Search results

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    Major Change in the Garage Gen IV replaced a Gen II

    The 1 we bought was on eBay Tuesday and we bought it on Monday. I guess viper exchange had not removed it yet. Now the have another blk w SSG center and and blk driver stripe for sale and it has the signatures and everything also. We asked Bernie about the one blk and one SSG wing caps and he...
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    Major Change in the Garage Gen IV replaced a Gen II

    This is not the actual car that was on the Nurburgring track. That car was sold along with the Black/Silver Centerband before they left Germany from what I was told. Thanks for the compliments.
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    Major Change in the Garage Gen IV replaced a Gen II

    We did a major upgrade yesterday: 2001 GTS/ACR Viper to a 2010 ACR Viper. These pictures are prior to our detailer shows up this coming Friday.
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    New Viper Classified: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR for Sale

    Never mind cannot get the video to link correctly
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    Look what I found today!

    I am guessing the video is on youtube but I didn't know about a video. You happen to have a link?
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    Look what I found today!

    I had been in talks with that dealer about that Viper. It is missing parts and it came up from FL. Just happens that there is a Auto Auction place that showed a exact looking car with about 15 miles less on their website; they advertise US Marshals Seized items on their site. No proof it is the...
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    New Viper Classified: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR for Sale

    I do not have the oem wheels. When we got the car the oem wheels were not with the car.
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    New Viper Classified: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR for Sale

    Lowered asking price to $41,000
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    Verts with Coupe Rear Conversion pics thread!!

    I am curious as if the Trunk lid or rear fenders had to be modified any for the top to go up and down?
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    New Viper Classified: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR for Sale

    This Professionally Detailed Viper gets lots of positive attention at cruise-ins, parking lots, and driving down the road. We have come out of stores and/or restaurants to see people taking pictures. My wife got lots of compliments during the Texas Viper Roundup in March/April this year about...
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    FS: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR

    bumpy bump
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    FS: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR

    Car is still for sale. Had one guy call a week ago saying this car was the exact one he wanted but never heard him again. A gentleman from Cali visiting Austin for the weekend came by today to look at the car. He mentioned having a 2000 and a gen 1 in the past and regrets letting the 2000 go.
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    Any new ACRs left in Canada?

    You can get an extended warranty for any model of Viper (ACR) as long as the existing factory warranty is still active (my understanding). This is for a Max Care Chysler Warranty. Also the 2010s have 5/100,000 on the drivetrain and 3/36,000 bumper to bumper.
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    Searching for a solid SSG 2008 Coupe, among other colors...

    That is the same one I mentioned and that AbsolutHank has been talking too.
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    Searching for a solid SSG 2008 Coupe, among other colors...

    AbsolutHank SSG Coupe I know nothing about this just found it doing a search
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    Any new ACRs left in Canada?

    This might be the 1 I found about a month ago. There were asking $101,000 Canadian. We also confirmed the warranty question; It would have been voided as soon as it got back to USA asphalt.
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    FS: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR

    We do have it on Autotrader and really surprised how little contact we have gotten from there. Also do bounce it around Texas cities Craiglist. We are in no rush.
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    FS: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR

    most of the folks that contact us through eBay are trying to get us to take $10,000 less then our asking price. :crazy2: Or do a trade for something :nono:
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    Searching for a solid SSG 2008 Coupe, among other colors...

    There is a Solid 08 SSG ACR on Autotrader with Motin adjustable shocks. It has been for sale for a few months.
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    FS: 2001 Sapphire GTS/ACR

    Friday the 12th ttt