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  1. T

    Please help. Photos of rear dwing on GTS

    I really like the spoiler, but what do you mean, "No drilling with this one?" I don't remember there being any bolts/screws at those mounting locations. How exactly does it mount and what body panels to I need to drill into to mount that sucker? Looks awesome though! And I'm assuming you...
  2. T

    Stripes.. Aldans... and a different approach to exhaust...

    Good on you for trying something new! It looks great. Kinda mean with the 'straight out' look. If I hadn't just put on RandomTech exhaust, I would be following suit - she looks awesome. And for the 32nd time, we need sound clips!
  3. T

    What will Gen II market do in future

    I've heard the general rule that collector cars depreciate for 10 years and then level off. They will then begin to appreciate (depending on condition of course). I think you can see Gen 1's have leveled off and go for around 28k to 36k. Way too many variables to accurately predict. Buy...
  4. T

    GEN2 Ashtray Wanted

    I have the lid with pins you can have for FREE. PM me your address and she's in the mail bro! I believe all Gen 2 (and Gen 1 for that matter) had the same ashtray. I bought a spare for my '98 so I could make a switch box for my nitrous. The lid with pins (hinges) is just lying around.
  5. T

    Adding Stripes

    Definitely stripes. My ADVICE is to try vinyl for a few years to make sure it's the right move for YOU. My OPINION is that silver and white are the best colors for your car. I'd go silver!
  6. T

    My car made me look like an ass yesterday

    If you have a '98, as your name indicates, you DO have the key hole. Stick your noggin' up to the glove box and look up - you oughta' see it.
  7. T

    Tator's Experience

    Just today I called Chuck in need of a coolant temp sensor. He says, "It's in the mail. Just send a check when you get the package." What a great guy indeed! I wish I were a little closer so HE could do the wrenching on my car. Kudos Chuck!
  8. T

    Sneaky Pete sew-on patches

    JonB at the Partsrack sells some cool patches.
  9. T

    Those with vinyl stripes... come in

    Just for info, the vinyl I used was Avery. If you ordered from the website I listed, that's what you'd get. Nice finish and looks glossy even without a clear-coat. Just imagine the purple as shown above, but with a fine metallic in the sunshine! That's what I'm talkin' about... :2tu:
  10. T

    Those with vinyl stripes... come in

    PLUM - go to Look at their chart for color # 876 (Bright Purple Metallic). I'm looking at a sample chart from when I ordered my vinyl and that purple looks good! I bought a 50' roll 8" wide from my local source and it was MORE than enough for the GTS......even after messing up a...
  11. T

    Those with vinyl stripes... come in

    Plum, let's just pick out a purple and try it! I really liked the thread a month or so ago where someone showed the new '08 purple color with silver stripes. That will look SO good! I think a deep metallic purple would look awesome on silver..........please don't go with Lavender....
  12. T

    Those with vinyl stripes... come in

    The silver/graphite above is mine. I too chose to apply it myself for $125 instead of paying $500 for a professional to do it. With patience you can do a REALLY good job yourself. I took mine back to the vinyl supplier/installer after I did it myself and he said he couldn't have done it...
  13. T

    Parts available in Oregon...

    Hey guys! I just noticed you had your own section in the VCA site. Kinda cool. As most of you probably are well aware, Oregon has its own website at Anyhow, just wanted to let some of you PNW folks I have a couple of large items for sale. Items I'd HATE to have to ship...
  14. T

    New exhaust

    I too put the Roe system on my '95. They had a couple of labels on them that took a few minutes to bake off. But no oil smell to speak of. I also used the Roe hi-flow cats which were essentially a straight pipe with mesh screen. From time to time I would notice the 'rotten egg' smell that...
  15. T

    Adjustable seat lowering. Drivers side only? Does it look goofy...

    I pondered the same thing and ended up calling JonB for answers. He said there's no way you could tell the difference of a 1" drop in one of the seats and not the other. He also strongly suggested the 1" drop to retain the ability to move seat ahead/back. He was exactly right! I installed...
  16. T

    Best Spark Plugs for EDD?

    I bought Bosch Platinums and was told that the Champion plugs at Partsrack are the way to go. Something about the Platinum plugs having a short life. I heard that all the Comp Coupe guys are running Champions.
  17. T

    Vinyl Stripes

    I say do it yourself! I just finished mine and it cost me $130 for vinyl. I ordered fifty feet in case I messed up a time or two (which I did, until I got the hang of it). I'm in Oregon, or I'd come over and help. Good luck, Ted
  18. T

    Found my car!!! Can someone check out a car for me in Oregon?

    Dang, I was just in Grants Pass 2 hours ago. I live about 1 hour from Grants Pass and I know FOR A FACT that I'll be down there on Monday. If one of my Viper brethren needs me to look at it sooner, that may be able to be arranged also. PM sent with my cell #, Ted
  19. T

    Messing around in photoshop

    Sweet! I love it. I don't care if it is slow - I still love the Prowler.
  20. T

    Vinyl stripes finally done! Check it out...

    Well I thought about the license plate area.....and the NACA duct for that matter. I could go either way, but I think not applying vinyl to the NACA duct kind of accentuates it. It really draws your eyes to it. I heard too many horror stories about trying to do the license plate area. I...
  21. T

    Vinyl stripes finally done! Check it out...

    I'm in Roseburg. About 2 hrs south of Portland and 1 1/2 hours west of Crater Lake. But good call, that's crater lake in my avatar. Don't be too afraid to do your own stripes. I felt comfort knowing I only NEEDED 38 feet or so of vinyl but I BOUGHT 50 feet. It took a try or two to get the...
  22. T

    Vinyl stripes finally done! Check it out...

    Finally finished installing the autoform rollbar and switching from blue vinyl to metallic graphite stripes. It was somewhat of a pain to install, but not too bad. I ordered a custom 8" roll of vinyl in a 50' length. It was more than enough for the GTS........even after a goof or two...
  23. T

    Clear Bra question

    Maybe you could do a write-up and include a few pics in the Illustrated Upgrades tab. I'd like to see what all is involved. I'm in the process of putting vinyl stripes on a GTS and man........what a pain.
  24. T

    Need help installing Autoform Rollbar.........please

    I do still have the fiberglass bulkhead. PM me if you're interested - I could possibly deliver it to Portland to avoid shipping costs. There are only 4 rivnuts and 12 Grade 8 bolts keeping it in. It is going NOWHERE!! The guy I bought it from said it would fit my GTS - and yes, it came out...
  25. T

    Need help installing Autoform Rollbar.........please

    Okay, a few rivnuts later and after lots of fiberglass cutting it's IN!!! The rollbar is very secure with all the mounting points they use. Now comes the cutting of the stock bulkhead. Since I've already cut slots in it for my TeamTech harnesses, I may as well cut the holes for the rollbar...

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