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  1. R

    How do I avoid swirl marks in the paint?

    Micro fiber is great but the water blades will leave scratches in clear coat...been there done that. One speck of dirt and you'll see it after it dries. The blade has no way to lift the dirt off the surface like the towel. Micro fibers are the best new thing out there for car care.
  2. R

    New Plates :D

    I'll bet if You'd stood a little closer to the razor and didn't have those ear ring things....(cop maagnets..must be drugs) they would have let you off...BUT pass'n a Prius..sacriligious.
  3. R

    Track day at PIR with vette club Aug 3rd.

    What a fun was nice meeting you guys. Hope to be there next year. Lunch was great and so were the laps around the track. I need some training so I can keep up, LOL. Will be checking for updates..Thanks for answering my questions. :drive::)
  4. R

    Track day at PIR with vette club Aug 3rd.

    Is this event open to spectators?? cost and seating?
  5. R

    Woodburn Drags Mopar Nats

    Anyone taking the Viper to the Woodburn Drags this Sunday, 19th. ? It starts at 9am. Ends at 5pm. Car show and drags Mopar only..
  6. R

    Pin Stripe or Not?

    The pin stripes look good on an AC Cobra but it's NOT Viper....IMO
  7. R

    Optima Batteries

    Do you guys use a battery tender when left parked more than a week?? I haven't had any problems at all with the use of a tender. My cars all go dead after sitting for 2-3 weeks. Not just the Viper. Really goes dead fast when I forget to turn off the radar detector. I wouldn't use anythging but...
  8. R

    2000 GTS Battery Problem...

    That happens to mine when I forget to turn off my radar detector. I had my battery on a battery tender over the winter and just noticed a spot of acid on the garage floor so I crawled under the car and the acid boil wrecked the paint beneath the battery and bumper. Also small specs on top of the...
  9. R

    Women of all ages seem to love Vipers

    Great story Richard.... My red GTS never turned heads like the black RT...Dang, knew I should have kept that one.. OHHH, by the way I gave up the shopping on e bay after whiskey and waters so I still only have one Viper. Ray
  10. R

    09 membership mailings

    HMMM still waiting here, too. renewed Venom 2 months ago.
  11. R

    My GTS is losing a charge...

    Mine does the same thing if I forget to turn off the Radar detector. it's hardwired but on all the time if not shut off. OHHH now I also use a battery tender, $40.00, when I know it won't be used for a few weeks. No mor problem.
  12. R

    Recent Crop of Auto Mags Ignore Our Vipers...Again

    I agree...nothing like owning a car that costs more than a Vette and then get trashed. I'd like to see some truth in print rather than the jealousy. If it wasn't for the Viper I wouldn't own a HP car.. Thought the Vettes sucked from day one and will never own one, so why when you see performance...
  13. R

    Latest Hen----y junk...

    advertising, advertising, location, location!!!!!!!!!!
  14. R

    Chrysler & GM granted $17.4B in loans

    Yep... you'd be better off buying a used Daewoo..........that would make a point.:confused:
  15. R

    Yo BIG BRAKES! I'm not quite comfortable with this.

    Dave....with the walnut shells in the lube you'll really stop fast!!!!!!!! Only rub it into the face of the brake pads real good!!! It'll also keep the sqeaks down..Make sure you don't get any on your hands..USE latex examination gloves..Real important to spread an even 1/32 coat on the surface...
  16. R

    Foxnews says "Chrysler shuts down Friday for a month..

    Seems this is an arguement that NO one would win...It's too bad the UAW and manufactures didn't have cryslal balls years ago.. Everyone wants the best retirement and medical to last a lifetime...Looks like we are finding out it can't happen in the private sector and only in Government and our...
  17. R

    Poll for my rear diffuser blade profile

    HEH,, Dave I like that MOD cell phone,internet,Ipod adapter you have attached right above the rear window...KOOL...does it retract for racing????:rolaugh:
  18. R

    Poll for my rear diffuser blade profile

    I agree... the GTS doesn't need any!!! or try it following the body lines.
  19. R

    Interior Trim Black Finish nicks

    This is the one I use..they have fillers and colors you can match if needs. Leather Repair How To: leather repair kit, vinyl repair kit, leather repair, upholstery repair, vinyl repair, leather seat repair, vinyl and leather repair, repair leather sofa, leather vinyl repair kit, repair leather...
  20. R

    Mr Wizard question on O2s

    LOL,,, be nice Dave...
  21. R

    Viper Fraud ! What legal action can one take ? Need Help!

    also check with eBay...see if thery can help.
  22. R

    Mr Wizard question on O2s

    What kind of a problem are you having?? On the HARNESS side of the O2 The front O2s heater wire + from the ASD relay, color is DGrn/Org on the rear sensors heater + wire is Or/DGrn BLK is ftr heater ground and BLK/Tan the rear heater grounds The sensor grounds are BK/wht stripe and sensor...
  23. R

    Exhaust Odor Under Acceleration Only...

    MMMMMMMMMMM....normal,,,, dang,,, love that smellll!!!!!!!!!
  24. R

    HELP Viper won't start

    WHOA>>>>>>>the battery went dead so the computor needs to d a relearn!!!!!!!!!!! Start the car and keep it running with the pedal then drive it around the block and all will be OK!!!!!!!...the computor forgot how you drive and has to relearn it.... been there done that many times...idle...

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