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  1. R

    4 wheel alignment today - pics

    Sure would like to see the specs because alignment won't do what you are saying unless it was not set to specs. I have never seen a save tire spec and a light and drifty spec. They do set the alignments up for circle track, left turns.. When set at factory it should go great. The thing is they...
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    4 wheel alignment today - pics

    Dave, slow down! No big deal!!!! If the drift is OK with you then FORGET it!!! Not a tire wear problem. Just should be +5.5 on rside and +5.0 on left. need .5 to .75 caster for it to go straight but no big deal!!! If you OKay with it then OK. Mine is +++ right on but I own a repair shop! LOVE...
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    4 wheel alignment today - pics

    Dave, the only thing the specs would do is cause a drift and you would feel it even at 40mph on a good road. Have owned an auto repair shop since 1979. Started doing it all myself. Have 6 ASE Masters techs, including me, now and 2 service writers. I have Hunter 4 wheel computer alignment set up...
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    updates Chuck???????????????

    Chuck, with the following you have it seems to me that you don't need the dealership. Sounds like you could have a real profitable Viper repair business for years to come with WAY less headaches. Might have to cut back a little, I don't know??. Gett'n rid of my 30yr headache April 1st. (sold It)...
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    4 wheel alignment today - pics

    Dave, the alignment specs look good for no noticeable tire wear. But if you let go of the wheel it should have a slight pull to the right since the Caster should be .5 to .75 more + on the right than the left for crown of road. The Caster isn't a tire wear angle so only will cause a pull. The...
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    Check out this beauty....

    Juli, You're too funny. Reminds me of Paula Abdul on American Idol.:D Sounds real good but sucks!!!:lmao:LOL. Looks great but sucks. Just mess'n with you!! I sure hope the owner doesn't read our posts.
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    How much is a set of '06 polished wheels worth?

    WOW, I got mine last year on e bay at 1800. + frt. AND had to polish out some rash. Be careful on e bay without seeing them.
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    Time to silence the beast

    I have the same setup as ViperJon and really like the sound. Not too loud until you really get on it.
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    Is there an easy way to find top dead center?

    Pull out number 1 cylinder spark plug, then use your start button to 'bump' the engine over until you get compression (air) pushing your finger out of the hole. Then use a small diameter dowl or chopstick to put in the hole to touch the top of the piston. You may need a helper but rotate the...
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    wheel hop!!

    :DDave, I just got to get the tease in. I've been looking at the trying to solve the problem on 2 different cars and also been all over these post and the Alley. Seems everyone has a 'fix' but never really gets rid of the hop. The new tires, soft rubber, grips and hop is gone until they harden...
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    wheel hop!!

    I think 6666 is BS'n on this one and he knows better.:rolaugh::rolaugh: The hopping problem has been around with Vipers since day 1. Look at the archives on the subject. Mounts won't help either. Been there done that!! The tire change will work for a while til the rubber gets hard. The problem...
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    Bill SB 6900

    Man, It just blows my mind the way other states tax stuff. I heard Oregon taxes run off water from a businesses roofs, :D. Now sounds like WA wants to tax the AIR your car breathes!!! I better loose some weight before I move down there because I hear we're next. More FAT tax, uhhh FET? Fed...
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    What causes this? w/PIX

    Sounds like everyones on the right track. The pads have more metal in them than the sets that leave the rotors smooth like glass. The cheaper pads with less metal, the pads wear out first and when they get hot don't stop as good as the higher quality,more metal, pads. The more metal in the pad...
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    96 GTS Transmission

    If the pedal goes to the floor with no resistance and won't go into gear then it has NOTHING to do with the transmission or gear oil but is a clutch master clylinder internal seal problem or air in the fluid bypassing.You have to disengage the clutch to stop the trans input shaft from turning...
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    A few questions for Washington

    Lance, how far is the cruise into AK. Do you make it into Seward or Whittier?? Doing the (mcKinley) Denali trip? Getting to Anchorage? Or just SouthEast?
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    Surprise in mail from Insurance company

    For a year?? My Stae Farm will only quote and insure for 6 month policies. It's about 600. but I can cancel collision when it's stored in winter.:2tu:
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    Scarry, Need advice.

    I agree with Dave. Needs to go to shop and have a scanner put on it and check the long term fuel trims.
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    Danica Patrick can kick rocks

    WOW,wish my wife was a million times better. We need some pics!!! LOL:needpics:
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    Winter in Southern Orygun

    Dang, I'm moving to Oregon next summer but NO way that far South!!! I'm not planning to take my snow blower. It stays here!!!.
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    help! cannot get out of neutral...clutch grinds when I try

    Hate to cause an arguement here but the only way this could be transmission would be if the input shaft had welded itself to the pilot bearing and flywheel. Never seen this happen before in all the years of working on these things. The input shaft can't turn without the clutch or the clutch...
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    help! cannot get out of neutral...clutch grinds when I try

    It doesn't get the air out it just compresses it so you could get it in gear but it isn't the fix. The air is in the entire system so just using a turkey baster and filling the master isn't going to fix it. Has to have the new fluid run through and out the bleeder on the side of the bell...
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    Orange/White GTS

    Fantastic pictures. That's what makes this website so fun is all the different ideas and all the pictures. Since I can't read werrry well I need all those pics.:drive:
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    Rear tire blew out tonight, looking for another tire!

    :omg:WOW, I guess it's good to have that thick rubber bead around the rim of the wheel. It doesn't look like it took out the wheel. Looks like it was run flat for quite a distance? or real low on air before it came apart? Probably the same response you'd have from Michelin. Sure glad you got it...
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    Are Vipers 50 State (CA) Emissions Legal

    I bought both of my stock Vipers on Ebay from CA. Just make sure they are stock or have all CARB approved mods. Cat delete probably won't cut it in CA.
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    NEW Washington State License Pltes

    Alaska did the same thing with the flat plates and it only lasted about 3 years then they changed back to the raised letter. There was a lot of bitching to the state about the plates.