Search results

  1. R

    Seats are redone and in.

    Seats are recovered and in. The seats in my 96 white/blue RT10 were getting a little tired. I wanted to redo the interior, but couldnt get myself to remove the factory blue steering wheel, shift knob and handle. I couldn't find Chad of Snakehydes and don't have the budget for a Venzano...
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    Cockpit cover 1996 RT-10

    pm just sent
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    Looking for a Gen 1 seat lowering kit.

    I am looking for a 1" seat lowering kit for my 96 RT10. I was checking to see if anyone had one they didn't use or like and wanted to part with. I have already checked Jon B, as advertising is not totally wasted on me;)
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    OBD port fuse?

    Has anyone else had a problem with this fuse? Mine keeps blowing on my 96 RT10. As far as I can tell the only thing on it is the power for the port and the receiver for the alarm. Both which don't even carry much of a load. I have checked all exposed wires for shorts. Maybe something else on the...
  5. R

    Gen I with real windows!

    I am guessing GTS doors???
  6. R

    Vehicle Inspection Frustration (warning: long but possibly entertaining read):Houston

    Re: Vehicle Inspection Frustration (warning: long but possibly entertaining read):Hou You are safe with Northwest, great people. But other than that, keep in mind, the Viper Techs are not the ones doing the inspections
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    Brake/clutch pedal pivot pin torque???

    I am changing out the pivot pin for my brake and clutch pedals. The manaul states not to tighten beyond specs or it will bind. I can not find these specs anywhere. Does anyone have these. 96 RT10 btw.
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    Hood pad fasteners --Dealer item only???

    I just picked up a pack of 15 at Auto Zone for 2.99. They are round buttons rather than the wing type. The dealer wanted 3.25 each for the OEM ones and it takes 18.
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    Vehicle Inspection Frustration (warning: long but possibly entertaining read):Houston

    Re: Vehicle Inspection Frustration (warning: long but possibly entertaining read):Hou They HAVE to drive the car to check the brakes. No way around that I know of. Also, I assume your OBD port is under the dash, they have never opened my hood. I have a nice little shop in Sugar Land that I use...
  10. R

    gen 1 supercharger???

    Roe for me.
  11. R

    Best place for OEM nickle and dime trim?

    You beat me with the nickel and dime reply, thought I was in the wrong forum for a minute.
  12. R

    Fixed my warped fascia opening. PICS

    Awwwwwwwww, but I luv Sneaky Pete. And yes, still got the white wheels. Another 30 years when I hit Barrett Jackson, I'll be glad I kept them:D
  13. R

    Fixed my warped fascia opening. PICS

    I did not use a spacer in the center of the bow. I cut the wood strips the length of the opening and when clamped give you a nice even gap. I just used a can of $5 expanding foam. Remember is expands about 2x's so it will want to spill out. Do not buy the non-expanding as it stays spongey and...
  14. R

    Fixed my warped fascia opening. PICS

    Like a few other Gen 1's, my fascia opening was all warped. The foam insert was missing. Even if it was there, it was beyond helping. So when I decided to pull the fascia for repainting, I found a great CHEAP fix. Here it was before. I took a piece of aluminum bar and riveted across the...
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    Anyone interested in a FREE Clear Bra

    I am looking for someone to get a Gen 1 scanned so I can get a set cut out for me.
  16. R

    door pull inserts - wanted
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    Viper Wallpaper

  18. R

    Selling my GEN I Tonneau

    Will it fit a 96 RT10?
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    Clutch pedal bushing replacement question

    Thanks, I will put it back on then. I didn't want to get into a binding situation, or have to fight getting the c clip back on.
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    Clutch pedal bushing replacement question

    While removing the clutch pedal to replace the bushings, I noticed mine had a washer between the c clip and the bushing. I did not see this in the drawings of the assembly. Does this belong there or has someone added it over the years to get rid of the wobble?
  21. R

    Aftermarket alarm install help needed.

    If I decide to install an aftermarket alarm, do I need to remove the factory security alarm module and remote entry receiver? I found the proper removal info for my 96 RT10, so that car will not be stuck in starter diable. I believe my remote entry reciever has pooped out. And I am sure a whole...
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    Source for invisible bra?

    I am looking for a front end film kit for my 96 RT10. Anyone know if any of our supporting vendors deal in them?
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    Ok Rt 10 Friends Show Your Odometer... Put Up Or Shut Up

    I would be a lil more proud of my higher odometer reading, showing that I have enjoyed this beautiful car. Kinda like having Jessica Alba for a wife and never taking her into the bedroom. Pretty to look at, but a waste.
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    Custom Hood Design: Need Feedback

    Looks great. I think I would like one without the scoop, just the vents. It may even work with my sabre type stripes.
  25. R

    Houston Viper techs??

    I am not going to say anything negative about the Houston shops, but I make the few hour drive to Austin for ART and Dave Weaver. And mine is not the only Houston car over there.