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  1. O

    Is The Viper An ANTI-CHICK MAGNET?

    The grey '00 is bad ass looking. OK back to the discussion: I just quizzed my wife and asked her... and she said that her first impression of a "flashy car" (that was her exact words) is that the guy is trying to make up for something. Now I hope that's not was she thinks about me and my...
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    Is The Viper An ANTI-CHICK MAGNET?

    And just so you guys know, the Sapphire's blow away everything else...
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    Is The Viper An ANTI-CHICK MAGNET?

    Hey Dom426h... now that just hurts. I have to say it ain't my looks. I'm pretty darn sure I am OK on that front. Maybe it is my age (I am 37), and I am not looking for women (I am happily married) besides to get the nice window shopping and winks from an attractive woman. That's all I am...
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    Is The Viper An ANTI-CHICK MAGNET?

    Alexarz - are you freakin' kiddin' me?!? I appreciate that I could be a super-nerd, elephant man that is turning away any possible glance. But just bear with me. I will park the car in a small town like Clinton, NJ (here is the link to the town page - Welcome to Historic Clinton NJ ), and I...
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    Is The Viper An ANTI-CHICK MAGNET?

    That's IT!!!! The 66 red/white Mustang. That is the reaction I am talking about. The Viper, in my experience, doesn't get that reaction. Now a car show is different, people are there for the cars. I am talking about pulling up to a parking spot in "main street America". The Mustang is...
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    Is The Viper An ANTI-CHICK MAGNET?

    OK...OK... talk to me here gents. I don't think I have an issue in the personal looks category (could be my ego speaking, but I feel I am good there). Perhaps I am not doing something else right. I am married, so I am just looking for the window shopper, ego boosting, pretty lady looks. I...
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    Is The Viper An ANTI-CHICK MAGNET?

    Now that I am spending yet another summer with the GTS, I have made the following observations on the car's "magnetism": Here's who it attracts: 1. Teenage boys 2. Adolescents of all types 3. Car guys 4. The occasional woman, but it is very, very, very rare. And she usually has tats, a pack of...
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    why do people hate on these cars so damn much!!!

    I never get dirty looks or anything of the such. I get either ignored (like any other car), a smile and thumbs up, or a double look (the most common). I think a lot of it is how you drive too. I am not aggressive on the road at all, I mean, after all it is just another car. But I have been...
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    Dead Battery, Difficult To Start

    Like a big boob I left the lights on, on my '01 GTS. I came back to the car about 2 hours later. It was a dead as a doorknob. I had to jump it. But this was really strange (I think)... it would start (took a few tries to get enough juice in the batter) and then after about 3 seconds the...
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    Rating Road Conditions

    I was recently talking with a fellow Viper owner, and we were discussing the best routes to drive in the area. One of the big "rating points" was the quality of the pavement. The question I have is how should the quality of pavement be rated? I mean, beyond just - bad and good. What...
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    Sapphire RT - adding stripes

    I have a sapphire blue with white stripes: ViperClub Photo Gallery - Flash Gordon & Obsidian Cruise
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    Chrysler In Talks To Sell Viper

    I am probably not the first to post this, but just in case... this article went live a few hours ago: Chrysler in talks with 2 or 3 companies to sell Dodge Viper - Mar. 3, 2009
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    I have to tell everyone

    That is one beautiful car!
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    Lets See Some SRT ACR Pics

    Beautiful. One gripe, and I know it is functional, but the wing just kills the look, IMHO.
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    Viper Story from The TPE

    Hey ViperTony - Thanks for buying a copy of the book!!!!! All - yes it is a true, true story.
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    Viper Story from The TPE

    I included my Viper story in the book. It's a two pager that I put in the book... It's under the title "How To Drive Dangerously Fast, Safely" Sorry to Porsche guys, but I just had to get a dig in. :D
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    Orange County Chopper Cruise and Tour - Sept. 21

    I am doing the cruise with my cousin from Germany. I think he is going to overwhelmed with all the Vipers.... Actually check that. I will be overwhelmed with all the Vipers.
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    Viper Proud - Cribs Video

    ToonManyModz, I totally agree that I need to have a 4 bay. The next cribs video were doing next summer will show a little more... and I suspect it will have a few more cars (and bays in it). It would be cool if some other Viper Club members posted their own cribs videos. It would be cool...
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    Viper Proud - Cribs Video

    Hey Julie - Happy you liked it. I love goofing around like that!
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    Viper Proud - Cribs Video

    We had a lot of fun making it.... it killed me to peel out like that, hate to tear up the tires... NOT!
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    Winter Storage

    Oh God! Please don't start talking about winter weather yet. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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    Viper Proud - Cribs Video

    I hope I served the Viper community well. This is a video from my company's blog. It is a mock "cribs" video, and highlight my Viper at the end. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur | VIDEO - Mike’s Vlog on Cribs To fast forward, just watch from 3:38 to the end (about 30 secs) - Mike
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    Dogs and Vipers - Bring em' for a ride?

    My mutt goes in the Bimmer and the LandRover, but NO stinkin' way is she going in the Viper.
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    It's Official - The Viper In My Book!!!

    Thanks for all the support, fellow Viper brothern! I really appreciate it. I love the bathroom jokes, too! Keep 'em coming! A few people have told me the book will make a "big splash!" Love the browns to the superbowl comment! That is AWESOME!!! LOL!!!
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    It's Official - The Viper In My Book!!!

    It is absolutely bathroom reading. I have already reserved a spot for it in our master bath. Thanks for the congrats!