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  1. R

    Gen 1Trunk Question

    Only thing I can add is that you can do-it-yourself for about 20 bucks.The Norcal is 140 bucks plus freight. The embroidery is nice but I usually have something in the truck. Not knocking Norcals but some of us are cheap!! LOL:2tu:
  2. R

    Need help with wheel bearing problems

    I just looked at Mitchell On Demand on line manual for a 99 GTS. Says that hub and bearing is one piece(shows a picture also) and that "the bolt and nut assembly are not servicable" and no attempt to disassemble should be made. I guess it doesn't mean it can't be done but good luck gett'n parts...
  3. R

    Optima Batteries can kiss my.......

    Chad, I quit using the Gell cells also. Not just the Optima. In the rods I've built the gell cells (tried several Interstate and NAPA Excide) would be totally dead after the winter even disconnected. I haven't had any luck with them in my customers cars either. I quit stocking and using them in...
  4. R

    Gen 1Trunk Question

    I built basically the same thing. It was easy. Get the carpet. Cut some templates from cardboard. Then I used an 1/8 plastic sheet cut to the template to go over the tire for a floor. Before putting in the floor I spray glued carpet to the front wall and the sides. Don't glue too heavy in case...
  5. R

    Yep.. the result of winter boredom, another amateur video is uploaded..

    WHOOPS not try'n to rip a thread. Sorry, RT That's a Fact, check it out. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
  6. R

    Yep.. the result of winter boredom, another amateur video is uploaded..

    RT, way to complicated. Movie. The Lady in my RT isn't my wife but she likes the Vipers. She was campaining at the State Fair parade and shot pics in my car with Me. She is now the Governor of Alaska. Coldest State with the Hottest Governor, LOL.
  7. R

    Yep.. the result of winter boredom, another amateur video is uploaded..

    That was great!!! I didn't know a home computor was able to do that. What programs and type of camera? Great job how long did it take?
  8. R

    Gen 2 Intake Gasket How To

    WTG, dave. Doing it right. Also, I noticed the 'suds' always make the job easier. Those gaskets almost go in by themselves..
  9. R

    Washington Taxes

    Thanks for the help Guys. Work'n on the move, Dave. Been to Texas and it's WAY too hot and I can't speak Spanish. Hoping for more Global warming, it's 41 here now with rain the norms about -10. I have the interior out of my 52 Chev streetrod putting in A/C and cruise and some new carpets. gett'n...
  10. R

    Gen 2 Thermostat How To

    Dave, I agree with Chuck !! I would take the extra time and change the intake gaskets. Also, I never use the gasket remover crap in my shop. It takes way too long in a production shop. Also we never use the Dremel or abrasive pads on Aluminum. They make low spots and grooves that will leak if...
  11. R

    Snapping Sound When Door Opened/Closed

    Like Tator says. Remove the cover in front of the door then use a long screw drive with some grease on it and put it on both sides of the metal, plate, spring right on the curve. You can see it pop with the cover off. Been there done that!!! Mine broke and had to get a used one.
  12. R

    Any tips or tricks for passing CA smog test?

    Our IM test is based on CA, word for word. The Anchorage Assembly voted last week to end the IM in 2010 since it was prove that just the technology of the new cars reduced emmisions as much as the IM program. We even have a Referee Facility that is from CA and paid by the City. My shop does IM's...
  13. R

    Looks like my exhaust is messing up my paint

    Man, definetly a Rich run going on. I bet if you pulled some sprk plugs they would be sooted also. The black soot is rich run. Need a reprogram.
  14. R

    Washington Taxes

    We are moving to Southern Washington or Salem area in the spring. Can't figure out or decide which State is more Tax friendly?? Do I have to pay sales tax on the Viper and My streetrods when I license them in WA?? or is it only motorhomes. Can't figure out where it's cheaper to retire, WA or OR...
  15. R

    Tire replacement question

    vic, Tires can be repaired with no problem if the hole is in the tread not the sidewall. Use a patch-plug from inside the tire though. They make them for up to 1/4" holes. Tire should be good as new. I only use the plugs for emergency then change it next time I have my car in the shop. Also...
  16. R

    Tire replacement question

    You can repair a tire with no problems using a plug patch from the inside. That keeps water from entering the cords and rotting them. These type patches go up to about a 1/4" hole. The tire should be good as new. I never use just the plug from the outside unless just emergency then use the plug...
  17. R

    Adhesive for side sill insulation.. what do you use?

    Guys, I don't think I'd be mashing the insulation around the exhaust. The insulation is supposed to be attached to the sill for a reason. To keep them from resting on the pipes and burning up. There is supposed to be air flow along the pipes for cooling. Don't block the flow From the header pipe...
  18. R

    Clutch hydraulics system doesn't function when car freezes.

    Like Chuck says!! Sounds like moisture. Brake fluid attracts moisture and that is why they recommend flushing it about every 3 years. It isn't a useage thing but a time problem. Dry climate ares with low humidity don't have the problem as bad with brake fluid and clutch fluid rusting the...
  19. R

    96 Indy 500 edition B/W GTS for sale...

    Last summer I drove my GTS to the drags and got talking with a fellow the works at a Dodge dealership here. He was telling me He has a 96 Viper Indy car with less than 1000 miles at home in his garage, I think it to be true. He said he had all the original Indy 500 stickers still in the box?? I...
  20. R

    Ok Rt 10 Friends Show Your Odometer... Put Up Or Shut Up

    I feel sorry for You guys with the real low mileage. I know how difficult it is to have such a car like the Viper and live on an Island with only 1 mile of paved road. You guys must spend a lot of time running back and forth to the store. The locals must get tired of seeing You drive by. Don't...
  21. R

    Best Personal Plate Ever

    Yeah, Dave it's terrible the way they try to get Us to think and possibly stretch Our imagination. But You can't give up, got to fiqure them out or I just call Mommy for the answer.:D Dang, now I'm gett'n a headache.:headbang:
  22. R

    storage & flat spots

    I've been in the car storage business since 1979 and have never had problems with flat spots since radial tires came out. They may feel bumpy for a couple miles but it goes away real quick and not a problem. No rolling around or overinflating done. Believe it or not cold weather is better for...
  23. R

    Need solution - Moving Viper around in small garage

    I made some steel plate dolleys. 1/4" steel about 12"X18" caters all 4 from a True Value. Tack welded 1" angle across so tires couldn't roll off. I've even used them with jack stands on them. 'Go Jacks" makes an expensive set. I only had about 40 bucks in mine for casters.
  24. R

    Winterizing in Arizona

    HEH Fred, Kiss my ASP.:lmao: :rolaugh: It's in the garage.
  25. R

    IAC motor pintle always open?

    Also the throttle position sensor sees the above idle and has no reason to close. Getting ready for the close of the throttle.

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