Search results

  1. R

    Refinish valve covers

    Yeah, look at location, LOL. I'm 4 hrs behind you guys. It's still daylight here!!! Think the time thing is all East Coast.:) :2tu:
  2. R

    Refinish valve covers

    Too funny!!! I went through the same problem and never found the answer so I bought factory new covers. I even talked to Dodge direct and the engine builders and no help on the recoat krinkle finish. I tried for 3-4 months on internet to find out who could do the covers like stock, Red. NOW I...
  3. R

    Common Coolant leak problem. Help!

    I think I would be testing it for a Blown headgasket. Common problem on Gen 1. And it will blow the coolant to the reservoir and overflow it. In my shop I use my Emmision tester machine to read for HC (hydrocarbons) in the radiator or overflow. If there are any it's headgasket time!!! Good luck...
  4. R

    Who's got Gen 3 wheels on their rt/gts's (pics please)

    I liked the look of the late model wheels too so I just put them on last week. 1st outing was today.
  5. R

    New Hardtop

    Great Look'n ASP!!!!! I just removed my GR8ASP plates and changed them to SNKBYT, LOL
  6. R

    A red GTS and a blue / white GTS were showing off today..

    Man, If BS was GOLD, 2000 RT would have to be a millionaire!!!!
  7. R

    1st BIG Cruise Where were You Guys??

    Just finished up the BIG 1st Cruise of the Season. Sure wish You ALL would have showed up. The Princess Hotel at Alyeska for lunch. Watched the bore tides on the way back!! Passed lots of motorhomes and tide watchers. Watched the mountain goats and rock climbers. Thinking of starting the Viper...
  8. R

    Rear Wheel is Cocked

    Sorry, never heard this one yet. Settle? I think if the problem started after a Hard "gett'n on it" one of the cams slipped. Viper rears have camber and toe settings. Wouldn't drive it til checked out. Not worth a fender. I would have it checked out by a reputable shop or dealer. I know Dodge...
  9. R

    How do you raise the idle RPM?

    There is no idle screw. Minimum air screws, (mainly to keep throttle plates from binding,),on throttle plates so the Idle air controller will respond. If it does'nt die at idle all is good. 99 should have one on each throttle body. The other single screw on the throttle shafts are the balance...
  10. R

    New pics of the snake!

    Man, NICE car. Does it have more clearcoat on it? Or` what kind of polish?? Sure does shine.
  11. R

    Can you install a clear bra over vinyl stripes?

    WOW, Cody. are thje factory stripes really over the clear after the car is totally painted?? Man, that would sure make painting stripes easy. I was thinking I'd have to clear the whole car when done. Guess I have'nt looked at stripes that close.:2tu:
  12. R

    Here's my short build/dyno video

    WHOA, Dang BOLT nice car!!! LOL. Mines a 98 GTS Red/Black also. Same pipes. No S/C yet. Like the video and sound is great!!. Don't think I'll do the wing though. It Looks good on yours.
  13. R

    which shifter to get?

    Rich, I have the B&M. I shortened even more by cutting down the stock shaft and then re threading it. Pulled it down another 1 and a half. I cut off the bottom of the stock shift handle and tapped it. Works great!!!:2tu:
  14. R

    Please help. Photos of rear dwing on GTS

    Hope your putting it on for function and not looks!! IMO
  15. R

    Adding Stripes

    Man!!! Looks like I have my winter project. Looks unanimous on stripes. Now the Vinyl or paint debate. I do my own paint so that's OK just more time than tape. Like the tape idea since if you put back to stock it's less work but it seems you would still have a paint fade that would show when the...
  16. R

    Adding Stripes

    I'm"]I'm debating whether to paint white or silver stripes on my Red 98 GTS. I like the stripes but will it de-value the car to take it from original. Low miles and still smells like leather ( I leave my jacket in the back).:usa:
  17. R

    Supreme Court CO2 ruling puts future of performance cars up in the air

    Yeh, Our new Governor just got on the Co2 wagon also. What a crock. Just some more Global warming, political "not-for profit" crap. Another way to get a job for the useless. IMO The reasoning isn't to the facts according to most mainline atmosphereical scientsits.
  18. R

    Anyone need a set of SRT10 wheels?

    Nice they sure look good on older models. Got some located also.
  19. R

    4 Feet of Snow

    Man, Steve sure glad I don't live there!!! Planning to move South in the next couple years and it won't be there!! All the Low incomes are moving up here for the no income tax, Free money(permanent fund check) and best welfare. So I'm Leaving. I was born here and can't take it anymore. You need...
  20. R

    Thanks Hennessey Performance!

    They just sold a set of wheels and tires Only 1000 miles on Ebay for a Gen111. I missed the last hour and snoozed and Losed!!! No Reserve and at a great price. Just ended a couple days ago.:smirk:
  21. R

    All Viper owners reply...

    DANG, V10. I don't know about Your car but those are the FASTEST hood ornaments I've ever seen!!!!!!
  22. R

    Cold Air for Paxton S/C

    LOL, intercooler???? what's that??? Move to Alaska and save some $$$$$$. LOL:)
  23. R

    4 Feet of Snow

    Yep, That's Global Warming for you !!! See`where CA going to have to start regulating Green house gases now also. It was raining here last night and the snow is almost gone. Expect to be driving the GTS next weekend.
  24. R

    "Small World" heartwarmer Story - Scam Reversed

    Re: \"Small World\" heartwarmer Story - Scam Reversed Dang, Tuners like that make it bad for the rest of us. No wonder Jon wouldn't send that $20,000.oo in Engine performance parts on credit, :headbang:
  25. R

    I can't beleive it !!!

    Re: I can\'t beleive it !!! Man, I'm so glad to live in Anchorage where the weather is so stable, temporate, and so much milder than the Lower 49. Not too hot not too Cold. Should be gettn the GTS out of storage next week. LOL

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