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  1. R

    Just got my dream car

    Beautiful Car. I almost bought that one, but found another closer to home #43. I only have 600+ miles on mine so far. I just love it. Can't decide which one I like better my 02 RT/10 or this one. They both wear the same name, but totally different beasts. Putting a Corsa Track exhaust and...
  2. R

    First Blood "the Hunt For Yooo Tony" Sept.30

    Adrian, the way I calculate it. 15 guys, 1000 paint balls each. I only got hit twice. Both times in the face mask, but still only two. Not bad for a first timer.
  3. R

    First Blood "the Hunt For Yooo Tony" Sept.30

    Yeah you guys were good sports for gettin your butts whipped. Nice shot Keith at the end. Caught me right between the eyes. Nice way to end the match.
  4. R

    First Blood "the Hunt For Yooo Tony" Sept.30

    WOW, what a lot of fun! I had a blast. It was fun hunting for Tiger. I laughed my A$$ off so much. Adrian you and your friends are really funny. Paintball and GoKarts Next!!
  5. R

    First Blood "the Hunt For Yooo Tony" Sept.30

    I'll wait and see, Looking forward to this, and hanging with you guys again. First time paint balling, looks like a blast.
  6. R

    Springfield Premier Event Pics

    Did you catch the Diamond Back Raffle car in the background? Nice to see it gets out of the garage every now and then.
  7. R

    First Blood "the Hunt For Yooo Tony" Sept.30

    That's what Bobby told me, but that was winter time. I don't want to have to spend the other half of the day cleaning the car.
  8. R

    First Blood "the Hunt For Yooo Tony" Sept.30

    Anyone taking their cars up?
  9. R

    Fia Gt2 Champion Decals

    :usa: I purchased my 2006 VOI White/Blue Coupe because I loved the car and it reminds me of the 1998 GTSR. I couldn't find the FIA GT2 Champion decals that are behind the door pillar, nor are they available anywhere, so I re-produced my own. The decals are of premium quality and measure 2.625 x...
  10. R

    3M Bra

    I will be having my 3rd vehicle done this week. I am going with the front facia, larger hood coverage, mirrors, lights and fogs, rocker panels and behind the rear wheels. $1250 Installed.
  11. R

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    As we get closer, we will set up various meeting points for the different regions. We can organize a few groups to converge on the Winery, then we can all cruise to New Hope for Lunch. I will be putting together a nice little surprise for everyone at the Winery. Spread the word!
  12. R

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    SO FAR: Tom & Lori XXX BLK + 1 Bobby & Renee Mike & Krista Jay "Sleekride" +1 Chris "The King" +1 Bob Carroll Donna Kocubinski PatentLaw Aaron + 1 Chazz The Spirit Yooo Tony + 1 John Yorke + 1 Tom & Jackie Berry Charlie T & Luba Aaron + Nancy
  13. R

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    SO FAR: Tom & Lori XXX BLK + 1 Bobby & Renee Mike & Krista Jay "Sleekride" +1 Chris "The King" +1 Bob Carroll Donna Kocubinski PatentLaw Aaron + 1 Chazz The Spirit Yooo Tony + 1 John Yorke + 1 Tom & Jackie Berry Charlie T & Luba
  14. R

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    SO FAR: Tom & Lori XXX BLK + 1 Bobby & Renee Mike & Krista Jay "Sleekride" +1 Chris "The King" +1 Bob Carroll Donna Kocubinski PatentLaw Aaron + 1 Chazz The Spirit
  15. R


    SO FAR: Tom & Lori XXX BLK + 1 Bobby & Renee Mike & Krista Jay "Sleekride" +1 Chris "The King" +1 Bob Carroll Donna Kocubinski PatentLaw Aaron + 1 Chazz The Spirit
  16. R

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    SO FAR: Tom & Lori XXX BLK + 1 Bobby & Renee Mike & Krista Jay "Sleekride" +1 Chris "The King" +1 Bob Carroll Donna Kocubinski
  17. R

    911 Let's Roll Cruise For Flight 93

    Bobby, here you go Buddy!!
  18. R

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    Hey NJ / NY Members. How about a cruise to CreamRidge Winery in NJ for a bit of wine tasting, then cruise down to New Hope for a late lunch. The winery is centrally located in NJ, and New Hope is about another hour away. The winery has an open date for Saturday, November 3. There is no charge...
  19. R

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise Nov3-4!!

    :drive:Hey NJ / NY Members. How about a cruise to CreamRidge Winery in NJ for a bit of wine tasting, then cruise down to New Hope for a late lunch. The winery is centrally located in NJ, and New Hope is about another hour away. The winery has an open date for Saturday, November 3. There is no...
  20. R

    Your current collection

    2002 RT10: Graphite over Graphite 2006 White w/blue Coupe 2004 Neon STR4 2006 Jeep Commander (Wife's assault vehicle) 2007 Mazda CX7 (Daily Driver) 2009 Challenger (hopefully)
  21. R

    Happy Birthday to DIMITRIOS!~!

    Happy Birthday D. Mine is the 25th in case you were wondering. LOL
  22. R

    More Belle Island Pictures...

    Great Pics, Had a lot of fun!
  23. R

    2007 Viper AX Challenge vs SRT

    You guys are gonna have fun. Good Luck, and make us proud.
  24. R

    Nj Vca Headed To Belle Isle

    I can't sleep, I am so stoked for this trip. I may stay up all night just sitting in the driveway ready to leave!! And thanks Jon, I will have that drink or two or three... on you.:2tu:

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