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  1. R

    Let's Have A Contest!!

    no just make them all good ones...
  2. R

    NJ/Two Kids Charity Car Show

    Great see you there!!!
  3. R

    NY/CT Vipers Whos Going to VOI 10 Detroit??

    I am trailering and leaving around 3:30-4:00 AM Wednesday. Need to be there around 2:00 PM for a meeting.
  4. R

    Let's Have A Contest!!

    Hey you guys are pretty good. Keep them coming...
  5. R

    NJ August 14th Pocono

    I would like to get a head count for the track day. Registration forms should be sent in ASAP. Just 14 days away... You fax them also to 732-714-8404. Coming so far: Tom Roeller ACR Steve Bobby Cerchione Nader Larry Dole Brian Mazza Steve Mazza Dave Moore
  6. R

    NJ August 14th Pocono

    POCONO RACEWAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 2008 The Viper Club of America, New Jersey Region, would like to invite all Viper and other specialty/performance cars to our event at Pocono International Raceway. Let your engine breathe the mountain fresh summer air of the Pocono Mountains while...
  7. R

    Nj Pocono Track Day

    I hate to say it but if we do not get attendance for this event then it may have to be cancelled. We need at least 45 cars to break even, or make it cost effective. The club will lose in the long run. If we cancel the event, we may not be able to get it back next year or the year after. Please...
  8. R

    Let's Have A Contest!!

    LET'S HAVE A CONTEST!!! If you have followed the other thread "VOI.10" Surprise then you are aware that the VCA will be offering a Limited Edition Scott Jacobs Print to VOI.10 attendees. Which can also be pre-ordered if you are already registered. Orders are coming in fast! To download...
  9. R

    Nj Pocono Track Day

    I would like to get a head count for the track day. Registration forms should be sent in ASAP. Just 14 days away... Coming so far: Tom Roeller ACR Steve Bobby Cerchione Nader
  10. R

    City got his Custom 08

    Bring the car over so I can show you how to take a correct photo...LOL
  11. R

    NJ/Two Kids Charity Car Show

    Looks like good weather for Sunday...
  12. R

    NJ/Two Kids Charity Car Show

    Me +3 Stuart Rosenthal +1 Rudy Petroni + family Latchman Raghunandan Stan Dudek Jay Rivera + Chris Saul +Family Charlie T +1 BobbyC +1
  13. R

    Nj Pocono Track Day

    Yes you can.
  14. R

    NJ/Two Kids Charity Car Show

    Birchwood Manor 111 North Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ (973) 887-1414 Directions: From RT80 East or West Exit Rt287 South for about 3 miles Exit 39A RT10 East, First light is Jefferson Road, take jug handle and cross over Rt10 Go 3/4 mile, Birchwood Manor on Left From Rt287 North Exit 39...
  15. R

    NJ/Two Kids Charity Car Show

    Who's going so far... Me +3 Stuart Rosenthal +1 Rudy Petroni + family Latchman Raghunandan Stan Dudek Jay Rivera + Chris Saul +Family Charlie T +1
  16. R

    Nj Pocono Track Day

    Insurance Q&A: No you are not covered under the VCA or Event insurance for any damages. Most insurance carriers do not cover track or event insurance. You can call Anthony & Company Insurance Inc. I believe they have a separate track insurance that will cover what you are looking for. 908-806-8844
  17. R

    Nj Pocono Track Day

    POCONO RACEWAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 2008 The Viper Club of America, New Jersey Region, would like to invite all Viper and other specialty/performance cars to our event at Pocono International Raceway. Let your engine breathe the mountain fresh summer air of the Pocono Mountains while...
  18. R

    NJ/Two Kids Charity Car Show

    AUGUST 3rd, 2008 Birchwood Manor Whippany, NJ Two Kids Foundation The NJ VCA has raised $9000 from our Annual Golf outing 2 weeks ago for the charity. I would like to invite all the NJ members and other clubs to join us for this annual car show. They have more than 1000 cars from all over the...
  19. R

    Anyone selling a VOI9 coupe?

    Hey Blue, sent you a PM, had a question...
  20. R

    Picked up a VCA Coupe!

    Nice choice of color. The 3M is a good investment. Good luck, enjoy and drive smart...
  21. R

    VOI 10 - August 27 - 30

    I'm driving also, leaving early AM on Tuesday to get there by 1:00 PM Wednesday.
  22. R

    Somerville New Jersey 6th Annual Crusie Night

    Sheridan Tara. Where rt 80 and 287 meet. Get off rt 80 west and you are right there.
  23. R

    Somerville New Jersey 6th Annual Crusie Night

    I'm leaving around 4:30. Want to meet at the Sheridan Tara

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