Congrats on the new ACR, We will probably meet up as there are a few Vipers in Alberta, and we like to cruise as well. Maybe we will meet up for brunch or whatever. As for the Daytimers, the fog lights are the daytime running lamps and if the original owner brought it in to Canada then it is a...
I was really Happy with the power in my 06 coupe off the line. Pulled really hard, Spun the tires off the line if you let it. Then we went to VOI9 in Vegas. Arrow racing installed Corsa Exhaust on the car at the track and tuned the car for the free flowing exhaust and I took it for a rip and the...
I am sure that were ever DRL's are mandated the factory will have them turned on like they did in previous Vipers. Other than that, I presume they will be turned off unless the owner wants them on and in previous Vipers, It is as simple as hooking up the scanner and turn them off/on.:D:D
Went for a spin on Sunday, Car is always on a tender. Had not started the car for a couple of weeks, Went for a 150 mile drive and It was Very hot outside and we were idling in heavy traffic, Same thing heard the ding and the gauge was reading 10.5 volts. Revved it up to about 1500 and the gauge...
I want to see one in person before I will committ as I am not real fond of the front end in pics. But I am remaining open minded and will have to see one first. Also may have to change dealers as I don't think the dealer i use will want to pay for the tooling and techs as they sell maybe 2 cars...
First thing, Drop out your Oil and remove the filter and cut it open and look for cuttings. If it has cuttings in the filter paper, Then it is probably a main or rod bearing. Either way I would leave it shut off until you inspect the filter.
The New age is great, but the old is a lot of fun too. I have a collection of new and old Mopars. It fills the void of not hearing the Rumble of a HEMI to be able to go out and carve up the road in a SNAKE.:D:D
Thanks Guys, I was trying to get him to put on the PS2s before I asked for your opinions. He said he could get them cheaper through his company, yadayadayada. I will show him this thread as this is his first sports car and has no idea the importance of a great tire.
Anyone here have any experience with these tires, Buddy of mine wants to put them on his Corvette and he is a little green when it comes to buying tires. He just bought the car and it needs rubber. I know some of the members have Corvettes and would like some input good, bad, ugly.
I agree, They missed the boat by removing the Fog lights, Night vision is greatly enhanced as well as the over all Front apperance is greatly improved. I am not liking the front end of the new car as i feel they are missing something, But from the fenders back, Its Great, But i am open minded...
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