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  1. K

    “All-Chrysler Nationals” in Carlisle PA

    Well no wonder you don't fit in. You list 04 Mamba #171 but your avatar shows a Final Edition, What's up with that sugar daddy, by the way I'm registered also for Carlisle. But I registered for the wrong one. I'm taking my Viper to the corvette show this year. :p
  2. K

    Just got pulled over

    Hey Arlydude are you going up to Tator's BBQ? I know where Tamagua is and we're going to be driving right by you on the way up to Chuck's. By the way, your up in the area where that Lambo set the land record in Pa.(clocked and caught at 185mph). I think you should make the Viper crowd happy and...
  3. K

    How to remove hood pad clips (97 GTS)

    PEP BOYS has them also packaged in a set of 3 for about $2-$3 same clip.
  4. K

    New Viper Owner

    Dave, I was wondering if your showing us your manicured hand in the 3rd pic or the glossy wheel. Have to admit that Zaino stuff shines. See Ya in a couple weeks :cool:
  5. K

    New Viper Owner

    Congrats Jerry, Hope you enjoy it. I installed the B&B exhaust on it as well as the filters and smooth tubes. Come to think of it, I changed the oil on it once also. Nice car have fun. Someone mentioned Carlisle, where are you from? :D
  6. K

    Help, my car is not a lemon !!

    I guess now your not going to hang with your old GenI-II wanna-be buddies ;)
  7. K


    Its time to revive this post PAVIPER started since we're only 6 weeks from launch time. I'm in and lets meet at the same rest stop on I-81 north(after Manada Gap exit and before Grantville exit) at 7:00 like we did last year. Lauri, are we going to meet you at Ravine exit? 2BAD4U what exit? and...
  8. K

    First Post, Viper Owner, Lurkin for too long....

    Its about time you stopped hanging with your vette buddies and finally join us. Are you sure that B/W still runs with all that dust on it, we can fix that on the way up to Tator's with a couple of blow bys. Make sure you meet us on time for Tator's or you'll never catch up to us, long ride by...
  9. K

    Out with the OLD in with the NEW, Interior Color Change (PICS)

    I'm converting my rear exhaust to side exhaust so when I'm parked beside you at Carlisle I can blow some dust all over your clean interior. What a difference. I was getting a little a assamed running around with you and that tan interior. By the way 5 point harness's are a good idea for you, do...
  10. K

    These ebay items get weirder and weirder...

    I'm impressed so I'm bidding
  11. K

    My Friend's Garage..all MOPAR! Well over $500K in cars. Not dial up!

    Re: My Friend\'s Garage..all MOPAR! Well over $500K in cars. Not dial up! I want to be adopted :D
  12. K

    Road and Puke best 9 Sports Car-March 2005

    I liked the cheese head that picked the S2000 cause the other cars were out of his price range. Now that's the kinda people I would want to test a car. NOT :confused:
  13. K

    All Chrysler Nationals---Carlisle PA July 8th -10th

    Lauri and Ed, I'm not even parking around you guys this year, too many people looking at your cars so I'm parking with the Dodge Mirada's this year. ;)
  14. K

    Anybody have A Black Carpet Set for an RT-10 For sale?

    I think you should visit a local carpet store and put a nice shag carpet in. Then you won't see the fries in it when you drop them. :headbang:
  15. K


    that interior looks gay
  16. K

    Which paint did you use for the garage floor ?

    If its new concrete you should wait 9-12months for it to cure. If not the moisture in the crete will blister the epoxy.
  17. K

    >> Thieves trying to steal my Viper out of my garage last night! <<

    I don't have the rope on my opener and I turn the bar to lock the door. If the opener is pushed the door is still locked, and for a little more insurance I drilled a hole in the track right above one of the lower rollers and turn in a 1/4 lag bolt. The only down fall to this is if you need to...
  18. K

    Couple Cool Fall & Viper Pics

    Yes the cop in the white shirt was part of the outing, the one in uniform was not. I guess I'll put the money saved toward our Christmas party for the gang. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
  19. K

    Drag Racing for PA Vipers OCT-30th (Saturday) Beaver Springs

    Ed, I might be able to come if I get my house cleaning done and my wife lets me. ;)
  20. K

    Tire pressure on 17" rims

    Re: Tire pressure on 17\" rims Ed, I think somebody switched your sticker on the door you weasel sniffer :headbang:
  21. K

    Got my custom hoodpad from VenomBlue550 - IT'S KILLER!

    Re: Got my custom hoodpad from VenomBlue550 - IT\'S KILLER! PEP-BOYS sells the exact same clip 3 or 4 in a pack for $2-$3.
  22. K

    Great day for PA Vipers

    Its a good thing you can't see what's in front of the Troppers car. :o
  23. K

    PA dyno day Sheets and Pics

    since he and his wife both have Vipers, I was just glad he had pants on. :eek:

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