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  1. R

    Stuck o2 sensor

    Think I'd be checking on a heli-coil before the headers. Unless you have plenty of money and doing it yourself. They make helicoil to fix stripped spark plug holes sure they would have them in O2 size. Or cut out the old bung and weld in a new.
  2. R

    Hard Brakes finally fixed

    Z, Is this is what happened to you? After you finished installing the new parts you probably foot bled the brakes instead of using a low pressure power bleeder or a vacuum bleeder. The valves plunger will move to the side that has no pressure as if to stop the leak or fluid flow. Sometimes it's...
  3. R

    Stuck o2 sensor

    Spray some penetrating oil on it after you loosen it. Keep working it back and forth and it will come out. You can also spray it down then use a propane torch and heat the area around it to get the oil working and expand the outer metals. Don't be afraid to get the surounding metal REAL hot.
  4. R

    Wheel Hop

    Dave??? you Okay??
  5. R

    2008 Cruise Control ???????????

    Man, listening to You guys they should have stopped design and production at 2002 model year!! At least I don't have a CUP holder!!
  6. R

    Steal my 99' RT-10

    Looks like it has side exhaust and rear?? in the ebay pics. Nice look'n car.
  7. R

    Speaker size???

    Yep, these are the ones I put in the back and they sound great.
  8. R

    Calif. Smog check problem, need help

    As close as it is to passing I would try another station. Make sure it's good and hot. I don't think it is a Cat problem like You say with low speed. Usually a Cat works better at higher RPM, but more of a plugged air filter, oil dilution, O2 problem. Sounds too rich for the Cat to handle but it...
  9. R

    Viper Red paint

    When I touch up chips on my cars I use a spot of the color, let it dry an hour then build up the chip with some clear. After the fill in is higher than the surrounding surface I let it dry a day the flat sand the chip with 2000 grit on a popsickle stick, wet, then buff it. You can't see it.
  10. R

    Viper Red paint

    Forget the Dealer!! I just got two spray cans from NAPA. Full size cans at our paint store. Also got some for my Pickup. Just need the paint code and they mix it and put it in a spray can.
  11. R

    Almost Finished Garage

    Man, I sure like the way you put the tiles down. Looks great. I'm thinking of doing my whole garage but winter slush is hard to clean all the time.
  12. R

    pics of my car and a friend

    DAVE, sometimes you are toooo funny!!!! LOL:D :2tu:
  13. R

    GTS stereo install

    Man, I guess I'm too old. I don't get the stereo surge!!! Blows my mind and Probably everyones ears. Any noise ordinances where you live? I don't get it, Each to his own.:confused: :dunno: Looks like a very clean install though.
  14. R

    2008 Cruise Control ???????????

    Might as well have all the comfort. Cup holders now, TOO!! Purple paint?? That BIG upgrade when they put rubber around the wheels really screwed things up for the Viper. Just hope they don't go A/T!!:D
  15. R

    Wheel Hop

    YEAH!! lots of independents, BUT they have 1 lower control arm or Radius bar that is rigid and an upper strut. Viper has upper and lower A arms and Rubber bushings upper and lower. Need to get them rigid from twisting action. Need to get the lower from moving and twisting.:headbang:
  16. R

    2008 Cruise Control ???????????

    I installed a Snakeoyl cruise control I bought from PartsRack. Put it on my 98 GTS and installed it so the control module was down low by the clutch master cylinder so the only way you know it has cruise is the cable attached to the throttle cable. If you really wanted to hide it you could mount...
  17. R

    Door Trouble

    Heh Barry, please PM me !!! I am a broker of lemons!! a comodity that is on the rise right now. I know I could turn your lemon into something positive. I've been looking for one like yours. :D ;)
  18. R

    How Much Concrete?

    I asked my good freind who is the AK distributor for Rotary lifts. A 4 post only needs 4" of support since it has no leverage pull on mount bolts and doesn't even have to be bolted down.A 2 post needs 8" in a 3' x3' pad surrounded by 4" the rest of the flor and should be rebarred 8" into 4"...
  19. R

    oil change miscue ?

    Been in the auto repair business 30 yrs and the ONLY time I worry about the pre-lube and filling the oil filter before start is when we are working on a brand new engine install. Have you ever seen a Fast lube or other shop fill an oil filter during an oil change? I don't think so. There is no...
  20. R

    Rough Idle 96 rt10

    Usually idle fluctuations like that on a fuel injected car are from intake or vacuum leaks and the idle air contoller is trying to compensate. I'd start by checking for vacuum leaks.
  21. R

    Wheel Hop

    The problem has nothing to do with the tires or with the rear end bushing or transmission bushings. It is the A arms twisting back and forth with no lock or support. Think of how traction bars work on a car with springs or coil overs in the rear. To get rid of wheel hop on a Mustang with upper...
  22. R

    News Flash: Corvette deemed unsafe to carry most of it's passengers

    :rolaugh: on the weight restrictions!! 150lbs. At least the auto is on the ground. Just think about filling that airliner with it's weight and balance fiqured on 170 #ers.(per FAA). They now limit the luggage weight. The Feds are now paying for studies and research on obesity. All they would...
  23. R

    Just some red RT/10 pics for Chad.. little experiment today

    They must be attracted by that 'fish' smell you have in the Viper.:D or was that from the kitty??
  24. R

    VOI-10 said to be 'a go' elsewhere - need info!!

    What was wrong about central USA?? Las Wages. I went to VOI9 carless and that won't happen again!!! I'll ship it down. The most fun 4 days I've ever had.
  25. R

    Lifetime Warranty

    It's the green 2dr Tahoe parked in the street in the avatar. Magnuson supercharged, 3" drop, Flowmasters,and 20"ers.

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