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  1. R

    Personalized Plates

    Too funny the difference between states. Sounds like my GR8ASP wouldn't make it through Ohio. We only get 6 spaces on the plate. I have never driven with a front plate on any of my street rods or Vipers but it is law. I asked a couple of local Cops about it and they said the StatTroopers may do...
  2. R

    Garage Lighting

    Dave, this may sound crazy but I have a 1300 sq fft garage and I took out all the light bulb fixtures and replaced with 4 outlet (plug ins) in each one, then bought the $12.00 4 ft fixtures True value and Lowes sells. I hang each on short chains and then they have an extension cord. That way if...
  3. R

    Rear view mirror

    I had the same problem on my RT. I took it to a glass shop and he heated the windshield where the mirror bracket is from the outside then popped the mirror. It melted and softened the glue. Then I sat in the seat and he regluded it where I wanted it. Cost me $12.00. Take it to a glass shop.
  4. R

    New Battery Suggestions

    Man, it's way too hard to replace a battery on a Viper to be using a COSCO battery. Up here ((2 COSCO's) in the cold my repair shop changes them out with NAPA Legend or Interstate like crazy. You can tell the quality of a battery by the weight. The heavier the better. More lead to slowly...
  5. R

    Hood jammed

    " quote"I don't think the problem is on the back of the hood. It's on the front of the hood. Position #1 is the front of the hood. Unless of course, your hood didn't line up correctly in the first place when you locked it down. But you should be able to figure that out with a flashlight." I've...
  6. R

    GEN 1 WITH Power Windows on EBAY...

    LOL. You must be say'n WOT likes the sap!!! Know he like to sniff Oxygen. hahah. Did the fender rubber work? WOT :laugh:
  7. R


    Got My vote , KC does have a lot of insight. Sure see the noses growing and gettn browner. LOL :laugh:
  8. R

    Driving your car without the side sills

    Seems there would be more air circulation on exhaust without them. Not contained. I'd do it.
  9. R

    Found in the Basement - Continued Part 2

    These sound like belong in the classifieds.
  10. R

    Gen I code question

    Usually a code 12 is a pass code on system. Just means it is checking system. OHMs isn't a test for o2s. Use a digital voltmeter and backprobe the wire to computer after engine is warmed up and running at 2000 rpm. The voltage should switch rather fast between .1 v and 1.o volts but usually in...
  11. R

    Cleaned up the suspension and wheel wells!

    Man, I thought I was NUTS!!! See in runs rampant with Viper owners. Just did the same thing last weekend but having a rack and pressure washer helps. Looks GOOD!! :2tu: :cool:
  12. R

    First Event Planning meeting of the year!

    Man, That is one NICE house where you had the meeting!!!on Mercer Isle. :cool:
  13. R

    Viper Problems

    I had the same problem also. If it a minor sag you can do a bend back. Open the door about 1 foot, put a 4X4 block on a floor jack and slowly jack up at the farthest point from hinge on the door bottom. Don't put the block on the outside panel. Jack it then release testing it. I use this in the...
  14. R

    Seattle Roadster Show - March 2-4

    Hi All, I'm planning to be at the show on Sunday. I'm flying down Thursday the 1st gettn there at noon. My cousin lives at Mt Lake Terrace is supposed to pick me up. Hoping he can get off to play golf on Friday. Then do the show maybe Sat. but for sure Sunday as I leave on a 7:00pm flight back...
  15. R

    Monthly dinners at Carmine's in Kenmore

    Re: Monthly dinners at Carmine\'s in Kenmore Damn, sounds goood I need a ride frome the airport!!LOL :cool:
  16. R

    WA VCA Forum Established

    Heh, Ya'll. Works great from here, No Alaska VCA so guess you are the closest!!! But I always ROOOOT for the SeaHawks. We don't have any teams so mst roooot for WA teams. I did go to VOI9, Hi Jay!! Going down to the Roadster show next month hope to see you guy and gals. :nana: :) :cool:
  17. R

    OMG! Viper running terrible!! Hard to describe symptoms but I'll try

    Re: OMG! Viper running terrible!! Hard to describe symptoms but I\'ll try If it was a senser problem the check engine light would be coming on. Sounds to me like an injector is sticking mechanically. I have had same symptoms on many cars with the crappy gas we're getting up here and a good...
  18. R

    Hard top rack stand on Ebay

    I made my own rack for $6.00. Buy a pair of big bicycle hooks at the hardware store. put them in a vice to straighten out the hook to an L. Srew it into the wall studs where ever you want it. I attach a bungie at the top to overlap a corner of the top. The top fits flush against the wall. Also...
  19. R

    Anyone have....

    I bought a 25' roll and cut to length then used black weather stripp glue and mashed the end in a vice overnight. Looks factory. Bought it from Steele rubber products by the icture in catalog and it is door weatherstrip for Jeep cherokee and a couple other Dodge products. I still have 20' left.
  20. R

    Who has had thier stripes painted on? Post pics!

    I have as red 98GTS also and was thinking the same thing so I'll be watching your post. :2tu: :2tu:
  21. R

    Pictures in posts

    I see these different picture posts by PictureMan and others that have 5 or 6 full size pics 1 after another. How do the do that?? V10, I tried what you said with Notebook and I got the HTP address and no pics opened. The Http pics were real small.
  22. R

    Pictures in posts

    V10SPEED, I did that and it worked but the pics come out as : http yaddyyaddy and whenI click on them the are small thumbnails??? any help. Check my test on Test forum. THX for the HELP!!!!! :confused: :confused: :)
  23. R

    side veiw mirror

    I was surprised when I received my 98GTS no power mirrors like my 99RT. I was look'n at the kits but they don't go into the dash like the 99. The 00 has a recessed hole for the switch. What did you do and any Pictures?? THX
  24. R

    Shifters: Hurst, B&M, or?

    All I can say is I put a B&M on both my cars and then even shortened the shaft another inch by drilling and tapping then cutting the shaft shorter. Works great. :nana:
  25. R

    Members Section

    Hi Lee, Do me too. Raysir

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