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  1. N

    Gen II Frame question

    As Jon said, GenI and II much the same frames. Front rack area and rear diff mount frame recalls to bring up to spec. '96 didn't have the holes engineered into the frame rails for the crumple zone points in event of a crash.
  2. N

    Built a garage, Viper mosaic...

    Not been on here much lately, as been busy planning, designing and building ANOTHER Viper house! This one I planned as a log cabin type (board with brick laying!) had to do something a little Mum was a star, helped with this hand-layed Viper '97 GTS mosaic design into the concrete...
  3. N

    Need Input on Clutch Issue

    Hi Jack, Yes, the clutch needs 0.5" stoke to disengage. But...on a twin plate I found out the wear factor to be up to 0.19" that means the max stroke needs to be at least 0.7" but it should have 0.197" free play engineered in as well. I called up AP racing UK who make the OE slave, they...
  4. N

    Need Input on Clutch Issue

    Jack this has been on my mind a little all day! I started doing some more measures, I had several OE slaves, and with the bearing on the spring, fully retracted, there was a defference of 0.182" between them all (!!!) the years were '94 - '99. But...I have sourced other bearings to replace on...
  5. N

    Road racing hill climb

    Thanks for the vid City, that's like Gurston here with a slight down hill start! With a single seater, very cool to see exactly where your wheels are and what they are doing, been offered some single seater / open wheel drives, one day must try one. Is that cracks you see in the track, in the...
  6. N

    Need Input on Clutch Issue

    Hi Jack, taken some measurements, with a good used OE flywheel and used OE clutch plate, and new non-OE disc (obviously all torqued down). From the face of the flywheel against the crank, to the fingers point of bearing contact was 3.48" The thickness of the flywheel (from crank face to clutch...
  7. N

    Road racing hill climb

    Woo-hoo, what a fantastic vid, where is that, looks like a Euro climb? Anyway, not quite, I didn't rev as high as that! Didn't poop my panties either, just as well (removed them to save weight and get best seat of the pants feel on the race) :omg:
  8. N

    Woodhouse motor mounts

    :lmao::rolaugh::lmao: Thank you Dave, I have just worked a UK night shift, come home and sorted out a million tasks and chillin on the computer (as it's decided to work)! Nighty night from over the pond bro. :hug2: Firm mounts are a good thing to have in life.
  9. N

    Woodhouse motor mounts

    :omg::) Dave I will have to photo 4 U! let me guess, thats drivers side! Lets see if UK rubber mount rip is more than yours :( Will I B a rubber master??? "Brothers"...OK...but, last time I looked :confused: I had female parts :smirk:
  10. N

    Road racing hill climb

    Sorry for delay in reply, and thanks for asking. I fitted one of these to the car :-) It's running an ATB rear, but still on OE suspension, which likely helped a little on the first climb as it was so bumpy. At over 100mph, crossing a ridge in the road the car actually jumped a little...
  11. N

    Need Input on Clutch Issue

    Oh Jack, I've been a norty, norty girl! I forgot to go measure :-( It's Tony 1 : 1 's fault, I got distracted thinking of his special measure tool he posted about :-) I can say that I checked some HRBs I had removed, and yes there are differences, I fully agree with you, this is of concern! I...
  12. N

    Woodhouse motor mounts

    Just installed a second set of Woodhouse motor mounts on a GenII, and one of the OE mounts was torn all the way thorough, the other was distorted, so just wanted to put a post here to revive and let others know! Woodhouse mounts are the best. With the new mounts the trans now sits where it...
  13. N

    Innovate Wideband/Logger for sale

    Very good deal, anyone with a Roe SC I think this is a must! Such a safety and tuning aid.
  14. N

    Road racing hill climb

    It might be over 10 years old now, but a '97 has still got what it takes to be out front :D Just been over to Isle of Man, famous for it's TT motorcycle races, for their road racing hill climb weekend. Drove the Viper over and back, the only bit of damage (other than the gas costs) was to the...
  15. N

    sapphire gen 3 valve covers on gen 2

    Lookin good, you've sure been busy in that motor bay. Did you get the Striker heads too, besides just the spacers? I want to one day get me a set of these heads for my NA project.
  16. N

    Royal Purple 75w90 Gear Oil

    I've just gone over to Castrol, knew it was approved as factory fill for BWM, but case came stickered up for Jaguar and Aston Martin too. Before that used Motul and very pleased with it, just so expensive over here, was something like over $50 a qt.
  17. N

    ViperDays pics

    Wish I was there! Thanks for bringing us the pics, awesome cars and track. TVC unlucky re the punctures, how about some more tire sales ads for tire sponsorship!
  18. N

    First time at the track with my new UGR setup

    Impressive time...around 80 mph through the traps, LOL.
  19. N

    black valve covers mods/pics

    Venomiss, you could try the look with a colored vinal sticker. Figured if the stickers on our side exit exhaust covers can take the heat they should be 'cool' for on the covers, intake etc. Put these black flames on for fun, and they just withstood 2 days of hard racing under hood temps! I'll...
  20. N

    black valve covers mods/pics

    I really like the all black look with the SC, looks great. Hey Adam, did you notice your quality plug wires in my pic? I just had a coil pack go down, and had to change it in a hurry the night before catching a ferry to go road race hill climbing, anyway...I was reminded at how nice your...
  21. N

    Need Input on Clutch Issue

    Hi Jack, do you still need this measuring? I have an old OE one in the garage, I could dig out and measure if helps. I can measure accuratly...I've recently done such measurements converting a 10.5" clutch and fork set up on my Cobra over to an internal hydraulic release bearing and 7.25"...
  22. N

    Re-Painting Valve Covers - how to ?

    I've had a friend (works at powder coaters) do 3 sets for me now and all have come out well. I always prep the covers myself, I strip the old off with industrial paint stripper...I think others might have shot blasted to remove, leaving a slightly scoured surface? I wonder if this lends to...
  23. N

    ?? Best/easiest way to strap car to open trailer

    I use special trailer ratchet type straps. They've R-hooks that go into holes in the trailer and tighten around the tyres, allows the car to move on it's suspension. Held the car on the trailer good, when a car got clipped by a lorry on the highway and shot out infront of the van at 50 mph...
  24. N

    odd picture found on internet

    Can get some fun effects with different types of camera lenses, just took this one which changes things a little.
  25. N

    You don't see this everyday ....

    Nice, clock the miles up quick with the gas prices keep going north!

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