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  1. R

    Foldable HardTop for a 2000 RT/10 ??

    Great pics Jeff, are you trying to make the wait more difficult?
  2. R

    Foldable HardTop for a 2000 RT/10 ??

    Jeff, That scoopless top kicks ass. I am so glad I endured the wait. I'll have my receiving dept guy on full alert looking for my package.
  3. R

    Viper Painter in Houston???

    Looking for a paint shop in Houston, any recommendations?
  4. R

    Viper painter in the Houston area?

    Looking at getting the Viper painted, can anyone recommend a good paint shop in the Houton area?
  5. R

    new wing install

    Unfortunatley that look is going to get you flamed here. I say to each his own, but .......Good luck
  6. R

    Personalized plate ideas

    Living in TX now, but holding on as long as I can ........ <<<==========
  7. R

    Hurst Shifter Group Buy, Modified to fit OEM knobs!

    Ok, being a little uninformed here, what are advantages of the Hurst shifter?
  8. R

    Classic Car / Exotic Insurance

    My Viper is currently insured on a collector cat policy, only pay about 5oo per year. But like i said they want to see you on another policy to see that your are insurable. My problem is I run my other vehicles on a company policy, so I dont show a daily driver. I am leaving it on my FL address...
  9. R

    Classic Car / Exotic Insurance

    I had the exact same problem with all the aforementioned companys.I was told no one will insure one on a collector policy with another daily driver.
  10. R

    Must See Cup Holder!

    You can but those at any marine supply, either in stainless or plastic. Ther are available in 3 diameters. I put them in the Cobra console. I haven't the guts to cut into the Viper though.
  11. R

    VCA Edition Red/White SRT Coupe - Deadline of December 2nd!

    Hey Chris, thank you for posting here, I dont usually bounce thru the other forums and would have missed it. Sometimes I think a few other members just like see thier number of posts go up by finding trivial things to complain about.
  12. R

    New license plate ;)

    Now that I have moved to TX, I need to see how lax they are at decypering a tag.
  13. R

    on line parts catalog link?

    Had a little problem with the pc and lost all my links. Could someone provide the link to the on line parts catalog? Thanks, Rick
  14. R

    96 40k miles and clutch is slipping

    I noticed that my clutch is starting to slip on my 96 under acceleration. I just hit 40,000 miles so I guess it is time. I am happy putting it back to stock. Before I start calling to find someone in the area I can trust, any idea about how much I am looking at? Or is there a inexpensive mod i...
  15. R

    Looking for "Houston we have a problem" Poster

    Re: Looking for You find it,,I want one too.
  16. R

    Interchangability of factory hard tops??

    What years of hardtops will go on a 1996? Any help? Thanks, Rick
  17. R

    Watching Rita from Spring Texas. What's your plans?

    Re: Watching Rita from Spring Texas. What\'s your plans? Jeff, I am down here on Westheimer, plan on staying. Between finding gas and no where to go, hoping for the best. My main concern here downtown is flooding. If the water come up, i can put the Viper on stands to gain a foot. Rick
  18. R

    Confirmation of Texas front tag law.

    Can anyone confirm that as of 9-1 you know longer have to use a front tag in Texas? I am not running one on the Viper, but have plans for my other front bumpers:)
  19. R

    Houston Viper Dinner at Champps Americana Sat. 13th August

    Newbie to the area, I am definatley there. Chaamps??? sports bar?? what?
  20. R

    Anyone live in/near Fort Meyers, FL?

    I just moved out of there last week, and on to Houston,,who has it the car? Images, Prestique?
  21. R

    Question about new stowable hard top, Who has one???

    Kudos Jeff, for being so honest about it. But for me, I am waiting for the very first non scoop version.
  22. R

    CCW 505A Purner wheels.

    I took the artwork and went to a trophy shop. I think they charged me $25 for all 4 disc.
  23. R

    CCW 505A Purner wheels.

    Check my gallery,
  24. R

    Front license plate in Texas?

    Thanks for the info guys. I was afraid when I get my first state inspection it would be a issue. Also speaking of that, I assume high flow cats and B&B exhaust also are a none issue? I guess the last things i need to do are to get a hard top and make sure my a/c is up to par. Rick

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