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  1. P

    Anyone know anything about this car?

    Have someone look at the car, even test drive it. Then tell them your agent looked over the car and you want to make a offer. Then offer less than 50 and let them counter offer. No different from buying a house. Love the car & good luck!
  2. P

    Fair trade in for 2006 coupe blk/sil???

    Their was a 2006 at a local dealer and they had a asking price of $54000. I believe it had about 10K miles. It was a convertible.
  3. P

    Are the gen2's too affordable now ?

    I know his problem. Ya see if he had purchased a red car or (shameful) yellow he would have gotten allot of attention, but since he is one of those few who don't like attention he chose a car color that doesn't give him any. Your not a Virgo by any chance are you. My wife likes silver cars...
  4. P

    How much of attention getter are Vipers?

    I use to fly and the only thumbs up I got was from the instructor leaving me to my solo flight. I now get them from all ages. Just last week this little old lady on the passengers side gave me the thumbs up she must have been 90 years old. You'll love stopping at Red lights, my wife gets...
  5. P

    Hard top

    I'd like to consider purchasing a Hard Top for my RT/10. I've seen the "Others" but was still wondering if any one had (OEM)top that would fit a 2000 RT/10.
  6. P

    well, finally found one........

    Couple of pointers: Look underneath car and see if their are any leaks (Transmission seal, or rear diff. seals) Just my experience with mine. Sitting for long intervals causes this. Does it have original tires? Otherwise great find and enjoy your ride! Join VCA
  7. P

    New 2006 Owner in Ohio

    Congrats on your new Viper are you anywhere near Waverly?
  8. P

    Italian Gathering

    Guys I plan on coming, I'm about a hour south of columbus.
  9. P

    Special Thanks/Tators Garage

    On the way home(OH) from my first long distance trip to New England (Vt,NH,RI,NY) and all parts in between I had the pleasure of Stopping in and seeing Chuck Tator in South Salem NY. My viper has always been a little noisey when shifting gears. Rob (mechanic) took it for a test drive with me...
  10. P

    Off to New Hampshire/2000 RT10, 5100 miles

    Sorry I have a wedding on the 21st in Springfield, Vt. Would like to meet everyone, even from Newport RI
  11. P

    HELP!....battery 97 GTS

    Call the Wizard?
  12. P

    Off to New Hampshire/2000 RT10, 5100 miles

    First long trip in my Viper. If you see a RED (fasttttt) viper in OH,PA,NY,VT or NH with OH License Plates: MOW U DWN it will probably be me. Just bought a Valentine 1 and put Veil G4 on front plates etc. Should be on Route 71,90,86,88,87 and over NY to VT Bennington Scenic route 7 to 9,91...
  13. P

    Valentine One

    Thanks for the info, much appreciated.
  14. P

    Valentine One

    Just purchased a new Valentine One RD and was wondering where everyone placed them in their Vipers or where they Hard wired them to.
  15. P

    And the winner is?

    Today in Greenfield OH, I went to a car show with 160 cars and came home with a three foot trophy, but you should have seen the look on this young girls face when I let her sit in the drivers seat and her parents took her picture. The trophy was insignificant next to how happy she was, but...
  16. P


    I agree on the spelling and they (Hat Company) only allows two embroidered lines on the front so that's why I added the line on the back.
  17. P


    A while back someone was interested in a Tee Shirt that said: "God made Vipers so Corvette Owners would have Hero's." I just thought this info might look nice on a Hat & was wondering if I might be fringing on anyone's idea or patent etc.
  18. P

    Happy Camper / 1st Award

    Took my 2000 Viper to my first Car Show (Cruise In) and won the Mopar Award. I'm hooked, so tommorrow morning I'm off to another.
  19. P

    Slight Nock

    When I release the clutch on my 2000 RT/10 (4,000 miles)I get a slight nock, it seems in the lower gears. I was wondering if I might be riding clutch or have any of you experienced this before.
  20. P

    Trunk Lift

    Does anyone know of a simple solution to adding a trunk lift so the door stays open. Was trying to put soft top in trunk (alone) and was flubbing with the lid. 2000 RT/10.
  21. P

    New PS2's

    Was wondering if I buy tires and have them shipped isn't the vendor losing out on any profit he would make from the tires. Which leads me to believe that most vendors won't install tires that you bring in either for insurance reasons or profit. Just wondering because I'd like to take...
  22. P

    Keep The Mrs's happy

    (read the ps on the bottom) To my darling husband, Before you return from your business trip I just want to let you know about the Small accident I had with the pick up truck when I turned into the driveway. Fortunately it's not too bad and I really didn't get hurt, so...
  23. P

    Comments on GEICO

    Try Tripple AAA. I pay $279 a half.
  24. P

    Wrecked Vipers

    What did the Insurance company give for your totaled Viper
  25. P

    FiNALLY! I'm a Viper owner!

    Your Child say's it all!! Congratulations its a beauti.

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