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  1. O

    It's Official - The Viper In My Book!!!

    It' a business book, here is the link if you want to take a peak: The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur | The Source For First Time Entrepreneurs I am trying to get the OK on the chapter excerpt with the Viper (the Viper story is only a couple of pages. I await the mockery on the title.
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    It's Official - The Viper In My Book!!!

    At least he said Penthouse and not some gay comment like Playgirl (not that there is anything wrong with being gay). :)
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    Differential Help Needed!

    A big THANKS goes out to "'97 Viperidae GTS". I was able to get my differential replaced at a reasonable price, but nonetheless I want to thank '97 Viperidae GTS for offering to send me his. Very kind folks out there and '97 Viperidae GTS is one of them!!!! - Mike
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    new plate ideas ???

    These are awesome. Still laughing at some!
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    1996 Blue w/White for sale! SUPER CLEAN!

    Very pretty. Two years too early for me. I plan to have the 2nd one added in 2010.
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    Pirelli tires

    Hey Jay, I am suprised you aren't doing the PS2's. I have 'em and love 'em. Also, I thought your wifey was trying to talk you into a GTS.
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    It's Official - The Viper In My Book!!!

    I am such a Viper fan, that owning one is (almost) not enough. So... I negotiated with the powers that be, and we included a story about the Viper in my book ("on shelves" at Amazon in October)! I'll share the section, once I figure out how the heck to get it into a JPG format. Vipers rule!
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    Differential Help Needed!

    Hey '97 Viperidae GTS... You da man! You da man! I just sent you a PM with my contact info. Drop me an email at [email protected] Thanks very, very, very much. Did I say, thanks? Thanks!!!
  9. O

    Differential Help Needed!

    Here's the dealio: 1. My differential is going, going, almost gone. 2. I need to replace it. 3. I have a 2001 GTS, with mods that have it at about 500hp. 4. I don't know much at all about cars (except that I love driving them). So... I need help! 1. Where is the best place to get...
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    Somerville New Jersey 6th Annual Crusie Night

    Great! Tom, Jay (and anyone else that would like to caravan down)... see ya tomorrow at 4:45pm in the parking lot of the Sheridan Tara in Parsippany.
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    Somerville New Jersey 6th Annual Crusie Night

    Let's me at 4:45pm at the Sheridan Tara (I think that is Parsippany). Does that work for both you gents?
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    Somerville New Jersey 6th Annual Crusie Night

    Is anybody heading down from anywhere around the 80/287 intersection? I will be heading down around 4:30 or 4:45pm and would gladly caravan with you.
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    Took a few shots of the car

    Sapphire Blue always looks the best.
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    Midnight Madness Cruise - July 17th

    Looks like no interest in this one. So it is officially cancelled.
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    Somerville New Jersey 6th Annual Crusie Night

    I expect to be at the cruise (going stag) but won't likely make it to the dinner.
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    Old chick and my car

    I can't tell if that is a red Viper with white stripes... or a white Viper with red stripes.
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    Gas price dropped

    I couldn't believe it... it dropped here to $2.97 (for Super)... then I woke up.
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    Suggestions: Vanity Tag

    ------- NOTAVET -------
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    Finally My 08 Is here !!

    Beautiful... but is it fast? (I kid. I kid.)
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    Saphire vs Violet

    By vote goes to the Sapphire ACR. I wonder why?
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    Damn! That pisses me off.
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    Great story driving my viper this weekend - funny, small world, and great people

    Cops rule!!!!!! (I can't believe I just said that)
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    Kudos to Chuck Tator

    Based on the consistent high regards Chuck gets on these boards, plus his 25% discount during May, I elected to buy an A/C compressor from him. It was installed today and works great. My kudos are not for his discount, while it is much appreciated. I was most impressed by his professional...