Search results

  1. K

    NEW Optima Battery

    Put an Optima red top in 6 years ago and its still good, I do keep a $4.99 Harbor Freight battery tender on it though.
  2. K

    viper and girlfriend pics!

    It's not bragging if you've done it.:drive:
  3. K

    My Viper was STOLEN.

    :eater:Tell us how you really feel:2tu:
  4. K

    best thing to get out small tiny swirl scratches?

    You didn't use a machine but what did the detail shop use? I've used a cali. duster on mine without any ill effects that you guys are talking about. I get nothing but compliments on the shine.
  5. K

    Stolen for thought.

    I saw this SOB chew the leg off a cow, I would not even approach in a truck.
  6. K

    Check Out this Sneaky Pete

    Suddenly, everyone has to have one. Sorry, no offense Jeff. :D
  7. K

    Best Battery for Viper??

    With that said, I wouldn't trust a POS Optima to power a TV remote. In my opinion, I'd say Interstate. I have one in my DD and its been great, even when the car was riced out and had all sorts of electronic gadgets running off the battery. Good thing we all don't have the same battery or...
  8. K

    Check Out this Sneaky Pete

    nice tat, I see you even put it on the correct arm (for driving)
  9. K

    Best Battery for Viper??

    5 yrs on my red Optima no issues either
  10. K

    Battery tender

    Have used one of these for my car and bike for the last 7 years without any problems
  11. K

    Removing the battery

    1-Open hood 2-Hook up Battery tender 3-Plug in Battery tender 4-Have a beer 5-Have another beer thats 5 steps I'm done
  12. K

    Hood pad fasteners --Dealer item only???

    I picked some up at Pep Boys 3/$1.69. They were listed for early 70's chrysler hood pad clips (exact same clip as my 99' Viper
  13. K

    Size and Metallurgy for 96 Wheels

    I have seen the spokes break, not the welds
  14. K

    You got through to Chrysler!!

    Congrats Chuck You Da Man
  15. K

    Need some help with a lift

    If your building a new house, put a garage door in the basement and remove the dirt for a driveway into it.
  16. K

    New Viper mag thrown in trash today by me.

    what was on pages 36, 37 and 38?:lmao:
  17. K

    How rare is a 1996 B\W (just for fun)

    I'm the neighbor and i quit smoking but what the %ell is a corvette.:lmao:
  18. K

    Looking for an 02 FE

    I'm looking for a Ford GT, any year - any mileage - and would someone please find me the 150k (that's the bottom of the barrel price) too, I swear I'll pay ya back ! :2tu: Do you need some of it or all of it?:dunno:
  19. K

    Question for GTS owners

    RT/10 is to hot in the sun, you can't lock it up when you stop somewhwere and with the top on, it looks like a guy wearing a rug. to each their own:drive:
  20. K

    why have I been demoted???

    Y2K5SRT, I guess just owning a Viper anymore doesn't really give you much on this board. By the way the Viper registry build info list's the last retail vin# for a 99GTS is XV503946, I must have purchased a stolen one, my vin# for my 99GTS is XV503979. just my .02
  21. K

    My car made me look like an ass yesterday

    In your little glove box ( between the seats) on the top side is a key hole. Insert key and turn off alarm. Wasn't that easy:lmao:
  22. K

    "GROUP BUY" On R&J Distributing VIPER EMBLEMS Who wants in?

    Re: \"GROUP BUY\" On R&J Distributing VIPER EMBLEMS Who wants in? Put me down for Chrome GTS REAR set only.
  23. K

    Wife says sell Viper!

    Hey Bolt, I copied this post to show your wife! I know where I can get a Paxton real cheap now :D Let me know when it comes in, oh never mind I'll ask her
  24. K

    Viper Ink

    Here's mine with my grandson a year or so back.