Of...
  7. C

    Opinion needed - tint windshield yes or no?

    How many of these do I have to answer yes to to get a prize?
  8. C

    My vote for the next ACR

    Would love to see some active aero on the next ACR. Automatic track extension that can extend at speed but retract at low speeds and be street legal...rear wing that can adjust for braking, top speed runs and cornering optimizations. 3-way shocks from MCS (or KW). Tune the heck out of the...
  9. C

    VCA back to the same old routine

    Your prediction of people leaving will come true if you disenfranchise them. People who are have been screwed over for the slightest infraction or no infraction at all are *still* paid up members. Claiming that they are on their way out so they shouldn't have a voice is guaranteeing that they...
  10. C

    Viper production slowed by one third due to sluggish sales

    I think the Viper is in a strange spot right now, too expensive for the plebes and too cheap for wealthy. I get thumbs up from most people, and I went cruising with some other guys a couple of weeks ago. A viper was there earlier but he went home (ACR, identical to mine). Most of the other...
  11. C

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Good on yah Bob... I'm sorry if I posted stuff to get under your skin too. It wasn't my best moment.
  12. C

    Old Men Seem to Own Vipers, Why???

    None of the Viper peeps I hang out with are 50+... there's a good dozen of us at least. Everyone is early 30s to mid 40s. Maybe you should stop cruising the retirement villas... just kidding! :drive:
  13. C

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    Somehow you conflate other issues in which actions were taken to mitigate the circumstance (ie. banning of CFCs to prevent the reduction of ozone layer) to mean that the science is invalid. While you might dismiss the results of ozone degradation, the fact is that UV levels have increased over...
  14. C

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    Don't know what you've got against hybrids or global warming but the science is actually fairly accurate. The rate of the rate of change is being affected by human activities. Not that it really matters in this discussion but other companies are investing in hybrid and electric performance cars...
  15. C

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    Don't think the OP is a troll or unqualified to ask these questions. His background in engineering, race cars and Chrysler is solid. I checked, but feel free to bash away anyhow...this thread seems like it came straight out of the alley.
  16. C

    first look at the new Pilot Sport Cup 2

    Hopefully this is why the original cups are on clear out at the Tire Rack. Viper ACR sizes please. :-)
  17. C

    Saying bye and giving an apology

    I don't understand what the heck Chrysler is thinking here...their lawyers have their heads so far up their behinds that they have no clue what kind of damage they are doing to the brand, and to the Viper in particular. It's not like the SRT-8 Cars are any big whoop to a guy a...
  18. C

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    For some crazy reason there are a whole ton of supercars going down the hybrid pathway, so I wouldn't dismiss hybrids as being gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay... Porsche has their 918 hybrid coming out. Ferrari has their LaFerrari. McLaren has their P1. All of them are...
  19. C

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    Awesome to hear, the question is, would the resulting vehicle be a Viper? How far do you go with design and packaging before it is no longer a Viper? Body on steel frame gone for Carbon monocoque? Front engine gone for mid engine? RWD gone for AWD? ICE gone for All Electric with supplemental...
  20. C

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    I understand what you're talking about, that with a few exceptions, the dealership experience quite poor. But pushing Vipers onto Ferrari/Maserati dealerships would be the worst thing possible, because it wouldn't work for Ferrari, and it would make people believe that Chrysler and Americans...
  21. C

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    Hell yeah. The problem with putting in an axial flux motor, no matter how small, would mean the packaging efficiency would be of paramount importance because you're going to need the battery/capacitor/energy storage system. If we're going down that road, I vote for oval pistons too, to shorten...
  22. C

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    I think Ian's treatise is interesting, and it is pushing management for boldness rather than timidness. Whatever the specifics he does provide, it must bring all the stakeholders to the table and question, what does the company want the Viper to be? What do customers think defines the Viper...
  23. C

    Please, stop bashing the gen v

    Maybe it's some kind of crazy reverse psychology...
  24. C

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Thanks for the vote of confidence but I'll have to bow out on that for other reasons.