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  1. O

    Five days with the Viper so far....

    If you are refering to my car, it is actually Sapphire Blue. The neat thing about this color is that it is extremely dark. In full sun light, it is clearly blue... but in any type of shade it looks jet black. Here is a picture from about a month or two ago:
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    we went for a cruise and lunch today!

    Someone likes the color RED.
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    Does anyone know when Dodge will release a totally newly designed Viper (meaning then Gen IV)?
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    Five days with the Viper so far....

    Wait until you get the question... What are those on the hood, speakers?
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    Graphite & Steel Gray ACR's, WHO HAS EM?

    Hey Aaron, It looks like you have tinted windows. Do you every get shee-aatt from the police for that. I am thinking about tinting my windows, but wonder how much of a pain Jersey cops are about it.
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    CCW 550's on GTS - Pictures?

    Thanks, I did see those. Just wondering if there were more pics out there.
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    Best Music to Listen to While Driving Your Viper

    One Day, Did you get some practice on a stick drive yet?
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    Best Music to Listen to While Driving Your Viper

    Please note, I don't feel that the engine sound is cheezy. Far from it. Instead I feel an answer to the "Best Tunes" being the engine sound is cheezy.
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    PICTURES - Flash Gordon & Obsidian in NJ

    Rob and I went driving around yesterday for a little in NJ. My 6 year old son was my co-pilot and Viper photographer. Driving through a School Zone In Front of one of Rob's Chateaus in NJ Flash Gordon's Wheels: Obsidian's Wheels:
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    burn't my leg today on viper

    Did you have a torch? (this is 21 questions, right)
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    CCW 550's on GTS - Pictures?

    Does anyone have CCW SP550's on their GTS? I would like to see pics... I continue my quest for new wheels.
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    Why Blur Plates?

    Why do so many people blur plates when they take pics of their cars? Are people afraid of stalking or something? I mean, when we are out in the real world you can't blur your plates and I have never heard of an issue.
  13. O

    A little Viper came to visit today.....

    I am suprised that no one else identified the snake. There are clear identifiers... it is scrawny, slow moving, tries to look like a real snake (viper) but can't pull it off... It is the infamous Corvette Snake.
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    New 2008 inforomation...0 to 60 in 3.7!!! link!!

    I love all the press that the Green Machine is getting. Green with White Stripes is incredible looking. The black stripes in the review ain't too shabby either.
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    How important is a warranty on a 2002 GTS?

    If you are going 02... get the FE!!!!
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    How important is a warranty on a 2002 GTS?

    A warranty is a statistical profit center for the manufacturer. Meaning the numbers play out that they have more coming in from people buying warranties than they dish out fixing issues. Knowing that fact, if you thoroughly check out your car (I mean really thoroughly) and determine it to be...
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    Post a pic!

    Aaron, You and I are both in Jersey. I see Glitter and Fur cars all the time!:D
  18. O

    Instant Sunroof in Minutes!

    Just plain ol awesome!
  19. O

    Best Music to Listen to While Driving Your Viper

    I was driving with Sleekride this past weekend. He was cranking Green Sleeves. It felt like Christmas Eve in his Viper on a warm August day. Not a bad choice of tunes... But Metallica works too.
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    I Just Don't Get It

    What is the reason/benefit to paying an extreme premium on a new 2008? The one listed on ebay, assuming they are legit bids, is $50K OVER sticker...
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    Soliciting Opinions..When to buy

    trainer, What year ACR? Color? Stripes? Share the details (and any pics if you have them).
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    Soliciting Opinions..When to buy

    That's it! I love talking about Vipers and I don't care if you have one or not. So I am on Trainers side on this one. And I don't take steroids either... (here's my picture):
  23. O

    To Bee or Not to Bee

    Yello car, white stripes. Hot!
  24. O

    Soliciting Opinions..When to buy

    TrainerDave, One more tip... I bought my Viper off of ebay. When I found the first car, I did a carfax and it came up fine. Then I hired a local Private Investigator to do a background check on the guy. He had forged documents and a felony on this criminal record. Needless to say I didn't do...
  25. O

    cant figure out what color to paint my RT....

    What wheels are those?

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