I own a production machine shop. We do thousands of pounds of steel a day for Pacar. I would take a robot any day over the dumb ass human race this country is making these days. I agree with the bird sh-t welds on the Viper frame. Pacar would have rejected those in a heart beat. How does...
I would run a stiffer spring if I was racing all the time. But I drive my car all the time. I want it to be semi comfortable. It still handles better then most cars on the road.
I am set at about 3 fingers front and rear. (2") I did not here any rubbing. Once in a while when I hit a hard bump.I only have Invos on it so maybe they do not grip as hard as your tires. 220 tread where. Maybe I do not corner as hard as you. this is only my second track day in this car.
Went to Laguna Seca last weekend. Car handled very well after I got the tire pressure correct and set the Moton canisters set at 225 psi. Stayed right behind a ZR1. This was my first time and last time at this track.( explane later). Car rides so much better around town with the #600 rear...
Thanks for the replies. My car is a lot lower then stock. When I jack up the front there is about a 1" space between the adjuster and the spring. I can also lower the cap at least 1". I was thinking with a longer spring it would still perform the same way but may be a little more civilized on...
Installed #600 rear springs with my Motons. Changed out the #800. What a difference in the way the car rides. I will see what it does on the track in a few weeks. So far on the back roads feels pretty damn sticky.:usa:
I was changing the springs so I decided to take the pressure canister loose. I lost some oil. How do you refill these and what kind of oil do I use? Thanks for any advise.
Clutch sometimes feels like it has air in the line. I have bled the hell out of this thing. Is there a master cylinder or just the slave cylinder? If I pump the pedal it gets pretty firm but a lot of times the pedal has about 2" of play and it is hard to get into first gear. Any ideas?
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