I don't like the look of clear bra especially at a show, and when you show up at a meet or show with clear bra the front of the car is filthy. Clear bra also doesn't give radiator protection. Clear bra WILL not protect your car as well as a normal fabric bra would. The problem with the bra is...
I asked John B about a color coated bra which is not available as far as I know and if it is it would probably be very expensive. I couldn't take the black (which is great if your car is black). I also noticed the reactions were dull and were lacking from all our Viper fans or as if the car was...
Quote;posted by viper USA What day is it . INSTANT HUMEN JUST ADD COFFEE . Im out of here. Have fun at work youngsters . fffffffff where are my keys , No not the hemi 300, The VIPER eeeerrrrrrr oh there in my pocket that's why my leg is asleep. ALL I NEED...
I love my old PS's . They get better with age. If you can learn how to drive on hockey
pucks and when you go back to new soft grippy tiers its you will be a better driver.
RT 35 westchester NY I see a bunch to and from Tators Garage . Less than 10 miles
5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards from my house. :2tu:
:usa: Tator's Rocks!!! and so does my 96 B/W
All the trim and extra interior moldings padding sound defining ect ect are to mask the defects.
Do you really think that wood grain, strips of plastic chrome, coffee cup holders make a sport
or performance car faster. If I what to look at that crap I will open the children's toy box...
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