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  1. R

    Front bumper cover questions

    I have a 96 RT10. Will other front bumper covers from gen 1 & 2 RT10 and GTS's interchange?
  2. R

    Header options?

    I have seen M&M listed a few times, but can not find any info on them.
  3. R

    Header options?

    Ok, we have Belanger, B & B, and Edelbrock. Am I missing anyone for Gen 1 headers?
  4. R

    SnakeHydes Chad????

    I'll give that a try, thanks bro.
  5. R

    SnakeHydes Chad????

    I have been trying to get a hold of Chad via email. Does anyone have other contact info him or know his where-abouts? Thanks
  6. R

    Changing the power steering bracket.

    LOve the new forum, linked me to some how to threads shown below.
  7. R

    Changing the power steering bracket.

    I think I may need to change my PS bracket on my 96 RT. Is it easy? PITA? Any tips? Thanks, Rick
  8. R

    O2 sensor replacement

    Damn, you guys are right,,easy to change. I had but didn't need to tool to remove it. Couln't use it to rplace it as the new one is longer and you can't slip the wrench around it. I just put it back in with a 7/8" open end. Nowwww, how did you deterime if it was the front or rear one. The only...
  9. R

    O2 sensor replacement

    Got the rental set while I was there. When resetting the code, do I disconnect the battery or do I need the scanner to do it?
  10. R

    O2 sensor replacement

    Just a few naive questions about replacing a O2 sensor. My check engine light went on and I had Auto Zone plug in a OBD scanner into it. It indicated that I bad a bad O2 sensor on bank #1. I am gonna guess it is the upstream one. After changing it, do I need to clear the code or will it do it...
  11. R

    Interior carpet replacement?

    Anyone know if any of our vendors carry carpet kits? Complete carpet, not floor mats. Thanks.
  12. R

    Could someone please post pic of gen 1 viper with stripes?

    RT/10 Dave....They make you put that billboard for a tag on the front of your car? Scratch the UK off as a possible place to move for me.
  13. R

    Fix for a droopy rear view mirror?

    It seems every time I hit any type of bump my rear view mirror points south. There are no adjustments for tightening as it is just a ball mount. Has anyone found a fix for this, other than replacement? Thanks
  14. R

    Did you buy your Viper sight unseen?

    Yep, just saw a small Auto Trader ad online. I flew from Tampa FL to Marquette MI to pick it up and drive it home. Gotta love an adventure.
  15. R

    So How Does The Drivability Change When You Put 19s On?

    I haven't noticed any change in the way it handles, but I do crinch a little when I hit a hole or bump. The tire sidewalls are very short and I do keep expecting to bend a rim.
  16. R

    Big box from Tators in my garage..................

    If he sent you a puppy, he should have cut air holes in the box.
  17. R

    Exhaust Questions.....

    I heard heard most of them, and this is just MY opinion. The Borlas had a big block sound, but to raspy for me. The Corsa sounds like a power boat, nice, but a power boat. The B & B's (my choice) have a exotic car sound. Of course with/without cats is going to affect some, mostly volume.
  18. R

    Houston VCA

    Who is collecting the e-mail address's?
  19. R

    Houston VCA

    Count me in, I am in Sugar Land. I usually only watch the Gen 1 forum, so let me know where to watch for any developements.
  20. R

    Installing SVS Shifter. Did anyone have problems?

    You have the shifter arm on the driver side, right?
  21. R

    My baby has a frumpy smile?

    Mine doesnt have any foam in between. So I guess if I pick up some about 3/4" thick, glue and clamp it, it should work. Thanks for the help guys.
  22. R

    My baby has a frumpy smile?

    The grill opening in my front facia is showing some signs of warpage. Can anything, short of replacement be done?
  23. R

    what are the most commonly broken parts on a viper?

    Touche' Tom. I was going to say the owner.
  24. R


    P355/25-19\'s? After putting 19" CCW's on the car last year, I am a little concerned to read that Pirelli has stopped shipping this size P Zero to the US. After checking a few of the on line tire shops, I dont see anyone else making this size? With the new Roe mounted, I think mine my have a...
  25. R

    Pic please!!!

    I have 355/25-19 if that will help.

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