I am considering an OBD diagnostic tool to read codes in the event of a break down, etc.
Any body get any suggestions of what, where, cost of the tool?
I thought the flat gold looked good on TV, I would have like to have seen it in person. Anyway, it is nice to see a Viper bring that kind of money. I really thought it would bring about $125K. Congrats to everyone involved. :2tu:
I ran across an add this week for an 09 white ACR with dual blue stripes, 5 miles, $106K MSRP for $91K and change. That would have been my car, but some lucky guy beat me to it 2 days earlier. The salesman told me they bought it at a Chrysler auction.
Re: Mysterious leak around oil pan. I have tried every suggestion thus far. Please he
I had the same problem with my 96 B/W. Never could figure it out. Did not go to the extent that you have, but it always leaked and had oil residue all over the right underside. Really frustrating. Good luck in...
I actually tried that in my car that I use a Garmin GPS in and at first it seemd to work better than the windshield mount, but after a while it fell off of it too. It seems that extreme heat or cold makes the suction cup fall off of either surface.
I bought myself a new video camera for Christmas. I am trying to see what would be a good mount inside my car. I read some of the threads for the suction mount. I am not familiar with them other than my suction mount GPS falls off the windshield. Suggestions would be appreciated.
If the Viper platform is sold to a new owner, I am wondering how distribution will be handled. Would the new owner handle distribution through their own network and/or continue distribution through Dodge dealers ?
Sorry to hear of your loss. I would get another Viper. Get a security system, a couple of mean --- dogs, hidden cameras in case someone gets in and hide the keys to the Viper when you are gone. Use PO boxes anywhere you get services, items, etc.
That is the very reason this country is in the shape it is in. They are trying to justify the bonuses to retain the talent until the new buyer is found. It does not make sense for the companies to be crying for bailouts, cutting jobs, and then paying bonuses. Iacocca took $1 in salary when he...
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